Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga class.

Belinda - I'm so excited for you, the Cathe visual RT should be lots of fun! I look forward to hearing all about it. I'm still thinking about asking the Dr.'s office what my restrictions are.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

CL# 319 Low Impact Cardio Plus Core = 49 min plus SBF D32 Old School Arms = 20 min is done. I needed to get my workout in early today. I have a doctors appointment this afternoon.

Debbie - that's a good idea to ask your doctor what your restrains are. You do want to follow your doctor order. Aleisa and I are very excited to do the RT together.

I will be back later this afternoon to catch up on more personals.

Today was a walk outside, we are having great weather! I also did Muscle Max UB premix.

Belinda - Nice workout!! How are the new meds working? Good luck with your Dr.'s appointments today.

Waves hi to Kristin


Today I did CL # 314 PHA Supersets.

Debbie - how are you doing? When are you getting the surgery? Yesterday I saw my regular doctor. I also got my MRI results back. I wanted this opinion on the MRI. Well, the cartilage in my knees are gone. He wants me to try different shots in my knees to see if that helps. Eventually I need knee replacement in both my knees. That explains the pain and swelling behind my knee caps. If it's not one thing it's another. I still need to see my husband surgeon to get his option. He ordered the MRI on my knees. I also got the flu shot yesterday. So far so good. I am taking 2 different medicine for RP (still taking the old one plus each week I take a mega dose of the new medicine. I talked to my doctor about RP. He said my Rheumatologist sent him a detailed report. Apparently I had Relapsing polychondritis (RP) in the past not sinus/ear infections. He went through all my military medical record history. RP is so rare, the ENT's (Germans and Americans) they thought it was an ear/sinus infection. That explains some serious swelling/pain in my ears for years. No wonder the antibiotics all those years never worked. I am very positive I am in the right hands. My Rheumatologist is amazing.

Waving Hi to Kirstin!

I will try to be back later.

Today was a walk outside, it was beautiful:) We are going to dinner tonight for our Anniversary last week.

Belinda - I like the workout you did today:). I hear so many people needing knee replacements, but the surgery and recovery have really improved. It is great that you found a Dr. that understands RP. I remember all the ear infections you would get even when you lived in Germany. At least they were able to figure it out:) I go on Monday for them to put a marker on the lump (sort of like a GPS). Surgery is the following week (Tuesday). I'm nervous for the marker because you are awake and they use a needle to put it in:(

Kristin - Any plans for the weekend?

Have a great weekend:)

I went for a walk today. Not feeling great.

Debbie - knee replacements defiantly have changed. I am glad I found a doctor that knew what RP was. Yes, I remember all those ear infection I had in the past. I have a full blown sinus/ear infection now. Not sure if the flu shot triggered it. My head feels like it's exploding. Haven't had one of those monster migraine in awhile. Meds are not helping :( I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for next week. You will get through his.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside, it was in the 70's:) I didn't feel up to any weight work today.

Belinda - I'm sorry you are not feeling well today. It's good you were able to get your walk in. I hope your migraine goes away soon:( Last week the meds didn't work for my migraine. That you for your thoughts and prayers for next week.

Waves hi to Kristin

Hi everyone,

Today I did SBF abs 2 plus walk for an hour.

Debbie - thank you! I relapsed again on Saturday due to stress with my son. I have a full blown migraine which doesn't help. I will sent you positive vibes next week. I have a lot of appointment scheduled for next fee week.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & Afterburn dvd. I walked around the Farmer's Market & it was nice out it was the most people I saw all of this season. The numbers in NJ are going up, I'm hoping we don't shut down again:(

Belinda - Nice long walk! I will let you know how my appointments go, & good luck with your appointments next week too.

Waves hi to Kristin

Hi everyone,

I did Metabolic Circuit # 321 plus SBF barre workout.

I just got off the phone with my husbands surgeon. I have bruises on my femurs along with all the other stuff I already mention. I am falling apart!! I will see the surgeon on Thursday. From what he told me on the phone, it will take a long time for it to heal. My knees been hurting since January. When does it stop?

Debbie - please keep me updated. Hope your appointments goes well too.

Kirstin - how are you doing?

I will try to be back later.
Hey guys. What a week. Monday of last week was my last workout until Sunday. I was a bit paralyzed, I think, from the election. I stayed up until 4 in the morning on election night. I called in sick and watched the news the entire next day. Went to work exhausted Thursday and Friday. Felt relief on Saturday, but I gave myself an extra rest day and ran on Sunday. Sunday I ran 4 miles. I took it easy as my shin had been bothering me for the week before. It seems better now. Today I did a total body workout in 30 minutes.

Work is crazy. We are getting messages from our union president to be prepared to go remote soon. I don't want to teach remote.I like seeing the kids face-to-face, especially this year. I really love my students this year. She says she is hearing that as our numbers climb up in the state, a second school closing may occur before the holiday break. I don't know. I hope not. I feel like I am finally in a groove.

Belinda- I am so sorry to hear this! I know you must be frustrated with your body right now. The important thing is you do what you need to do to heal. You will be back at it before you know it! You are one strong woman.

Deb- I think the second wave is coming to our tristate area :(. I am doing everything I can to stay healthy. Vitamins, sleep (when I can) and hand washing and mask wearing.I cannot wait for Covid to be gone.


Good morning,

I walked 2.6 miles today and did SBF Intermediate Mat = 20 min.

Debbie - I hope you ok.

