Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey guys, crazy busy week, but I managed to get some runs and workouts in. A lot going on at work. I am so thankful to have a bit of a break this week, I only go in for three days. We are having my dad and sister's family over for Thanksgiving. Luckily, DH and the boys are off Wednesday, so they promised me that they will clean the house Wednesday.

Deb- I am sooooooo glad to hear you got good news from the results. That is awesome. So much to be thankful for this year with everything going on, we all have our health!

Belinda- I am so glad you got to enjoy the virtual road trip. Thank God for the technology we have today. It is getting us through this dark time and allowing us to stay connected.

I am sorry to be so quick, but I have to run errands.

BB hopefully tomorrow!


Today was a walk outside. I was bundled up:) It was the last week of the Farmer's Market in my town, and it's sad but a lot of vendors are dropping out because it is run poorly:( So not sure what's in store for next week. Thank you for the well wishes, I feel so grateful.

Belinda - The Virtual RT sounds awesome, all the classes I would have liked. I'm surprised she didn't do step, unless I missed that class :confused: LOL I would have wanted the goody bag like your DD and to see the virtual shopping. Maybe if she does it next year:) I bet you will be sore for days but in a good way;)

Kristin - I can't imagine how tough it is for you since we are in a 2nd wave:(. I'm happy you will have some time off this week. Hopefully after Christmas break it calms down (fingers crossed for you). Enjoy the time with your family too!

Good morning,

I did CL# 296 Touch Up Training: UB = 44 min. Had a great workout. Tomorrow I have an ENT appointment.

Debbie - I think you would liked all the RT classes too. They were different from her CL and fun. Cathe was on fire, she had so much energy, lol. Aleisa did the virtual RT with me in my workout room. She never got an actual zoom log in although she signed up, lol. Alesia didn't buy as much as I did, lol. It's been rainy and very windy here too. Our famers market closed the end of October. Lucky you. Glad you feeling better.

Kirstin - I agree about the technology. It sure helps keep people connected during this virus we are facing. We all should do a virtual RT together.

I will be back later.

Today was a walk outside. I still have another week before I can do weights:( I miss doing a weight workout.

Belinda - The CL workout you did was one I want to try & I like that it is 44 min too! I bet the virtual RT was a mood booster for everyone with all the high cases of Covid now. How is your state doing & Germany with Covid? Good luck with your Dr. appointment.

Kristin - Our Governor said he will not close schools but we will see. The cases in NJ are crazy.

Good morning,

My ENT doctor canceled my appointment for today, she is sick. I decided to do CL# 298 Touch Up Training: LB. Very good lower body workout. I am not allowed to use anything over 10 pounds for my lower body, still had a great LB workout even with 10's only.

Debbie - great job on that walk yesterday. It's getting very cold here. Before you know it you can lift weights again. Take this time as a recovery. I am from Nuremberg, they are on look down. They numbers are rising with covid. People are not happy. Lot of shopping centers, gyms and restaurants have to file for bankruptcy. The economy is going down the hill, they will never recover with all those shut downs. It's very sad what's going on around the world :(

Have a wonderful day.

Today was a walk outside. I also went food shopping for Thanksgiving. It makes me nervous so I have been going during slow hours. I need to pick up some items tomorrow that the store was out of but at least I will be able to get in and out and use the self checkout.

Belinda - Nice workout:) I'm sure the workout was tough no matter how much you lifted. It is unbelievable that US and around the world are all getting the 2nd wave at the same time. It's encouraging to hear that the vaccination could start up next month, at least the front liners will get it soon. My surgeon is impressed that the vaccination is over 90% effective, she said she won't hesitate to get it.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

I walked this morning and SBF LB barre.

Debbie - my inner tights are sore today :) Who knew 10# gives you that kinda burn. That's good to know about the vaccination. Very encouraging to hear. It's sad what's going on with the virus all over the world and how it chanced our lives :(

Hi Kistin!

I will try to be back later.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Today was a walk outside. I spent most of the day cooking, it wore me out. I can relax tomorrow because only have a couple of things left to prepare.

