Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Sorry Debbie I did not hit enter. I was wondering why I could not see my post from yesterday.
Good job with your walk and Cathe live. BBL
Hi everyone,

i did my workouts this morning, just getting around to post. I did STS D 23 legs and SBF lower body barre.

Tomorrow I am getting shots in my knees. I also have to turn in my computer. Hopefully i will know what is wrong with it. I will try to get a workout in before I getl the shots.

Have a great day!

Today was a cold walk outside & yoga. I'm going to have to skip some outdoor walks when it is cold and windy or maybe shorten them.

Belinda - I have done that a couple of times, forget to press send. My favorites for STS are M1 & M2. Nice workouts. I forget if this is the 2nd time you are getting shots in your knees? Good Luck! My BIL gets them 2x a year and says they help a lot.

Good morning,

CL# 83 Crush It Low Impact plus SBF D11 Cardio Interval Barre Strength + Band Mini Target for Posture.

Sorry I don't have time for personals I have to get ready for my appointments this morning. I will check in later tonight.

Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone.
Hi everyone,

Today was a walk outside & Metabolic workout. I finally had my haircut, I cut a lot off but it looks healthy. Now I need a color LOL.

Belinda - I hope all went well with your appointment today. Kudos on getting your workouts in first:)


Today I did M2 D24 Back/Biceps. I had to modify the standing exercises to sitting.

My appointment with Apple went well. They couldn't figure out what was wrong with my computer, they send it in. I have to wait a few day's to get my computer back.

I got gel shots in both my knees yesterday. The shots didn't hurt, he shot some meds in so I wouldn't feel it (that one did sting a little) the gel shots didn't hurt at all. At this point, I didn't felt a thing. He also took the fluid in my knees out. My left knee had a lot of fluid. Last night I had trouble walking up stairs, still no pain. Woke up this morning I am in pain and my knees feel swollen. Probably from the shots. It will take about a day or two for my knees to feel normal again. I took it easy with D24 today. I did all the exercises sitting down to take the pressure off my knees.

I probably will not continue with M3 next week. I can't lift very heavy with my knees are hurting. We shall see!

Debbie - great job on your Met. workout and walk yesterday. That wasn't your first hair cut since covid? Will you color your hair yourself?

Have a wonderful day and workout.
Hi everyone,

Today was a walk outside & it wasn't too cold:). 2 men stopped me for directions, I didn't feel comfortable. DH said I should have said I didn't know and keep walking. I guess he's right I sometimes watch Dateline & 20/20.

Belinda - I agree I would skip M3 too, especially since you just received the shots. I hope you see results soon but I'm sure it takes a couple of days. It was my second haircut but it was almost 7 months ago. I will go to get my hair colored because I make a mess if I do it. Does Apple let you walk in? Here in NJ you need an appointment and can only walk to the front with a covered booth.

Have a great weekend:)

No workout to report. Plus my knees are swollen. Today was lower body for SBF on the rotation. We all went to clean up my son's apartment and turned over the key's. He will stay with us until he leaves next week.

Debbie - thank you. I am sure in a few day's my knees will feel better. I still have a lot of fluid in my knees.I will pick some CL workouts next week. She uses lighter weights. Apple gave us an appointment.The set up was the same as in NJ. I already got my computer back. UPS left my computer on the porch today plus he signed my signature. I am not happy with UPS. I have a new MacBook Pro.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside, cold but the sun was shining. We went to my in-laws and each of us took a TV so now I have a big screen TV to do my workouts:)

Belinda - It best to wait till the swelling goes down. Do you have to ice or elevate? I hear you on UPS, one Christmas they left a big screen TV on my porch. It wasn't in a brown box you could clearly see a picture of the TV on the outside:rolleyes: Your computer probably has your info on it too so that would have been bad if someone took:(

Hi everyone,

I did SBF Outer Glutes + Outer Hips = 33 mim. I also did Active/Relax Stretch = 15 min. Suzanne posted a hip opener today, I also did that one.

Debbie - I still have swelling in my knees. It doesn't hurt like it did the last few day's. I did SBF today, luckily I didn't had to bent my knees. It was all floor workout. Yes, I been icing my knees and elevate them. My husband called my Neigbor he picked up my computer. I sure don't want anyone getting a hold of my info on my computer. I am glad I got my computer back. They did had to wipe everything from the hard drive. Great job on your walk yesterday. I went for a short walk with Aleisa and her dog.

