"Cleanse" Your Way to Weight Loss and Better Workouts


Okay, so I recently discovered an amazing little secret! And now I'm going to share it with all of you.

Before I discovered this secret, I was having all kinds of health "maladies": headaches (sometimes debilitating) every day; pain in my left ear from sinus problems (that I'd just gotten to the point of saying, "Oh, well, I'm just going to have to live with this pain for the rest of my life"); intermittent insomnia, LOTS of digestive problems; fatigue; skin problems; joint pain and low back pain; dizziness; unexplained nausea; food allergies; etc. After discovering the secret, all those problems are gone or are severely diminished. And the solution was so unbelievable simple that I'm surprised I'd never been told of its benefits before!

The secret was found at www.drnatura.com and I never would have guessed that "cleansing" would bring me so much happiness! I can actually work out now and NOT get so tired that I have to stop. Used to, when I worked out on the elliptical cross trainer, my legs would cramp up uncomfortably within about 10 minutes, and I'd get so winded that I'd have to lower the intensity about halfway through. NOW, my legs do NOT cramp, and I actually have to INCREASE the intensity!

I've lost weight. Not much, yet, but it's slowly started to peel away. I'd almost given up on ever losing weight again. It just seemed that no amount of exercise or clean eating was giving me results! And I'm actually WANTING to eat healthier foods (it doesn't feel like I'm punishing myself when I eat healthy food, anymore).

I'm most excited about being able to get so much more from my workouts now, though! I actually feel like now that one day I'll be able to get through the entire Imax 2 workout without having to stop and catch my breath! I never thought I'd even think it was possible. And it all happened so quickly! Just within a week of starting the program I already felt HUGE improvements! I'm now in the first week of Month Two and am looking forward to more improvements to come.

So, visit www.drnatura.com and read some of the testimonials and pefuse the website! Maybe cleansing with Colonix will be the answer to some of your own ailments. It sure has been for mine!

This is so interesting! Did you have to sit by the bathroom all day? I did a similar cleansing, however, it was very gentle...no being tied to the toilet. I must admit though, none of that stuff shown on the web site came out of me. How about you? The next thing is...are you a salesperson or in any way connected to this product? (You never know, ya know?)


I'm not a salesperson of the product...just a VERY SATISFIED CLIENT!!! :) :7 :) When I find a product that works as advertised, I promote the heck out of it to anyone who will listen. :7 Companie who rely on word-of-mouth advertising would love me. Ha ha!

I didn't get "as much" of that stuff in the photos out of me, but the first couple of weeks were "interesting". I did lose 2 pounds in one day from the elimination of built-up intestinal plaque, but the "stuff" I got was on a much smaller scale than in the photos on the website. But then again, I didn't get in there and dig around. 'nuff said.

This has been a VERY GENTLE cleanse! I've been surprised. Oh, sure, when the urge hits you, you know you've got to go soon, but I've never had to sprint to the bathroom. :7 They say you should be going 3 times per day, and I finally feel like my body is operating the way it's supposed to!

Oh, and I've been sleeping like a rock!!! What a blessing! And the disappearance of my daily headache has been a blessing, too!

There is so much conflicting information out there on cleansings, that I really feel "Buyer/User beware" applies. I'm glad you had a wonderful experience Catwoman, but I've heard many negative experiences and according to all of the medical journals I have read, they the results of cleansing are dubious at best and that they can actually be harmfull. I am not telling anyone to do this or not to do this - that's a personal decision, but please be 100% aware of what you are doing and the possible side effects.

There ARE a lot of different types of cleanes out there, and even though I had a holistic doctor try to talk me into one before, I was hesitant because she told me, "You'll need to find some easy-to-access restrooms on your drive to and from work so that you can stop when the urge hits you." I was like, "No way!" I am not going to do something that could make me mess myself while driving to work. And she said that this particular cleanse could make me sick. Again, I was like, "NO WAY!"

That's not at all how Colonix works. It is very gentle and from the website testimonials, it's easy to see that many, many people agree.