Belinda - Nice workout:). I’m not sure if you mentioned what you are doing for Thanksgiving. I meant to say the other day it was cool you and Cathe can speak German!

Kristin - Enjoy your time with your family.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone,

Today DD and I did another LatinSculpt class. So much fun!

Debbie - nice job on that walk yesterday. I probably will go for a walk later. DD, DS and DIL are here. We been cooking all morning.

Have wonderful day today.

Today was a rest day. I wanted to walk but there wasn't time & it was in the 60's. We visited my MIL in the morning & in the afternoon I brought the turkey dinner I made yesterday to my Mom's. It was only 5 of us, so it was quiet but fun. My younger ds had to work but I made some appetizers before he left.

Belinda - That does sound like a fun class! Is DD's gym in her building opened? Enjoy your time with your family:)

Kristin - I was wondering if anyone was doing Turkey trots today, I'm guessing not.

Good morning,

I did SBF UB Circuit and Mind Body Glutes. Workout time was 51 min.

I will go for a walk later.

Debbie - it was a lot of fun. Yes, DD's gym at her apartment is open. Who knows for how long? Glad you had a quit and fun TG.

Kirstin - I hope you get a chance to check in. We miss you.

What did you all for Black Friday? Any DVD's/subscriptons/ equipments? I am still holding out until Monday. BBL!

Today was a walk outside & the temperature was nice. I saw lots of people putting uo Christmas decorations which was nice.

Belinda - Your workout sounds like fun. I agree DH is almost always alone at the gym, who knows how long it will stay open:(. I tried to buy cookware at Kohl’s but doesn’t ship & not available for pickup so I gave up. I will keep looking for sales on things I use the next couple of days & take advantage of sales,

Waves hi to Kristin

Hi everyone,

CL# 288 Hocked on PHA is done. I am starting STS next week. Have to modify the LB.

Debbie - how are you doing? hopefully there will not be another lock down. I am still looking at the Cathe exercise page, lol. So far I am doing good.

Have a wonderful day and weekend.

Today was a walk outside. It was cooler today but not too bad.

Belinda - You are starting STS next week:), it seems like a good series to modify LB. I still feel tired but get my post-op check-up on Monday.

Kristin - I hope you were able to get some downtime this weekend.

Good evening,

I did SBF Relaxation stretch = 20 min + CL 291 Legs and Core down on the floor today. We also walked on the trail today.

Debbie - I hope you feel 100% better soon. Hope you post-cp check up goes well tomorrow.

Kirstin - hope you doing well'

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & enjoyed the nice weather:) I'm looking forward for the Dr. to give me the ok to weight train again.

Belinda - Nice workout, was the CL legs all floorwork? Walking on the trail sounds good:)

Kristin - I see they are opening up schools in NYC again, I think it could be different for LI.

Good morning,

STS M1 D1 Chest, Shoulder and Biceps plus STS extended stretch is done.

Debbie - nice workout on that walk. It's raining here today, so no walk unless it stops this afternoon. Yes, the CL legs was floor work.

Have a great Monday, everyone.

Today was Gym Style Legs. I went to the Dr. and I’m good to go, she apologized for all I had to go through. The office is in a separate wing of the hospital & she said the hospital is getting so busy with Covid patients each day:(

Belinda - I’ll have to try CL floor work. I couldn’t walk either rainy, windy & thunderstorms here.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Today I did P30 Low Impact Hiit. Really like this one. Today is my 37th wedding anniversary!

Debbie - glad you getting your workouts in again. Great job on GS yesterday. So sad hearing so many people getting covid around the world.

Kirstin - where are you?

Have a wonderful day and workout.
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Today was Gym Style Chest & tri's. I was doing a search and forgot GS is part of the Hardcore Series:confused: I think I will do that series this winter.

My SIL & I took a drive to Long Island to see my friend's new grandson she was babysitting. It was a nice day just cold.

Belinda - Happy Anniversary!!! The years go by so quickly, 37 years is awesome:)

Waves hi to Kristin


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