Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Deb, the lawn care sounds would annoy me. My neighbors all have people come in, so it usually multiple mowers and trimmers going at one time on one lawn. But their lawns do look good! Did you get a walk in today? My walks have hills but really nothing steep. I really try to avoid steep inclines since it bothers my achilles.
Belinda, how's your dh doing? Hope the long walk was relaxing.
Got my walks in yesterday and today and today was lb. Didn't sleep well, so now I'm dragging.

Yesterday & today were walks outside it was nice out:)

We had a wedding yesterday for a friends daughter, it was really nice. One of my SIL & BIL were invited too so it was nice to know someone. The room was so pretty it was white washed wood, with lots of wooden barn doors and pretty flowers & candles. The food & music was really good too! It seemed strange to be at a wedding with Covid still going on but it is allowed now.

Belinda - Nice walks! Are you subbing CL workouts for the May rotation? How is your DS visit going?

Cookie - Nice walks too! I dragged all day too, not enough sleep either.


Today I did CL# 88 Athletic Training and SBF D43 UB Circuit. Not sure if I get a walk in today, it's raining.

Debbie - glad you had fun at the wedding. Yes, I am subbing CL workouts for the May rotations. Should be interesting what I came up with, lol. Visit with DS is going great. I am happy he is here.

Cookie - thanks for asking about DH. He is doing well. I also avoid hills in our neighborhood. I also have trouble with my achilles and my knees. I am having problems with my achilles ever since the ER a few month ago gave me the wrong mix of medicine I shouldn't have been giving in the first place.

Have a wonderful day everyone.

Today was a walk outside. I also decided to join a gym that DH belongs too. It was a really good deal & will try and do CL workouts on my phone at the gym. Today I just tried to learn my way around the place and did a leg workout.

Belinda - Great job with your workouts today! I think it is great you are using CL for the May rotation. It's nice to hear your DH is going well & your enjoying your visit with you DS:)

Cookie - How was your day?

'Morning! Yesterday just got way ahead of me, and it wasn't til right before falling asleep, I realized I didn't check in. Sorry.
Deb, glad the wedding was fun. I'm always thankful when I know other people at an event also. Wonder if b/c we've been inside so much this past year if it's made social anxiety worse- at least for me. That's nice that you and your dh will be using the same gym. Do they have some classes you might like?
Belinda, happy to hear dh is doing well and that the visit with your ds and dil is going well. I'm sure they're a big help.
Did CL Kicks and jabs, can't remember the number, this morning. OMG, loved it. Had visit w/mom yesterday and her memory has really deteriorated. I always bring photos or something to talk about the past, but anything current she doesn't remember. It's so sad.
Good morning,

I did CL# 101 Step & Pump plus SBF D44 Cardio Sculpt. I kept everything low impact. Had a great birthday workout today.

Debbie - great idea doing CL in the gym. Doing the May rotation with CL workouts takes the guess work out.

Cookie - must be tough seeing your mom like that. So sorry! Glad you enjoy CL workouts. Did you sign up for a year/monthly? Loving CL too.

That's it for me today. I will be back tomorrow.

Today was CL Buff Upper Body & a walk outside.

Happy Birthday, Belinda!!
Belinda - I hope you had a nice day:) I didn't realize your birthday is so close to Mother's Day. It will be a nice and long celebration for you. I liked your birthday workout;)

Cookie - I'll have to try that CL kickboxing workout sounds like fun. They do have classes but not too many and early, but maybe LOL. So sorry about your Mom, it's so hard to understand why this happens. I wish they would put more funding towards finding a cure.


Good morning,

STS TB is done. I will do a stretch later.

Debbie - thank you! Had a lovely day yesterday. DD cooked vegan Bfast and dinner. Great job yesterday. We went for a walk yesterday too. It was very humid outside. Today it's raining nonstop.

Cookie - enjoy your workout today.

Happy Hump Day!

