Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

SBF D60 LB Mixed Cardio + LB Stretch Target. I also did Cathe Live “Total Body Mashup” Great TB workouts. She did 20 reps/16 reps and 10 reps. Cathe repeated each grouping twice than she did a cardio in-between. Loved she showed modifications for her high impact stuff. Great workout!.

Debbie - as long as I keep things low impact and not do deep squats/lunges my knees are fine. Loving these warmer weather. I took a walk yesterday without a jacket. Great job with barre blend. Glad you had a nice day with your SILs and nephew.

Have a great day and workout. I am done for today. will walk later.

Today was a walk outside & I didn't need a jacket :cool: :) I also did ab work. Tomorrow is our last nice day for a while:(

Belinda - Nice workouts! Do you do Cathe Live on Thursday morning when she does it Live? Deep Squats/lunges aren't my favorite so I wouldn't mind modifying or subbing;)

Good morning,

SBF D61 Bounce UB w/weights plus Reset Stretch is done. I will go for a walk later this afternoon.

Debbie - yes, did yesterday's workout live. There was no sound/it went out a few times at the beginning but after a few min it was normal. I don't do deep squats/lunges either. I modify quit a bit. Wasn't the weather beautiful yesterday. My vitamins D is very low. I have to the a high dose of vitamins D once a week plus my doc described sitting in the sun for 15-20 min a few times a week without sun tan lotion. I got a little sun tan. It's suppose to be nice today, starting tomorrow the temperatures are going down again. Great job yesterday.

Have a great day and workout everyone.

Today was a walk outside. I ran a bunch of errands so nice to do when the weather is nice:) We are going for a bite to eat tonight & they asked if we want to sit outsideo_O still too cool for me.

Belinda - Nice workout, was it on a ball? My vitamin was low a few years so they had me take over the counter supplements & it worked. I still take them. It's better to take something now especially with Covid. It's nice to have a suntan too:)

Have a great weekend:)
Good morning,

JS Lift & Shift Total Body Strength [Compound Supersets] - 50 Minutes is done. My impression on Lift & Shift is, it was very high reps (20 reps on pretty much all the exercises except a few she did 10 reps). The TB strength workout was good nothing new straight forward. I will run through all those workout and see if those workouts are worst the price. You have a 60 day money back guarantee. I will try give you all a detailed review later if I have time.

I also did SBF D62 Adv. LB circuit/ LB Band target is done.

Debbie - no, it was on the rebounder. She has a few rebounder workouts on her site. DH and I looked at a few condos with Alesia afterwards we went to a restaurant we sat inside. The outside was very crowded we went inside, they had dividers. We had an entire area for ourselves. I got my Vitamins D from my doctor, he put me on 50,000 IU caps once a week. My doc wants me to take them for a few month. I still have 3 more refills.

Have a great day and workout.

Today was a walk outside. It was colder but not too bad in the sun. The restaurant wasn't too crowded last night.

Belinda - That's great that you can try the workouts out for 60 days! My Mom had to take high doses given by the Dr. for Vitamin D. It did the trick and she just takes an over the counter vitamin now.


Today was Hard Strikes, it was very windy so I skipped a walk outside. DH isn't feeling good all day so he is going to see the Dr. tomorrow.

Belinda - How was your weekend?

Good morning,

Sorry for not checkin in yesterday. I had a mega sinus headache from the time I woke up until I went to bed last night. I thought my head was about to explode.

I didn't sleep well last 2 night, not sure if I workout or take a rest day.

Debbie - it was very windy here too. I took a walk early in the morning thinking the fresh air would help my headache. It only made it worst.

I will be back later.
Hi everyone,

Today I did SBF new 7 day Cardio Boot Camp Interim Challenge D1 BarreAmped® Cardio Sculpt plus a long walk.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & Cathe Live Upper body express. So DH went to the Dr. and they are not sure but treating him for a prostate infection. He was up so much last night and so was I but they gave him meds for the pain & infection. For 10 days he cannot walk, run or lift weights due to the side effects of the meds (which can make your tendons brittle). He isn't happy but wants to get better.

Belinda - When I get headaches it's impossible to function. I'm happy you are feeling better today:) Kudos on getting your workout in today!

Hi guys,

I am in DC staying for a few day's with DD. We looked at a condo and today she got it :) This week is inspection.

Today I went for an hour long walk outside with DD, we also did SBF stretching. Not sure workout wise what I can do this week. Friday DD and I will get my hair done. I probably will be back home Friday night.

Debbie - Oh no! So sorry your husband is in so much pain. Hope the meds will work soon. I still have a sinus headache.

Have a great evening. I will be back tomorrow.

Today was a walk outside, brrrr it was cold! No wonder no one else was walking LOL. I also did abs on the ball workout.

Belinda - How exciting that DD got the condo:) It looks like it is happening fast too. Have fun in DC & nice long walk. Thanks for your thoughts with DH, the meds haven't worked yet. I hope your sinus headache goes away.


Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. I was asking the pharmacist at our food store if they have the J&J vaccination and they do. She said I should register for the vaccination, I tried none are available. I'm wondering if she wants us to keep trying because it takes so long :confused:

Belinda - Have fun in DC & good luck with the inspection:)

Good morning,

Sorry I didn't check in yesterday. By them time I sat down It was 9 p.m. DD and I took a total of almost 4 miles yesterday. I also did SBF D3 TB Cardio Hiit. Today D5 is a stretch. It's raining I doubt we get a walk in, DD's puppy don't like to get wet, lol.

Debbie - in Germany, Italy and other European countries they stopped one of the vaccines due to blood clogging in the brain mostly woman. According to the German news a lot of people dying after getting the shot:) WHO still claiming the vaccine is safer to take even after they stopped giving it too people in European countries. Who knows the long term effects you getting from the shots, since it hasn't been studied? With all the autoimmune Diseases problems I already have, I sure don't need my need another one. Too many unknown, JMO! Good luck getting registered for the vaccine soon.


Today was Kickmax it was raining hard today so I decided not to walk. I was able to get my taxes done which is a relief.

Belinda - Lots of workouts for you:) I saw that about the vaccine & strangely US giving to Mexico. It is scary from the disease to the vaccinations, just want to be normal again.

Good morning,

Walk and SBF Tabata.

Debbie - great job on KM. I never got a walk in, it rained all day long. We all want our lives to be normal again. Who doesn't want a normal life?

I am getting my hair done today. BBL!
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Today was a walk outside, cold but sunny. We are going to grab a bite to eat, restaurants are allowing more tables now.

Belinda - Nice workouts! Have fun getting your hair done:)

Have a great weekend;)

Today I did SBF stretch and a walk outside.

Debbie - I did had fun getting my hair done. How is your husband doing?

Good night.

Today was a walk outside and it was nice out! The rest of the day was a rest day.

Belinda - I remember you go to a really nice hair salon:) My DH is still having problems, the meds upset his stomach. He goes for a follow-up on Wednesday, he thinks the Dr. may try other meds. At some point he will need surgery.


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