Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was a walk outside, it was nice out! I also made lunch for a few days. DH has an infection/cellulitis in his thumb and is in so much pain & swollen. I finally convinced him to go to Urgent care, and they gave him meds.

Belinda - I remember how hard it was when we lost our dog. It was especially hard when you came home and they weren't there to greet you. I hope as time passes you feel better. As a teenager we always ate Burger King because it was one of the few fast food places around. Now a bunch of BK's have closed by us, I think we still have one.

Cookie - How was your weekend?

Sorry for missing posting yesterday.
Belinda, I'm so sorry about Chu Chu. It is so hard to lose a member of the family, and such a loyal, loving one. How's your dh feeling now? How are you doing?
Deb, It was nice out this weekend! I had to look up what cellulitis is, and boy it sounds painful. Hope he's doing better. Good thing you got him to Urgent care.
Yesterday was lb, short kayak ride and our regular walk. Had a bbq w/dd and my mom to celebrate dh's b'day (again!). Told him two days is plenty. Today was upper body, and am hoping for a kayak ride and/or walk later on.

Today was a walk outside and CL upper body express at the gym. DH woke up today and his finger was much worse. At first I he wanted to give it another day, but finally convinced him to go to the Dr. She wanted him to go to the Emergency Room to have it lanced because it would be too painful in the office. He decided to have her do it and he said it was painful. Hopefully they were able to get a lot of the infection out. They worry that the infection will travel to other parts of the body like the heart. He is still on meds so hopefully it heals quickly. Men are so stubborn :confused:

Belinda - I hope all is ok with you & your DH.

Cookie - I thought it was your DS's birthday LOL. It's nice that DH has a couple of celebrations:) Nice workouts for you, you are taking advantage of the good weather. I wouldn't know about cellulitis either but about 25 years ago DH was hospitalized when he had a cut by his eye from a basketball game. They told him he either goes to the hospital or risk death or blindness. He went to the hospital! All his life he has had a couple of bouts with cellulitis and boils apparently it is hereditary but can be dangerous.


I am still here. I don't feel good at all. With everything that is going on, I got a sinus infection. My throat is killing me. I called my doctor he wants to to get a covid test tomorrow before I go to the clinic for blood test. He doesn't think I have covid but he wants to rule it out. I know it's my sinus/ear/RP. I really don't want to take any antibiotics. I don't know what would help like antibiotics does? Any help would be appreciated.

Yesterday Chu Chu got cremated :( I miss him so much. All his things are still in the living room, can't move it.

Today I got up and went for a nice long walk, than I did SBF LB barre.

Debbie - it's very hard when I am in the living room or open the door and don't see Chu Chu greeting me. We only stopped at Burger King to pick up cheeseburgers for the dogs. I honestly never liked hamburgers or fast food. I would rather eat a nice fresh salad. We didn't had BK when I grew up in Germany. I am so sorry about your husband finger. Glad he went to see a doctor. They had to do the same thing with me in Hawaii. It was very painful.

Cookie - thank you! I miss him so much. I never went on a kayak ride. Glad you had a great weekend with your husband and mom.

That's it for me today.
Belinda, boy, you've got a lot going on. My sinuses are a mess today, and drinking a ton of water helps me. I did have to take some sinus meds tho too. Went to a garden center to get some seeds and plants, which aggravated it. The only thing bad about dogs is their shorter life span. Glad you got a long walk in - hope it helped. Kayaking is fun and real easy.
Deb, how is your dh doing today? Hope he's taking the meds. Did you get a walk in today? The pollen here is bad today.
Got a walk in and lots of squats due to had to replants some plants in the yard today. The squats weren't bad but the molds in soils bothers my allergies a lot.

Today was a walk outside. I also went to the gym and did legs. It was really strange when I arrived, they said no more temperature taking and masks are optional regardless if vaccinated or not. What is strange is our Governor said he is still wants masks. It is so confusing. It was 50/50 but I left my mask on, the gym has too many germs. DH is feeling a little better but keeping an eye on it.

Belinda - That is a hard thing to do to move the things away, but no need to until you are ready. I’m wondering if allergies make your sinus infection worse. They are supposed to be really bad this year. Would allergy meds be better to take? I have never taken so I don’t know.