Today was a walk outside after the rain & CL Jabs & Kicks. I ran a bunch of errands today, unfortunately in the height of the rain. I should have planned better but I did have raingear on;)

Belinda - I'm happy you had a lovely day yesterday:) A vegan breakfast & dinner sounds good. Nice workout!

Cookie - It was a good CL choice:)

Belinda, happy belated birthday! It must be nice having your family around to celebrate it with you. I would like someone to cook (and clean up). Hope dh's recovery is continuing smoothly.
Deb, that CL was a good wo and plan on revisiting it soon. No fun doing errands in the rain! But then again, it seems to be raining most of the time lately.
Yesterday was a much needed rest day. Today will be cardio (yet to be determined) and a hair appt, plus groceries, and work. Hopefully a walk in this afternoon.

Walk and SBF is done.

I wanted to share the Forks Over Knifes documentary with you guys. It's free and and eye opener, IMO! Based on the documentary I am glad I made the switch to plant based/no processed/oil free. It's completely fee to watch. I watched it last night with my family. I also would also highly recommend to watch Seaspiracy on Netflix


Today was a walk outside and chest & back with free weights at the gym. It's a little cool here but actually very Spring-like so nice.

Belinda - I am interested in watching the documentary. Do you recall how long it is? Great job with your workouts!

Cookie - I'm looking forward to a rest day this week:) It's always nice to have your hair done. I was looking and need a haircut too!

Have a great night:)
Debbie - around an 1.5 hour. It's very interesting. If you don't have get a change to watch it you always can rent it on Amazon.
It was a beautiful day here - finallly! Got in a walk. Masons were here again, so it interfered with a workout, but got a lot of steps in anyway.
Belinda, that is a good documentary, and I just say the fish one yesterday! It was recommended from a cooking class. Great workouts, as always.
Deb, how's the new gym? Hope you're enjoying it.
Any exciting plans for the weekend and Mother's Day? Hoping we'll be able to take my mom for a visit to our house. If so, my sisters and their families will stop by at different times to visit with her here. We don't want to overwhelm here with every one at once. Then, I'm hoping she'll go back w/out a problem.

Today was a walk outside. We went to the cemetery, we had given them a picture of my in-laws and they have put it up, along with their names. It is a peaceful place. It's sad to see the plaques of people's lives that were too short and the young children who have passed.

Belinda - I'm hoping I can watch the documentary this weekend, if not Monday, thanks for the time. It sounds like you did a fun workout. Did Cathe use the new bands?

Cookie - I'm glad you finally had nice walking weather:) So far I like the new gym, it's good that I can ask DH questions on equipment I'm not familiar with. I hope it works out for you with your Mom on Mother's Day.


Today I did SBF D48 Barre 15 (tights) plus LB Band Target.

Debbie - let me know what you think after watching the documentary. Cathe did use the bands with the handles she is selling for awhile now.

Cookie - hope everything works out with your mom on Mother's Day. It was raining here all day long.

Have a great weekend and Mother's Day!
Hope you're both enjoying the weekend!
Deb, that's such a lovely idea! I find cementaries interesting and often wonder about the people there and look at the different types of markers.
Belinda, that band wo sounds good. I might try it later this week.
Had friends come by today. Amazing how good it was to just see them and sit and chat. Then we had some errands to run. Did manage to get in a tb circuit wo.
Hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow.

Today was a walk outside & planks & abs. We celebrated Mother's Day with my Mom & brother today. It was rainy & sunny all day but it worked out. So many cars on the road today.

Belinda - Nice barre work! It's good there will be CL workouts with the bands too. I will let you know how I like the documentary.

Cookie - Nice tb circuit workout! It's nice that you are able to spend time with friends, so different than last year.


Happy Mother's Day everyone! Having an amazing day. My son flu in TX aund my DD are here for Mother's Day. I have only cooked one day since they here, lol.

This morning I did Iron legs.

Debbie - I hope you had a great Mother's Day with your mom and brothers.

Cookie - hope you had fun with your friend and had fun chatting. One of my friend will have an outdoor party this month. Not sure if I will go since DH had surgery.

Happy Mother's Day everyone!

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