Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was a walk outside & abs. It was humid but not too bad. I saw some younger kids in my neighborhood playing and they were all wearing masks. I guess this will be the new normal but if it keeps them safe.

Belinda - I like Metabolic Blast. A few months ago I signed up for Cathe Live. It took DH's friend a few weeks to work but now he feels so much better.

Good morning,

This week I will do Strong & Sweaty Series. Today did Ramped Up Upper Body. I am a sweaty mess.

Debbie - I like the Lite series a lot. One of those day's I will sign up for CL. I am glad your DH's friend feels better. I eliminated a lot of foods since I got out of the hospital.

I will be back tomorrow.

Today was a walk outside, very humid. I also did Butts & Guts. It was my DH's birthday, we will have his cake during the week. My older ds needed to go to emergency after work for stitches from a work injury. Last week he upset a beehive and was stung all over his body:(. The other day I upset a beehive in one of my plants but luckily only was stung once. We have bees all around our house and sprays aren't killing them.

Belinda - I like the Lite series and the Strong & Sweaty series too. It seems like a good rotation:) Are you getting your energy back?

Kristin - I saw that some NYC schools have children bringing in hand sanitizers and cleaning products.

Hi Debbie,

Shock Cardio: MMA Boxing is done. I will go for a walk before it starts raining.

Debbie - Oh no about your son. How is he doing today? I am getting ready to pull our plants around the house with all those bees. I am allergic to bee stings. Not a good at all. I hope your bee sting isn't bordering you too much. Sorry about that. Good job on your walk on B&G.

Kirstin - how are you doing, girl?

Have a great day everyone.

Today was a walk outside. It was raining but I was able to get a walk in before.

Belinda - Nice boxing workout:) My son says it is painful but he is ok. My younger son is allergic to bees so having them on our deck makes me nervous. As a child he was always coming across bee's nests and getting stung. It wasn't until he was older that he became allergic, which like you said is not good.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Strong & Sweaty Bootcamp is done. I will go for a walk shortly.

Debbie - good for you for getting. your walk in yesterday. That's not good you and your son's are allergic to bee stings. Be careful!

Kirstin - where are you?

Have a great day and workout everyone.

Today was a walk outside and Cathe Live Total Body Blast. I went to dinner with my SILs, we ate outside it was a nice night. We were celebrating all of our birthdays for 2020:)

Belinda - Nice workouts! Our leaves are starting to fall so it is nice scenery. Is it still warm by you?

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Strong & Sweaty Giant sets plus 2 mile walk is done.

Debbie - nicely done with the CL TB Blast. Hope you guys had fun celebrating all your birthday's. Great idea. Yes, it's still warm here. It's beautiful outside.

Kirstin - hope all is well. Miss your posts.

Can't believe it's already October!

Today was a walk outside & PiYo Define lower body. We went to go see my Mom today.

Belinda - I like the mix of workouts you are doing maybe I will do the September rotation the end of October.

Kristin - I hope all is well with you, too.

Good morning,

Strong & Sweaty Cardio Slam is done.

Debbie - great job on your walk and PiYo Define LB. Does your mom live far from you? Hope you both had a wonderful day yesterday. I like the September rotation. Takes the guess out of things.

Have a wonderful day and workout.

Today was a walk outside. We are going to dinner for DH's birthday tonight. It was a cool day but nice!

Belinda - S&S Cardio Slam is a hard one! I didn't realize that you go to the hospital that the White House goes to. I was telling DH and he said they have the best Dr.'s. I told him you go there:) My Mom lives about an hour away not too bad.

Kristin - I hope things are getting better for you.

Have a great weekend:)
Good morning,

Strong & Sweaty PHA is done. It was scheduled for tomorrow, I decided to do it today and take a day off tomorrow. Monday Cathe has RWH BBS scheduled. I rather have a day in-between lifting.Next week I will do RWH. Loving the September rotation.

Debbie - Walter Reeds is the same hospital where all the presidents go. I agree, they do have the best doctors at Walter Reeds. My husband retired from the military after 31 + years. Your mom lives pretty close to you. That's great! Happy birthday to your husband.

Kirstin - where are you?

