Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was a walk on the beach. We tried to sit on the beach but it was so windy we had sand on us from head to toe.

Belinda - The step workout sounded like fun & good music! We also had snow back home it’s just too much to handle. Your right about the tornados & sink holes. I would take your DDs classes if she someday does YT or zoom:)


45 min walk is done. It was in the 30's, little chilly. Felt great to be outside. I also did 30 min yoga. I also did those exercises I am suppose to do 3 times a week. I am done.

Debbie - glad the weather is nice in FL to walk on the beach. Hope no wind today. How long are you staying in FL?


Today was a walk on the beach but we were caught in a rainstorm. Our clothes were soaked:). The weather is cool but the locals love the change.

Belinda - Its nice you were able to walk outside, it does boost your mood. Do you enjoy the exercises you have to do 3xs a week? We are here one more week.

Good morning,

SBF D41 TB Fusion plus yoga is done.

Debbie - oh no, on the rain. That's FL weather. Most of the exercises I do is with bands for the lower body. I do enjoy them. He increased the reps, which I don't enjoy. Now I do 4 sets of 15 reps for each exercise. That's a workout. I am trying to figure out not to overdue my other workouts. Maybe I need to back off with weight training a little and just do the ones I am suppose to do.

Gotta run.I am trying to get a walk in before I drop off donations. Getting ready to donate more stuff to the homeless shelter. BBL!

Today was a walk on the beach it was cold but the sun did help. We ended up doing a lot of walking in a small town & went to an outdoor market.

Belinda - The exercises he gives you is a workout! Maybe he thinks that is your workout & doesn’t realize you do other workouts. I like doing workouts with bands. Hopefully March will bring us warmer temps.


Today was a walk on the beach. It was cool here but hopefully tomorrow we can stay on the beach.

Belinda - Perfect way to end the week with a stretch:)

Good morning,

SBF D43 TB Fusion Barre plus Foldover Target is done. I also did Pahla B Fitness of her Weight loss program D1.

I came across her Fitness Weight Loss program on anther fitness site. I read through it and downloaded her FREE ...The 5-0 Method: WEIGHT LOSS for Women over 50. It all makes a lot of sense when I read through it this weekend. The more I workout with vigorous workouts the harder it is for me to lose weight. I have a few more pounds to lose and hope this will move the scale in the right direction. I am going to keep my workouts moderate. If it doesn't work, I gave my joints a well deserve break , LOL!
Here is the FREE Weight Loss program.

Debbie - it did. Enjoy your day on the beach today. It's snowing in WV.

Have a great Monday

Today was a walk on the beach, it was overcast but nice out.

Belinda - Nice workouts! Thanks for the link, I will download & read tomorrow, it sounds interesting:).


SBF D44 Waist + Legs Mat = 15 min plus Quick Abs w/ball is done. I also walked this morning.

Debbie - nice job on your walk yesterday. You are welcome! Let me know what you think.

I will be back tomorrow.

Today we went to Tampa and did a walk along the river. It was a last minute idea because our car was giving us trouble so we needed to take it for service near by. You can also boat, kayak, bike unfortunately I didn’t have the right shoes so it limited us what I could do.

Belinda - Nice job with your workouts today:). I didn’t get a chance to look at the link but will do so tomorrow.


Today was a walk on the beach it was cool but nice in the sun.

Belinda - I’m waiting for them to send the link, if I don’t receive ebook by tomorrow will resend for it. My Mom said it was in the 60s in NJ, hopefully you are having nice weather too.

Hi everyone,

SBF D46 Upper Core + Cardio & Weights = 23 min plus walk is done.

Debbie - I can sent you the ebook. I was downloading it right away. Let me know. It was 65 yesterday. I went for a nice long walk.


Today was a walk on the beach. Tomorrow we will spend the day at the beach, we leave for home on Saturday. I’m hoping some of the snow is melting:)

Belinda - Nice weather & temps for you:). I received the download, I will read tomorrow from what I looked at it looks interesting!

Good morning,

SBF D47 LB Barre + Balance and stretch plus Legs/Waist/Shoulders Mat Target is done. I also walked.

Debbie - glad you got the ebook. Can't wait what you think. Enjoy your last day on the beach.

Have a great Friday.

Today was a walk on the beach. It was a nice day! I started cleaning & packing for tomorrow.

Belinda - Nice workouts! I started reading the ebook, it is interesting and well done for a free book. I will finish reading on the plane tomorrow, thanks:)


I’m back home, we came in late but it gave me time to finish cleaning the condo.

Belinda - Nice workouts:). It didn’t seem too cold when we landed but still lots of snow around.

Good morning,

SBF BarreAmped Power Stretch plus walk is done.

Debbie - welcome back! Thank goodness all the snow is gone. Its raining here.

Gotta run to the grocery store. BBL!

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