Cookie - I have very mild allergies but this year after walking, I feel the pollen in my throat & sneeze a few times when I get home. I see how walking outside can be challenging to anyone who suffers with allergies. I didn’t realize mold is in soil but at least you will have pretty plants;)


Today I did P30 UB plus SBF 10 min HiiT plus stretching.

Had to wait an hour to get the results from the Covid test. I knew I don't have covid. I have a sinus infection. My throat hurts, I am losing my voice too. I was allowed to enter the clinic once I got cleared to get blood test. To see if I get all the vitamins on a vegan diet. Should be interesting to find out. My doc also gave me medications to help my throat/sinus. My eye are all swollen from the pressure. I am so tired.

Debbie - I have acute sinus/ear infections. My rheumatologist believes I had RP instead sinus/ear infections when I got hospitalized in the bast. I have been tested for allergies. I have a lot of pressure in my ears/sinus along the cheek bones and my throat hurts when I swallow. I am also losing my voice. I know I have a sinus infection. The weather been crazy lately, warm to hot. One day AC the next I had to turn the heater on. My doctor thinks I have a sinus infection, he wants me to take sinus medication.

Cookie - I have acute sinus/ear infections. I had sinus surgery in Germany ever since my sinus gotten worst. I have been hospitalized because of my sinus/ear infections. My body shuts completely down. Last time DH and I flew from Germany to GA. I ended up in the hospital for over a week with 103 F fever and my body shut completely down. I had my share on sinus/ear infections. Like I mention to Debbie. My Rheumatologist at Walter Reeds believes some of those ear infections where not regular infections especially where I was hospitalized, he believes I had relapsing polychondritis RP. My,Rheumatologist went through all my medical records.

I am tired. Good night.
Belinda, hope you're feeling at least a bit better today. Wish you could get relief. How's your dh doing?
Deb, how's your dh doing?
Hiit workout this morning. Feels like summer here!

Today was a walk outside, it was hot out! I skipped yoga, I didn't have the energy for it today.

Belinda - It sounds like your Rheumatologist seems to understand and get what you are going through. I hope you start feeling better. I agree we switch from heat to A/C day to day. I was hoping for a longer Spring, fingers crossed. Take it easy and get the rest that you need.

Cookie - Nice workout! Summer weather here too. My DH is improving each day and the pain is gone so the meds and hot compresses must be working.


We picked Chu Chu up this afternoon :( I ordered 3 clay paw prints. DH only saw one. Who in the HELL puts paw prints under his ashes in the urn? WTH! Who wants to play with ashes to get to the paw prints. What is wrong with people these day's? I ordered extra paw prints for my kids when Brawler passed. They just handed those to use.

SBF D60 Intermediate Mat + Bikini Butt is done.

Debbie - my Rheumatologist I am seeing is the one that diagnosed me with RP in the hospital when nobody could figure out why I wasn't responding to the antibiotics IV's and my ear was still swollen like a ballon. He is very sharp doctor. He told me a few weeks ago, it made him happy to diagnosed me with RP. Since RP is so rare he had never seen it on a patient. My primary doctor said, my Rheumatologist is very sharp he also took the time to go through my medical records and dissect. I had no energy to walk today. It's very hot outside.

Cookie - I am starting to lose my voice/ver scratchy. I am sure the stress with Chu Chu didn't help. I am taking it easy this week. I am so off the Cathe rotation, I gave up this week. Just don't feel like pushing myself.

Good night.
Belinda, that's so smart of you to take time and not push yourself. Sure wish you felt better.
Deb, glad you dh is feeling better. Are you enjoying the gym?
Got a walk in today, and it feels like summer out! The pollen this year is really bothering me. Wonder if it is worse than usual.

Today was a walk outside & upper body at the gym. I bought some herbs & tiny lemon tree, now I have to get outside and plant them LOL.

Belinda - Kudos on getting your workouts in, sounded like fun. That is strange, your right what were they thinking with the paw prints:rolleyes: When we were cleaning out my in-laws house we found some paw prints. When you see them they bring back memories.