I am getting ready to drive to DC. Have a wonderful weekend everyone. BBL!

Today was a walk outside and Cathe Live Upper Body Challenge. Tomorrow I will pack for Florida, we leave on Tuesday.

Belinda - Have fun in DC! Good planning with your workouts:) Wow, your DH was in the military a long time, thankful for his service to our country.

Kristin - Stop by when you can.


Today was a walk outside. We are supposed to start our drive to Florida but my MIL isn't feeling well. We will wait and see if it's a cold or something else before we leave on Tuesday.

Belinda - Hope you are enjoying your time in DC:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

sorry for not checking in. I am back from DC. Had a great time. Yesterday we walked outside.

Today I will do RWH BBS.

Debbie - I am starting to come down with something too.Hope your MIL feels better so you guys can drive to FL. Great job on your workouts this weekend.

Hi Kirstin!

I will be back when I am done with my workout. BBL
Guys, I am so sorry I have fallen off the face of the earth. This hybrid learning model is just an immense amount of work. I literally spend all day and night working, planning, responding to student messages and questions and then the grading. . . every online assignment must be graded or given feedback. It is insane. As crazy as it is, I am happy to be in the classroom. It is just crazy. Three teachers in my building are taking a leave. One teacher in my dept has called in sick at least 5 days so far. She has severe anxiety and I think this stress with hybrid teaching and the idea of possibly being exposed to Covid has her unhinged. It is crazy. I am thankful I have the strength to do this and not breakdown. I have been keeping up with my runs and workouts. My day goes like this. . . go to school. . . work even through lunch. . . come home and run or workout. Help my kids with homework, dinner, and then back on the computer to continue to work until 8 or 9. 9 is my cutoff time. After 9, it is waiting until the morning. I do need to get on here more. I am sorry. It is just so crazy that when I finish my work. . . I get off the damn computer.

I will come back on to catch up with personals later. . . before the end of the week, I promise.


Today was a walk outside & packing and preparing to go to Florida. It does seem like my MIL has a cold, we will go to FL but may have to turn back if it isn’t. Luckily we installed cameras in some of the rooms so we can see for ourselves. Her caretaker is very good and keeps us informed.

Belinda - It sounds like you had a good time in DC. I’m loving the Fall weather not too cold. I hope you aren’t coming down with something.

Kristin - I’m sorry so much is on your plate:(. I’m happy you stopped by and getting in your workouts. I was wondering if you are still doing the virtual race. It is unfortunate that we don’t realize how much more work the essential workers are putting in. I guess the parents understand. I hope someday you are recognized for all that you do. Well stop by when you can & hoping it eases up for you real soon.

Good morning,

I did my workout early this morning, just getting around to post it. I went for a walk and did RWH Low Impact HiiT #2.

Debbie - I hope it's nothing serious with your MIL and you don't have to turn around. Very smart installing cameras. I think I am coming down with a sinus infection.

Kirstin - glad you check in. Got a little worried :( So sorry you have so much going on with work. It does sound like you having a lot on your plate Glad you still keeping up with your workouts.

That's it for me today. Have a wonderful day and workout everyone.
Hey guys. Twice in one week. . . I am here. I ran 5 miles today. The running really does help alleviate the stress. So much to stress about these days. . . work, covid, election, economy. . . all crazy.

Anyway. . . did I tell you we got Disney Plus? I really have been enjoying it. They are streaming Hamilton, the Broadway play. I watched it Sunday and it was amazing. I would've loved to have seen it on Broadway. I feel terrible for all those actors and performers. What are they doing while Broadway is shut down?

Deb- I hope your MIL is okay too. What part of Florida do they live in? I heard some areas aren't as bad with Covid down there as others. I am still running the virtual marathon. I am actually not looking forward to it all that much. . . I have to do it to get into the NYC marathon, so I have to suck it up. Virtual marathons are not fun at all, I am assuming. . . no crowds, no music, no food stand at the end. I just have to do it though. I was thinking I might walk every now and then. The only thing that matters is I finish it.

Belinda- You've been killing it with your workouts! I am sorry if I worried you. It is a lot of being at a computer and when I am done. . . I just can't go on anything else online. I cannot wait for the day when we all can return to normal.


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