Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Woke up this morning with a stiff neck/shoulder, WTH! Maybe I pulled something or moved wrong yesterday doing SBF shoulder workout. I was going to do a cardio workout, I decided to take it easy. I went for a long walk and did SBF LB Barre.

Debbie - hope you had a great workout yesterday and today.

Cookie - great job yesterday. Both workouts took me an hour. Not bad.

I will check in later.
Belinda, hope you're feeling better. Good idea taking it easy, but it doesn't sound like you did!
Deb, hope you're enjoying the beach and your family.
Did a longer walk than usual and the scheduled workout, Fine Toning. It is a gorgeous day out here, so I'm going to sit out and read a book. Got to enjoy this while we can!

Today and yesterday were walks on the beach. We went out last night with friends, it was fun, but getting too old to stay out late;) There were some thunderstorms tonight too.

Belinda - Nice workouts, I hope your shoulder/neck feels better. It’s good your Dr.’s appointment went well:). LOL on the yoga mats.

Cookie - It looks like you all are having a really nice Spring! It makes walking so much better. I haven’t been able to do much reading to many distractions.

Deb, glad you're enjoying your time in FL. No late nights for us either. DH was asleep by 8 pm Friday night! He's such an exciting person.
Belinda, hope your neck and shoulder are feeling better.
Did my weight wo this morning. Ran a few errands and eldest son visited this afternoon. Tomorrow am scheduled to visit my mom. She's n a nursing home, and it will be the first time we'll be able to sit next to each other. Our two prior appts were cancelled due to positive cases. Hoping nothing comes up between now and then.

Today was a rainy day with lots of thunderstorms. We went to an Aquarium, a dolphin who lost his tail & was the star of the Disney movie “A Dolphins Tale” lives at this Aquarium. It was a little too crowded & overpriced but still happy we went. It is only 15 minutes from where we stay.

Belinda - I hope all is well with you.

Cookie - Nice workout! Fingers crossed you get to see your Mom. How is she doing?

So happy to report I saw my mom and was able to hug her. It felt so good! We've had a few window visits (her inside, us outside in the cold), but there's nothing like being able to sit together and give a hug.
Did Cathe's Lite Rock'em work this morning. She is so good with kickboxing type of workouts.
Deb, I love going to aquariums. How did the dolphin lose his tail? Maybe it was more crowded b/c of the weather?
Belinda hope yourvshoulder and neck are doing much better
I have to do a workshop in a few minutes and power went out! TG got my phone as a hot spot, but am crossing fingers power gets restored real fast!
Hi everyone,

I went fo a long walk and did SBF D22 Total Body Barre 3. Shoulder and neck starting to feel better. Been taking it easy all weekend long.

Debbie - it's very cloudy and rainy here too. How sad about the dolphin. Glad you had fun.

Cookie - glad you enjoyed your time with your mom. Fingers crossed your power gets restored fast.

I will be back tomorrow. Good night.

Today was a walk on the beach. My son went home today, his flight was delayed 4 hours but he needed to be at the airport in case the delay was shortened. He was a good sport about it.

Belinda - It’s good that you took it easy this weekend probably helps your neck/shoulder. Nice workouts for you!

Cookie - I guess power going out not a good thing when working from home. Cathe’s kickboxing workouts are good and easy to modify. The dolphin’s tail was caught in a crab trap. The aquarium is known for rescuing all kinds of marine wildlife, saw lots of sea turtles rescued.

Deb, that's great work the aquarium is doing! Yes, I love Cathe's kickboxing workouts. I had the neame wrong yesterday's was Rev'd Up Rumble. Power did come back on. I was so presenting, and the other person's power went out during the workshop, so thankfully I was able to keep things moving along. Your ds sounds much more patient than any of mine.
Belinda, how's your neck and shoulder today? My sister was talking about her new rv yesterday, and I remembered you had one. Do you still?
Supposed to do a tb workout this morning but workers showed up early. Going to try to get it in when they go to lunch. For some reason, I'm always conscious of being seen working out.
Good morning,

SBF stretch plus walk outside is done. I am getting ready to spent a few day's with DD in DC.

Debbie - that's a long delay. Glad you got to spent time with your DS. Good job on your walk.

Cookie - my shoulder/neck is feeling a lot better. Thanks for asking. We don't have an RV anymore. Have fun with your workout later.

Have a great day.

Today was a walk on the beach, it hasn’t been too humid which is nice.

Belinda - Nice walk & stretch! Have fun in DC :) Is your DD still settling into her new home.

Cookie - I feel the same way if workers are in the house. Are you happy you moved to a new home?


I walked a few times today and did SB D24 Cardio Barre 4 is done.

