Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hi everyone,

DH and I walked this morning. I also did SBF D18 LB barre.

Debbie - the core with the SBF ball protects your lower back. I really like working my core with the ball. Cathe's core kills me. Unless she does planks/side planks. Great job yesterday.

Cookie - you must be busy with your family. Hope you have fun.

Off to do more laundry! BBL!
My brother and his wife left today. Boy, I love having them, but it will be nice to catch a breath. My whole family, well those that can and are nearby, try to get together and spend as much time as possible when someone visits, so it's so much fun but, at least for me, tiring. Then this afternoon two nieces and a nephew came for a visit.
Deb, you'll miss those yoga classes! Does she do any via Zoom that you could "attend?" Great job getting your walks in. Couldn't believe we needed sweaters last night also.
Belinda, so glad you have a compassionate doctor, and she communicates with your other doctor. Amazing how you get those workouts in.
Got in a long walk today and a ton of steps.

Today was a walk outside & upper body at the gym. It was another beautiful day!

Belinda - I find my self really liking planks & side planks for core work lately. I agree the ball does really help, I'll have to remind myself to use it and would make core work more enjoyable. It seems like there is always laundry to do:)

Cookie - Lots of visitors! Do you take them around or mostly spend time at home with your guests? It was a nice day for a walk. The instructor (my neighbor's daughter) is the one I do on zoom. One woman who was taking the classes is a school teacher who has been teaching her students with zoom. I couldn't believe when she said she takes 5 zoom yoga classes a week. She must be all zoomed out;)

It's a beautiful day here. Unfortunately, I have a cold and feel tired. Perhaps its also all the visitors! Got in a walk tho and a two-hour nap! I rarely nap.
Deb, with my brother and si, I took them around and we also spent a lot of time entertaining or visiting other family members. They did go out a few times on their own. That woman must have been a pro at Zoom.
Belinda, think I read a while ago that planks are one of the best exercises to do. Hope you enjoyed your walk.

Today was a walk outside & I did PHA training. We are going to get out to dinner tonight.

Belinda - Nice day for a walk!

Cookie - I hope the nap helped, and you feel better.

Have a great weekend;)
Today I walked for over an hour.I first went and walked alone than I picked up DD's puppy. I got all my steps before 9 am. I am watching my DD's puppy for the next 2 weeks. My DD is visiting my son for 2 weeks. I miss my son and his wife. They will be visiting me soon. I am excited.

I also did SBF Week 4 Day 6 TB with the stability ball.

Debbie - nice walk and PHA.

Cookie - believe it or not! Planks are easier than regular ab workout for me. I hated planks before, I love them now. Hope you feel better.

Good night!

Today was a walk outside & it was hot & humid!

Belinda - You were smart to get your walk in early;) It should be fun for you to watch DD's dog. Does your son & his wife like living in their new location?

Cookie - I hope you are feeling better.

Boy, this cold/allergies/sinus thing has thrown me for a loop. I've napped three days straight. That has to be a record for me. Got a lot of steps in, but no formal workouts.
Deb, how was your dinner out?
Belinda, that's so nice of you to dog sit. Dogs sure are a good way to get the steps in.

Today was a walk outside & there wasn't any good time to do it LOL. It was hot & humid from the moment I woke up. I needed to drink lots of water and sit down for awhile after my walk.

Belinda - I hope your having fun dog sitting:)

Cookie - The one good thing about the mask was it was harder to catch a cold. It's great you are napping it can only help. My SIL naps everyday but she is up at 4amo_O Dinner was nice, the restaurants are getting crowded but we try and go later, less crowded.

Hi everyone,

I walked with Cooper my DD's dog this morning. He did very well. He is a year old and a hand full. I also did SBF LB barre. My shoulder is still bordering me.

I totally forgot to check in yesterday. DH, Cooper and I went for a long walk. Cooper was beat, he slept most of the day. DH and I prepped and cooked FOK meals. That took quit some time.

I have FOK Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp in the oven. I signed up for a CSA, he gave me lots of rhubarb. I didn't know what to do with it. I have eaten Rhubarb before, I never had to clean it. What a mess and time consuming. Luckily DH helped with the peeling. Don't want those long fibers stuck in my teeth, lol.

Debbie - yes, DS and his wife (she is from El Paso) love their new place. It's just so far. Especially with covid, it makes traveling harder. It's very hot and humid here too.

Cookie - sorry to hear you feeling not well. Hope you feel better soon.I get lots of steps in each day.

