Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was a walk on the beach & bi’s & tri’s with free weights. It’s been crowded here on weekends, hopefully it will lighten up on Monday.

Belinda - Sorry about your heat, the small heaters seem to work well. Hopefully it helps. We needed annual maintenance on our A/C at home, we are still waiting:rolleyes:They said they are so busy.

Kristin - Hoping your weekends are relaxing.

Hey guys. Sorry I have not been checking in. It is still so crazy with work and I really spend so much time on my computer AFTER teaching all day, that I just am too tired to do much of anything else online. My husband is happy because I haven't ordered anything in a few weeks, lol. My training kind of fell of the rails. Between weather, busy with work and kids, I never got in my last long run and then the virtual marathon started this weekend. I figured I should just go for it and see what happens. I ran by myself on a 1.2 mile loop so that I could get my hydration and gels when I wanted and not have to carry them. I ended up stopping at mile 7 for my first pit stop, then at mile 13. I continued to mile 18. At that point DH and DS was there walking the trail with my hydration and gels ready to go. I got to mile 20 and everything, EVERYTHING hurt. This was the wall and I knew it would come, especially with the last two weeks of training being all messed up, but I pushed through, walked here and there when I needed to back off, and finished in 4:41:49. Not bad, I will take it. I cannot wait for the medal to come in the mail. I am going to order a finisher shirt too.

I will try to get on here to check in more often. I miss you guys. I miss normalcy. I cannot wait for the day when we are done with hybrid and virtual learning and we can all be in the classroom in person again.

Belinda- I am so sorry to hear about your situation with your heater. It sucks that it happened now when the weather got cooler out. In NY, the temps are going to rise again to the 70s Tuesday and Wednesday, I hope it does so for you as well.

Deb- are you in Florida? If so, I can understand why you would want that AC fixed right away. It is still hot and humid down there!


Hi everyone,

I finished Hard Strike a while ago. It was my last workout for the September rotation. Since the new workouts are shipping soon I will do whatever I want to do for that day. Not sure what I will do tomorrow? We shall see!

Debbie - the heater man is suppose to come on Tuesday, I hope he got the right part. Fingers crossed! We bought a small heater for the living room from Costco today. I think the waiting times has something to do with Covid. Everything seems to take longer these day's. I am glad when we go back to normal. Hope your AC gets fixed soon. Sorry about the wait.

Kirstin - sorry work is crazy and you have to spent all day on your computer. Do you think schools will open up soon? Your run is impressive. Congratulations! The heater man is coming Tuesday. Hopefully he got the right part for the heater. The weather is suppose to get warmer here too. We need it.

Good night ladies.

Today was a walk on the beach and walking lunges. Our A/C is fixed :), apparently the wires were loose from the1st technician. At least it was no charge.

Belinda - Nice job finishing the September rotation! My label printed for the new DVDs so hopefully they will be there when I get home Friday. Good luck with your heat & ortho appointment.

Kristin - Awesome finishing the virtual marathon!! Nice time too:). When things are back to normal, work will feel like a piece of cake for you. I heard about blue light glasses which are supposed to help when you are on the computer for long times.

Good morning,

MMA kickboxing is done.

Debbie - did you get the dvd/downloads? I can't wait for the new workouts. I am also excited for the visual RT. Alesia and I will try to sign up. My Ortho went well yesterday. I got new retainers. She thinks I will be done in 6 month. I believe it when I see it, lol. I am so glad when I am done with invisalign. Yeah, on the AC and not getting charged.

Waving Hi to Kirstin!

Have a great day and workout everyone.

Today was a walk on the beach.

Belinda - Nice workout! Hopefully you will be done with Invisalign by 6 months. I did buy the dvds/downloads. I am hoping I can do the virtual RT 1st set of dates. It would be great if we both do it.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Trisets Upper Body is done.

Debbie - For the cost of the RT, I can get an entire year of CL :) I hope to get the first date of the RT too. Great job yesterday.


Today was a walk on the beach & abs. I’ve been eating so bad, can’t wait to get back home & eat better.

Belinda - I never thought about that LOL. I’m going to start the new workouts when I get home.

Waves hi to Kristin

I did Perfect 30 Low Impact Hiit and Lower body. Liked both workouts a lot. Like Diane said yesterday, Cathe's Low impact isn't really low impact. It was hard to make it low impact. She did do suicide runs, lol. Running isn't low impact. I went slower. Overall I liked the moves and the workout was fun. The music was a mix from her other dvd's/maybe Live? I heard some of the music before. Not bad. The lower body is 12 - 10 reps. Cathe goes heavy on the lower body, slow and controlled. I think she used 40# DB. I went a lot lighter than she did. My back and knees are bordering me. Good 30 min workouts.

Debbie - have fun with the new workouts. Great job yesterday.

Waving Hi to Kirstin!

Have a great evening.
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Today was a walk on the beach. I packed & cleaned and we leave in the morning.

Belinda - Thanks for the reviews of the new workouts. I hope mine will be there tomorrow:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Today I did Perfect 30 UB. DH and I like the Upper Body workout, nice pace too.

Debbie - I think you like the new workouts. So far, I like all the ones I have done. DH likes them too.My dads will come Saturday.