Sure, you could try a different cleanse and be very unhappy with it, but that's why you are supposed to do your research first. I did, and this was the one I found that looked the best for me.

And, I agree. Many "MEDICAL" doctors don't suggest "cleansing" (and downright bad-mouth it, contrary to people's positive experiences with it), but many "CHIROPRACTIC" doctors do recommend cleansing. Why? Because medical doctors want to "prescribe" medicine that will simply address your symptoms and not repair the actual problem causing them. Also, pescriptions are man-made products, and contrary what some people think, the human body was not made to ingest man-made products. Chiropractors are seeking to fix the problem, not mask the symptoms with medicine. Chiropractors will rarely prescribe medicine.

Are Chiropractors allowed to prescribe medication at all?!


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage

Hi Catwoman,
Great post!
I had almost given up on losing weight. I was stuck at the same weight. I had tried many different diet and exercise programs, was very frustrated, and only managed to lose 2 pounds at the most.
I just tried a cleansing program. For the first time in 4 years the scale moved downward. I lost 6 pounds total but I lost INCHES. Now all my clothes fit even the one pair of size 4 Levis that sat in my drawer forever.
I found this program through robin4health who also posts here. The program is through Shaklee. I have lots of energy, and I think I could have lost more but have been so busy with kids summer school, swimming lessons, and library programs. Not enough time in the day to exercise and lift weights with all the energy I now have.
It also made me rethink how and what I eat. I eat much healthier now. I did eat pretty clean but now I eat alot more fruit and veggies! I can't believe how much I can eat now and not gain weight.
I also agree with your other post about many (not all) doctors want to give drugs for the symptoms and not find the cause. Also many different cleansing programs and not all good!
I love all the energy I have now!
RE: Cleanse

I also did a cleanse. I did the Herbal Cleanse made by Advocare. It was the best choice I've ever made. I was stuck in a rut for over 2 years and about ready to give up. Then my friend introduced me to Advocare and turned my life completely around. I did the cleanse, which lasts for 10 days, I lost 7 pounds in those 10 days. When I was done I felt and still do feel on top of the world. I've lost a nother 3 pounds and only have 2 more to go. I can't believe that is all I needed to break my platue. I feel fabulous and my friends tell me I look great. Infact a lot of people are doing the cleanse and getting great results like me. I'm changing everyone and making them healthy. That makes me feel great. I like to help people if I can. Of couse I do use Advocares Vitamins and supplements, because their products are so awsome. I have so much energy, I drive some people crazy. But I'm glad to here you did a cleanse because their so awsome. The way you feel when your done is unexplainable.

I did the Master Cleanser about 7 months ago (which does not require you to buy anything from a company...no gimicks). You make everything yourself with fresh ingredients. You drink a concoction of freshly squeezed lemon juice, organic maple syrup (grade B) and cayenne pepper for 10 days. In addition, you do a sea-salt water cleanse 2x per day. Yes...you are in the bathroom in the morning and at night (after the salt water cleanses). It lasts for an hour or two. Not to be gross, but I did eliminate quite a bit of *stuff* and felt better than ever while I was on this cleanse. It was amazing how much energy I had because apparently, the lemons organic syrup are very nourishing and healthy (I was skeptical but did my homework). I did my normal workouts and felt SOOOO clean. Also, since I didn't have excess body fat, I actually didn't lose any weight, if you can believe that. It just goes to show that you are only eliminating *junk*, not healthy body tissue and muscle. However, from what I understand, you WILL lose fat on this cleanse if you have fat to lose. Supposedly, on average, you gain back half of the weight you lose after you return to your normal diet. But again, I didn't lose any at all...I did my workouts and felt great. And 7 months later, I can tell you I have had no adverse side effects and am still feeling the benefits of it. I would and probably will do it again...I would say once per year is a realistic goal.
RE: Cleanse

I have been toying with the idea of a cleanse also. I just don't know which one to try. Someone said they used their own cleanse with natural ingredients that you didn't have to buy. That makes a little more sense because no one is trying to sell you things. That makes me feel they are only interested in making money. There's an infomercial on T.V. that pushes a cleanse and it sounds great, but I feel they are only there to make money.