That's it for me today.
Finally feeling a bit better!!! Got in a walk before I even had a cup of coffee this morning, and managed to get in lower body blast. Whew! That wasn't pretty.
Deb, sure need to drink a lot of water when it's this hot and humid. Hope you have air conditioning.
Belinda, sounds like you managed to tire out the puppy! I've never cooked rhubarb, and sure hope not to get any after your description!

Today was a walk outside, it was tough. I wanted to take a nap when I got home. Instead cooled off in the a/c and drank lots of water. I also went to the gym and did legs, it was cool in the gym.

Belinda - Puppies have so much energy:) I have never cooked with rhubarb either but your dessert sounds yummy.

Cookie - I'm happy to hear your feeling better. Nice work getting your workouts in:)


Walk this morning is done. We went out before 7 am and it's humid. Maybe tomorrow I will walk before my coffee to beat the heat.

Wanted to pass this on. Collage Videos is offering a 30 day trial for their streaming. I signed up for the free 30 day trial. I also did Gilad Sculpt & Tone. It was a very good workout. I couldn't go heavy. I am embarrassed to say I went very light like 1- 5's for upper. Had to drop to 1 pound for shoulders. Not sure what I did with my shoulder/neck/arm. With the upper body I did what I could do. I am sure it didn't look pretty either, lol. OH well! I hope I don't regret doing this workout tomorrow. I did like the lower body exercises all standing.

Debbie - they sure do have lots of energy. I am not used. to having a puppy around anymore. Do you walk in the mornings? Our AC upstairs is kaput since last night. I am sitting in the living room under the AC. I do drink more water during this heat wave.

Cookie - if your husband is willing to clean the rhubarb I think you both enjoy it. Glad you feeling better.

Have a great day.
Boy, I have to admit to really enjoying the longer daylight we're having. Had to think is it afternoon or evening b/c of the sunlight!
Got our basic walk in this morning right away. No add-ons due to the heat and humidity. Also did Xtrain back, shoulders, chest.
Deb, does your son still have a dog? I think you used to dog sit it. My dogs all sit around near the a/c vent!
Belinda, oh no, hope you didn't hurt your shoulder. Hope you can get your ac fxed quickly and inexpensively. Thanks for the info, but I'm going to hold off.
We put ac in this house and boy am I thankful we did. It also helps with my sinuses.

Today was a rest day. We decided to go to the beach. I thought for sure it would be so hot and humid at the beach and we would only stay a little bit. It was actually 10-20 degrees cooler because of the ocean breeze. It wasn't even humid. It was crowded but was worth it to get a break from the heat. When we returned home it was in the 90's & very humid.

Belinda - Kudos on getting your walks in so early. I tend to go in the afternoon. You did a great job with the Gilad video, I remember when they were on TV, I don't think I own any. I hope your a/c gets fixed soon, it must be hard to get someone to come out for it.

Cookie - I love the long days too! My son does still have the dog, but they live apart, still dating though. He says he will bring her around. We miss her and would love to dog sit anytime:)

Good morning,

Walk and LB barre is done.

I will be back later to catch up on personals. Need to pick up my glasses before the AC repair guys show up. Our upstairs AC went out, it's a sauna up there. BBL!
Is it hard for anyone else besides me to believe it is the last day in June?!!! This year is half way. Crazy! Didn't walk this morning but did get in low impact hiit and an Essentrics workout.
Deb, walking in the afternoon?!! I couldn't do that with this heat and humidity. What a great day to go to the beach. We all have children's dogs to sit!
Belinda, did you get your new glasses and the air conditioner repaired? Hope so!

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. We had thunderstorms this evening so hopefully the heat wave is gone.

Belinda - I hope your a/c was fixed. Hopefully you do your barre work downstairs.

Cookie - I always feel once July 4th comes the summer really flies by. I hope I am wrong this year;) Nice workout!

Checking in now, since today's going to be a busy one. Did Xtrain bis and tris, and have to confess how each time I do a Cathe workout, I'm impressed by how good they are. Even when I lying there trying to recover between sets! Hard to believe it is July already. Or at least for me. Any plans for the long weekend and/or the fourth?
Deb, hope the heat wave broke for you. One of my sil was saying how fantastic another one looks after doing yoga for a few years. That sil had always been a runner, but yoga toned her physique. I like how it makes me feel after doing it.
Belinda, was the technician able to get your ac up and running again? How's the dog sitting?

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