DD and I packing up her kitchen today. We almost done. We just found out they moved the closing date to Monday instead of Friday. DD had painters come to her new house and paint the kitchen cabinets. We have to reschedule everything for next week. One document came in, by law everything has to be summited 3 day's out before the closing. It's to protect my daughter.

Debbie - DD hasn't moved yet. We were hoping to move her this weekend. Maybe next week. We are still packing up everything except the bigger stuff.

Cookie - enjoy your workout today.

See you all tomorrow.
Belinda, your dd must be so excited! She's lucky to have such great support and helpers. Moving is a huge workout.
Deb, glad it hasn't been too humid. One of my sisters lives on the Gulf side, and we're planning on visiting her in September. Going for just a few days with another sister and her dh, and my guy. I love this house. Miss my workout space in the other house, tho. Weights are in the basement w/bench and rebounder, but the floor isn't good for doing floor work. So I usually bring the weights up to the living room, and do those workouts there, but not w/workers around!
Went for a walk today since tomorrow it's supposed to rain and snow on Friday! Crazy! Also listened to a podcast while watching Pahla lead an interval walk.
Have a good night.

Today was a walk on the beach. Our friends all left today, it’s getting quiet lots of Spring breakers leaving too.

Belinda - Nice workouts! It’s so nice your DD has your help, moving is stressful. You are an expert at moving, I remember when you moved from Germany back to US.

Cookie - It’s good that you were able to walk before the snow:) The water is so pretty on the West Coast of Florida. We are close to Clearwater Beach.

Good morning,

CL Total Body Band Blast the one she did live this morning is done. Note to self bring lighter bands, lol. I will do SBF stretch later. Glad I got something in today.

I will stay with DD until Saturday than come back Monday.

Debbie - lol, I sure went through a lot of moves in the military. DD is also running her PR/marketing company with lots of call meeting. I wouldn't mind walking at the beach daily. I need a break. Did you get the J&J vaccine yet? I was wondering if it affected you?

Cookie - thank you! DD is excited about her new condo and owning it instead of renting.
I will try to be back later. Glad you got out for a walk before it snows. It rained yesterday all day long not even DD's dog wanted to go for a walk.

I will try to be back later.
Deb, boy, would a walk on the beach be fabulous! Glad you're getting to enjoy it. Do you walk barefoot on the sand?
Belinda, so happy for your dd! Bet her mind is swimming with all kinds of ideas. She's so fortunate to have your help, and you must be so proud of her.
Today was an active rest day! Yeah!!!
Rainy, drizzly weather here, with snow expected overnight. Yuck!

Today was a walk on the beach & CL upper body express.

Belinda - That sounds like a fun CL workout need to check it out. I didn’t get the J&J and now they put it on hold on it in NJ. I’m not thrilled about getting the vaccine but you may have to carry the card to do certain things so I’m confused.

Cookie - It’s nice to have an active rest day:). I do go barefoot except if there are too many shells.

Good morning,

SBF TB Barre is done. I will go for a walk later.

Debbie - great job on your walk yesterday. J&J is now put on hold in Germany too. Now they saying you need a buster shot yearly, WTH! I don't know how they can make you/or get away you have to carry the card since the vaccine isn't FDA approved. I think a lot of business would lose customers. I don't want to go anywhere were they pack thousands of people in one place. Even if you get/have the vaccine you still can carry/transmit the virus. I think they rushed those vaccines, too many side effects and unknowns. I talked to my friend in FL, she lives in Tampa. She said people act like there isn't covid in FL.

Cookie - hope you enjoyed your rest day yesterday. Sounds like we have the same weather. Had a really bad migraine yesterday.

That's it for me today. Happy Friday!
Deb, boy, would a walk on the beach be fabulous! Glad you're getting to enjoy it. Do you walk barefoot on the sand?
Belinda, so happy for your dd! Bet her mind is swimming with all kinds of ideas. She's so fortunate to have your help, and you must be so proud of her.
Today was an active rest day! Yeah!!!
Rainy, drizzly weather here, with snow expected overnight. Yuck!
Happy Friday!
Have no idea where the day went - it literally went by in a snap. Got in Total Body Circuit, and I sure was sparkling after!
Deb, do you also enjoy CL? I'm looking forward to finishing this rotation, so I can treat myself to a subscription to it. Seems like a lot of variety there. How long are you staying in FL? I'm jealous.
Belinda, hope your dd has good weather on Monday for moving. Today was messy here. I'm with you on not wanting to be near groups of people. Got my second shot today, but I'll still avoid groups.
DH's company gave him an Apple watch and now he keeps trying to compare our step counts - I win every time!

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