Kirstin - thank you for your kind words. I am a very positive person. I know I will be fine. I just have limitations at the moment. Sorry work has been crazy. I second everything you said about covid. Great job on your TB workout.

Today is my DH's birthday. I will be back tomorrow.
Hey guys. Got in another run today, 4 miles. I hate that it gets dark so early now. It is hard to get a run in right after work and I know I have to if I want to run in daylight. Yesterday I did a CF style workout for abs, arms and legs.

I am off tomorrow for Veteran's Day. I plan on taking advantage by planning my lessons for the next two weeks.

Belinda- Happy birthday and happy Veteran's Day to your husband!

Deb- I just read through the posts. I am so sorry you are going through this right now. If it makes you feel any better, I have had two friends who had to go through the same procedure and both times it showed that everything was fine, benign. I am sure it will be the same for you. I will say a prayer for extra certainty. Hang in there!



Today was a walk outside. The procedure to put my marker in worked out ok, not even close to the biopsy and MRI. The site feels fine, tiny incision but they worry about infection. I cannot lift anything over 3lbs. for about 2-3 days so that rules out housework LOL.

Belinda - I love Metabolic workouts:) I wonder what the bruises are from? It's good you see the surgeon on Thursday.

Kristin - I see the 2nd wave coming but I actually don't know anyone who is sick. They are closing bars in NJ and restaurants are still at 25% closed by 10PM. I keep reading schools are slowly going remote but up to the school district. It is so sad to see this, just wish it would end:( I hope your school stays open. I just can't imagine the impact this will have on students down the road

I forgot to press send on the above post last night:oops:

Today was a walk outside. We went to my Mom's, I went back and forth as if to tell her, maybe I shouldn't. She didn't take it too well. I have now come to terms with it and feel very positive, just wish I were a man LOL :)

Belinda - Happy Birthday to your DH & wish him a Happy Veteran's Day! I talked to the nurse and it will be a 2 week recovery so I will love to hear how the Virtual RT is. I wondering if it is successful if they will do both in NJ & virtual for those out of state.

Kristin - I know I don't like it getting dark so early:( I hope someday they don't turn back the clock because dusk at 6pm would be better:) Thank you and it is nice to hear your friends have positive results.


Today I did CL Metabolic UB.

Debbie - was it about social distancing and your mom? It's hard as a mom not to see your kids. I had a hard time not seeing your kids because of the social distancing. Who knows how long we will have to live with it? Thanks about my DH's birthday and Veterans Day. I will let him know. Sorry your recovery will take 2 weeks. Of course, I will keep you updated. Who knows what they will do after this one, lol? There are still some tickets left. I know a lot of people think they would rather spent a year of CL instead of the visual RT.

Kirstin - thank you! I will tell my husband. Have fun with planning your lessons. Don't forget to take some time for yourself.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & walking lunges & side lunges. It was raining but warm so the walk wasn’t too bad.

Belinda - Nice workout! My Mom is a worrier, but too much. It is just not healthy to worry so much. Maybe raffle will be a free month or two for CL.

Waves hi to Kristin

Hi everyone,

Today I did SBF Feel good Arms and cardio. That's it! Had a lot of appointments and errands to run today.

My new refrigerator/freezer came yesterday. Although it come out of the box, I still cleaned /disinfected the thing, lol. I also went grocery shopping.

Debbie - great job on your walk outside. No walk for me today. It's raining all day long. Your Mom sounds like a worrier. I agree, worrying isn't good. What a cool idea about the raffle. Is that what she did last time?

I will catch up on more personals. I am pretty tired.
Hey guys. So My workout today was 4 exercises, 100 reps each: air squats, push-ups, sit ups and banded walks. I finished within 20 minutes, warm up and all, and it was a great workout. I feel a pump in my arms, butt, legs and abs already.

We got a message from my principal to be ready to go full remote at any time. I think the numbers are increasing in NY and if they continue to climb, and they surely will, we will be remote before Thanksgiving. . . definitely before Christmas. I truly love my students this year. I feel as if my mom pulled some strings with the man upstairs and gave me such a good group of kids, especially after last year's group (shudders). I don't want to go remote. I want to be with them in person. I guess we have to do whatever we have to do to be safe. The original remote learning plan in my district states that teachers report to the building, but now my principal is saying we will most likely be working from home. . . going live from my house with everyone home should be interesting.

Belinda- I love the look of new appliances. It is always exciting. Nice job on your workout.

Deb- I think all moms are worriers. I know I am. . . I love this lyric from Tom Petty "Most things I worry about. . . never happen anyway." That has been my mantra for the last few years, but it is hard to remember sometimes when I am in the throws of anxiety and worry. It is so true though. I know for myself, most things I worried about never happened, but kept me up at night for no reason!



Today was a walk outside. I also did lots of cleaning but not sure about Thanksgiving yet.

Belinda - Nice workout:) How was your Dr.'s appointment? I don't think Cathe has not done a raffle in awhile, but she hasn't had exercise products in a few years either. It must be nice to have food in your new refrigerator. My refrigerator has always been too small especially the last few years. I guess, I buy more produce. Our refrig is built around our cabinets so unless I redo my kitchen, I can't go larger:(

Kristin - Are banded walks like the one's Cathe does with the firewalker's? Hopefully if they go remote it will only be temporary. I was thinking after Thanksgiving the numbers will really go up:( I don't think Christmas as much, but Thanksgiving is mainly sitting at a table. Some people will still have lots of people at their tables:( Reporting to the building does sound like a good alternative for teachers, hopefully they change their minds.


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