Hi Kirstin!

Have a great Friday everyone.

I booked our flight home from Florida about 10 days ago and at the time it was empty. I'm not sure what happened but it was full. The price was really good & very few flights so maybe that is why. I did feel safe with masks & hand sanitizers. There were very few food places opened so that was crowded but the seating was spaced out nicely.

My dvds came today, so I did the bonus workouts (upper, lower, abs & stretch) on Perfect Pump it was under 30 min.

Belinda - I liked the premixes on the Perfect Pump it seems like a big selection.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

SBF Core plus walk is done.

Debbie - glad you are home safe. Do you wear a cotton or surgical mask on the flight? I do like the new workouts. Wished Cathe would bring back Cedie. Jen nodding her head constantly is annoying.

Have a great weekend everyone.
Hey guys. I took the whole week off from working out to get a full recovery from the virtual marathon. My body definitely needed the rest. Today was my first run in a week. I did 4 miles with a 9 min per mile pace. I felt good and my legs were ready to go. The weather got cooler here, finally. I love running in the fall. Not too cold, not humid, perfect conditions, lol. Work is still crazy as ever. Just trying to keep afloat and a do a good job for my students. I cannot believe the first quarter is almost over! Time seems to move at a rapid pace with all the new work expectations and load I have. I guess that's a good thing?

Today, DH and I are taking a drive out east. We will stop at some farms, maybe get a drink somewhere. I definitely need to just relax. So many things have me on edge these days, not just work. . . covid. . . the election. . . the craziness. . . I just need to chill. I have been thinking for a few weeks now of dismantling my social media for a bit. I watched The Social Dilemma on Netflix and it really had me thinking. I have tried a few times to not go on Facebook for an entire day. . . I can't do it! Isn't that crazy? Meanwhile Facebook has become so toxic with everyone posting crazy political shit and fighting, it makes me even more on edge than before I go on it. I figure if I delete the app from my phone and maybe give myself some kind of reward in the end, I can beat it. I mean, I must be addicted, right?

Deb- I am glad you had a good time in Florida and that even though your flight was booked, you felt safe because everyone followed the protocols. We have had a few cases of Covid in my building, but it hasn't spread and I believe it is because we are wearing masks and social distancing. . . it works.

Belinda- glad you are enjoying the videos! I didn't even know Cathe was doing a virtual RT this year. That sounds like fun!




Today was a walk outside & Perfect 30 Upper Body. Yesterday my friends I grew up with came for the day and we had a fun time! I didn't get a workout in and ate poorly but I have healthy food for the week. It's been cooler but it is nice seeing the fall colors when I walk:)

Belinda - I wear a cotton mask & DH wears a surgical mask. It isn't see-thru so I hope it is good. I hope you had a nice day.

Kristin - You earned a rest week! I can see how social media can be additive & stressful. I think it becomes a habit but I think you can detach. I don't go on very often but I know people who take breaks do find it helps. You could always start with a day or two and see how you feel.

Good morning,

Sorry I didn't check in yesterday. I ended up in the ER last night. I noticed swelling in my ear. I wasn't happy going to the ER at Walter Reed. The ER doctor remembered me from the last time, lol. She talked to my Rheumatologist he put me on another round of cortisone to bring the swelling down. I am waiting to get an appointment with my Rheumatologist to change my meds. What ever meds I am on isn't working. I can't catch a break.

I did SBF stretch 4. It's it's a nice 20 min stretch that opens up your hip/hamstring.

Once I get the call from my doctor I will get a workout in.

Debbie - I am wearing a surgical mask when I am in crowds (shopping, hospitals, doctors) If I am outdoors were a mask is required I wear my cotton mask. I always carry a surgical mask in case.

Kirstin - I stay off Fb for the same reason you mention. I don't need the extra stress either. I agree with Debbie. Take a break. I only check workout related post, than I am off. Which only takes me a few seconds.

Two days in a row. .. this is a record for me lately. Today I did a CF METCON style workout that I found on pinterest. It consisted of 4 7 minute rounds of AMRAPS (as many rounds as possible). The first round was 7 v-ups/7 push-ups (I think I did 9 rounds). Then the second round was 7 step ups, 7 ground to overhead with a 20# plate. (I used 12# and they got heavy fast with the amount of rounds I did, I lost count). Third round was 7 high pulls and 7 thrusters (I used 12# and they got heavy fast with the amount of rounds I did, I lowered down to 10# and I lost count of how many rounds). Last round I changed it up because it was push presses and burpees, but my shoulders were already spent, so I did 24 bicep curls, 14 overhead extensions for triceps and 7 burpees. I was exhausted by the end of the workout. It felt really good.

Belinda- I am sorry to hear about your ear swelling. I bet that hurt! My ears are very sensitive and I hate it when I have an earache or an ear infection. I agree, I am on a few running groups on social media that I like to follow and see what people are doing. I've actually unfollowed a lot of people that post nasty political BS. I cannot wait for the election to be over at this point.

Deb- I need to eat better too. I have been eating lots of candy and take out these days. I need to get my act together.

P.S. I haven't deleted the Facebook app from my phone. . . I definitely need to do it just to take a break. . . it shouldn't be this hard, lol.



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