Cookie - Nice walk today:) The gym forces me to get out of the house earlier & workout done. I know sounds strange but helpful for me to get other things done. Our weatherman says allergies are bad this year, he said Sunday it will be really high.

Good morning,

I went for 60 min walk outside. It was nice and cool outside, perfect for a walk. I will do some SBF today too.

Debbie - I am still confused about the paw prints under the ashes. Will you plant the lemon tree outside? Isn't it too cold in the winter for it to be outside?

Cookie - thank you! Sorry the pollen this year is bordering you. Hope you feel better soon.

Off to cleaning my house. BBL

Today was a walk outside & CL Cathe Leg Day Live. We are going to get a bite to eat tonight, so much is opening up now.

Belinda - A nice long walk! I will only keep the lemon tree outside during the summer but don't think it gets very tall looks more like a small plant.

Cookie - Any plans for the weekend?

Have a great weekend:)
Belinda, no idea what they were thinking or obviously they weren't thinking! We also have paw prints. So many good memories. You're amazing with getting your workouts in.
Deb, a lemon tree sounds nice. What herbs do you plant? We have parsley, basil, mint, rosemary, dill, cilantro, and I can't remember what else. This year we're doing mostly herbs and tomatoes. We get a ton of veggies from our local CSA.
One of my brothers popped in for a visit this morning. He's in town to see our uncle. It was great to see him. Had a meeting, and by the time all that was over, it was afternoon and hot - 91 degrees. So skipped a walk and went with dh to do so errands. Still got in a lot of steps.

Can't believe we had to put Chu Chu to sleep a week ago :( I miss him so much.

I went for a long walk before it got too hot this morning. I also did SBF D62 Lower Barre & BA Bounce + Cardio Bounce & Barre + Step. I also preordered Cathe's new Band Boss dvd's/downloads + bands. I also ordered extra set of all the bands for DH.

I had a zoom cooking class which was almost 3 hours. I didn't cook along since I didn't get the recipes before the class started. No big deal! I will definably make all the recipes she made. They look amazing!

Debbie - when I lived in Germany, I bought a small lemon tree. I couldn't take it back to the US, I gave it to my sister. I couldn't believe how big the lemon tree got when she showed it to me. My sister said it also having lots of lemons. My lemon tree was very small too. If you bring it inside in when the weather gets colder, you be surprised how well they do.

Cookie- I have no idea what they were thinking. I have lots of paw prints from all our dogs. Did you keep their ashes? Since we moved so much in the military, I just kept them. Maybe one of those day's I will put them in my yard. I used to have CSA. Got tired of getting tons of kale.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & it was hot! I joined a CSA which starts next week, they are doing it differently and you get to pick what is in your box. I will still have to supplement with the Farmer's Market because I bought a small box.

Belinda - You were smart to walk early. I'm going to preorder the new series tomorrow. The cooking zoom class sounds like fun:) There aren't any buds on the lemon tree but maybe as the summer goes on I may have some.

Cookie - Steps do add up when you do errands:) It may be too hot for me to walk tomorrow. I planted basil, parsley, sage, rosemary, oregano, mint and thyme. I use basil and rosemary the most.

Taking a rest day today. I am tired.

Debbie - what did you end up pre ordering? Your CSA sounds better than the ones they offer here. Back them I wasn't into a lot of kale. Now I love it! Go figure!

Good night.

Today I went to the gym and walked on the treadmill & did a couple of ab exercises. I spent the rest of the day cooking a monthly sauce. It was hot out, but missed walking outside, tomorrow I will;)

Belinda - You deserve a rest day:) I didn't get a chance to preorder today but tomorrow I will order the dvds/downloads & bands. I am excited for the bands, I struggle with the latex ones rolling on me. I hope the CSA has a variety to choose from, will let you know how it goes.

Cookie - I hope you had a nice weekend.

Good morning,

CL# 224 Fit Tower Inferno is done. It's raining outside, no walk for me today.

Debbie - hope you got a chance to preorder the new workouts. I also got the whole bundle. I also struggle with the latex bands. They pinch and roll up constanly. Good for you getting all your sauce done for the month. Do you freeze some of the sauce? Great job on your walk at the gym. I am sure you love the CSA. I probably would enjoy it now.

Have a great Monday and workout, everyone.

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