Good night.
Hi Everyone,

Today was a walk outside & Kick, Punch & Crunch. This is going to be a very cold week :(

Belinda - Looks like you picked a good exercise today. The good thing is you should see improvement when the swelling goes down. That was a good idea to have your neighbor pick up your computer. During the holidays Amazon would sometimes take a picture of the package on my doorstep but they stopped doing that now. It was a good way to know exactly where and when your package arrived.

Hi everyone,

I did SBF Day 15 TB Barre 1 = 33 min. DD joint me early this morning. Than I did CL# 331 Opposites Attract = 57 min. Fantastic workout. The workout was SS and high reps. Loved it!

Yesterday I zoomed with both my sisters and their families in Germany. Not sure why, we haven't done this before :( DAH? It was nice seeing and talking to them through zoom. We decided to do it more regularly.

Debbie - amazing job with our walk and KPC yesterday. I can't remember the last time I did that workout.
I am glad my neighbor was home to pick up the computer at my front porch. I was afraid it would run sitting there all day long. We were in DC helping DS/DIL clean out the apartment. We never got a noticed it would be delivered on Saturday. Weird! It's all good. I am sure over Christmas they had a lot of boxes missing if they just leave it at the front door.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. Have a wonderful day.

Today was a walk outside & Afterburn. We are expecting some snow & ice tomorrow but hopefully not too bad.

Belinda - I should take notes of the CL workouts you do because they sound good! Zooming with your sisters sounds like a great idea:) DH's Aunt Zooms with her book club, I thought that was interesting. Zoom is something that is positive about 2020.

Good morning,

I did SBF D16 Standing Abs + BarreAmped Core. Than I did CL# 140 Low Impact Cardio Hiit.
It's icy outside. No walk today, unless it gets warmer this afternoon.

Debbie - I love the live workouts especially the ones with Cathe only. DD/DS use zoom for work daily. I agree, zoom is something that is positive about 2020. How long do you walk daily? Great job with both your workouts.

Have a wonderful day.

Today was a walk outside before the snow/ice. I also did lean legs. The weekend is supposed to be so cold.

Belinda - I haven't done many Cathe only live workouts but I should. I guess if she does Live workouts by herself she doesn't have to wear a mask. My younger DS says it is so hard to run at the gym with a mask on. I walk about 35-40 min. Nice workouts!

Good morning,

CL# 151 Athletic Conditioning plus SBF D 17 Upper Back Thigh and LB Mat w/Band is done.

Debbie - you should do Cathe Live only. I also like the camera stays on Cathe only. In her older workouts the camera man walks around too much, IMO! People get scared/lost, it's hard to know what Cathe is doing if he walks around. My DD does yoga/pilates in a mask, she said she is getting used to it. Running in a mask is probably harder. I couldn't imagine running in one, lol. You are doing great with your walks lately. I need to start walking again. I probably will walk regularly again once my son leaves this weekend.

I am done for today. Have a great day.

Today was a walk outside & yoga. The snow/ice wasn't too bad here today. We didn't have to shovel:)

Belinda - I will try a Cathe Live only, I heard others like it too. Once when they put the camera on me at a RT, I was so confused LOL. Nice workouts for you! I guess you do get used to the mask one of these days I will try yoga in the studio.

Good morning,

I did SBF D18 Ciruit Style Barre Cardio + Knee Dancing Target is done. I will do Cathe Live once it's live.

Debbie - I think you would like a Cathe Live only. She is her best in those, IMO! Tough too. I understand people get confused/scared than the camera is on them. The camera man should keep the camera on Cathe only. Kudos to you on walking in this weather. We all wimped out, lol :)

I will report back later.
I am back. I ended up doing CL# 229 Ramped Up BC. Used my rebounder for the cardio. The barre workout Cathe posted today looks great. I will do that one this week. I am done for today.

Today was Cathe Live Boxing Hiit Express it was a short one but good one. DH & I went for a ride today but it didn't turn out too good. We hit something a truck dropped in the road and had a blow-out. We were safe but it took a lot of calling to get the tire we needed in stock & it took them 3 hours to put on. We were the only ones in the waiting room so not sure why it took so long. They did wash his car for the long wait:)

Belinda - Nice workout! I tried the one-on-one with Cathe & liked it. One of these days I will do the workout on Thursday at the time of filming. I wimped out on walking outside until further notice LOL! They are calling for wind chills below 0 or single digits the next few days, I don't want frostbite:oops:


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