When I started posting 4 years ago there really did seem to be more comradery. There were definitely disagreements, but I don't remember seeing the group attacks like this before a certain group of forum members formed a web-ring. People who rarely post come from the woodwork and join what seems to be a light and fun thread when it's true intent is not missed by the person it is intended for. Unfortunately I have seen it at work behind the scenes years ago. Believe it or not, there are actually people on this forum who email each other, form a "pack" and actually intentionally put down and make other posters feel unwanted. They get a kick out of hurting others and trying to get a reaction out of them because of these "perceived" wrongs.I don't understand what makes people behave like this.
Melissa, I really don't know that much about the inter-relationships on this board, but I don't doubt what you are saying is true. It happens on ALL message boards. It seems to be universal behavior for some reason.