So which one to choose? Also,when you say the cleanse lasts 10 days does that mean that is all you eat, like a fast? I guess I definitely need to do more research. :)
RE: Cleanse

If you want to try a non-gimicky, natural cleanse, I suggest "The Master Cleanser" program, designed by Stanley Burroughs many, many years ago. I picked up a copy of his book for like $5 at Whole Foods, but you really don't need it...there is so much information available on the net on how to do it and what to expect, you will not have to purchase the book if you don't want to. Below are some great links for more information (FREE!) on how to do this cleanse. A lot of sites will try to sell you "Master Cleanser Kits", which essentially contain the Stanley Burroughs book and some grade B maple syrup. You can buy these things yourself at any health food store, so I wouldn't bother ordering them...you have to go out and buy fresh lemons anyway so why bother? If you decide to do it, feel free to PM me with any questions you might have. Also, one of the links below is a journal written by a woman who did the cleanse. It is very detailed and lets you know what she experienced on a day-to-day basis. Good luck!





Thank you for this post! I have been dealing with a multitude of symptoms for 3 years now. After seeing specialist after specialist (and losing count of the amount of blood drawn for labs!), I started seeing a naturopath about a year and a half ago. Now, I have never seen anyone besides a traditional MD, but they were all stumped, and just wanted to keep prescribing meds. And I was miserable!

The naturopath nailed some of the causes immediately - others have taken a bit of discovery. But one of the things she had me do was a cleanse - not of the Colonix nature, but she heartily believes in eliminating the toxins in your body. A lot of her cleanse has to do with the foods we eat. And a protein powder/shake, since all meat was eliminated during the cleanse.

I am going to try this cleanse, because I have been bloated and tired for so many months. I've become much more familiar with my body and its reactions, I think this might be great for me. Maybe not for everyone. But my body has such a hard time absorbing good nutrients. My nutritionist has even recommended occasional laxative use (NOT her usual course of action), because she's afraid the toxins I'm not eliminating are more harmful than the side effects. If this works as it claims, I won't needs those. I'll keep you posted ...

Actually, no they are not Sparrow. I'm pretty much under the impression that if a chiro tells me I should do something and he/she is the "only one" who can fix it (with months to years of corrections or by forcing my body to do something it naturally does anyway, as long as you EAT correctly), then I'm running in the opposite direction.

RE: Cleanse

I don't know about the other cleanses. I've only done Advocares and I know it works from experience. The cleanse is a kit of 6 days fiber drinks, 7 days herbal cleansing pills, and 7 days ProBiotic capules(good bacteria for your colon). While on the cleanse you can eat all the fruits, vegtables, whole grains, and lean proteins that you need. You cannot eat fat, white enriched flour, sugar, dairy, and vinager. When on the cleanse you are trying to starve and kill the bad bacteria and replace it with good. And it works.

Annette Bethel

Is there a product that is like it but not as expensive? I can't really justify that much money especially since I don't have a job and school is opening soon. Thanks, Annette

I'm using this product right now for some of the reasons you have listed. I'm currently on day 10. So far, I haven't noticed any changes just yet. This product has been mentioned a few times on this forum. If you do a search by drnatura, you can see what others have said what their results were.

I just did a search on "colon cleansing" and brought up several sites that claim it is a scam and that the Psyllium husk used in the cleanse actually turns to a gel that combined with the other ingredients causes a bunch of the "junk" that people claim is being cleaned from their colons. Has anyone else heard of this? I was thiking of doing one, but now I'm not so sure. Another point brought up on one of the web sites was that if we really had all of this "plaque" in our intestines, how come it doesn't show up on a colonoscopy? Just curious what those of you who have tried the ones with the psyllium think? I'm still considering doing one of the natural ones, but I liked that you didn't have to fast with the one brought up in this post.

Personally, I'm leary of "cleansing," primarily because I read the ingredients of the product referenced earlier in the thread, and what it amounts to is FIBER. You can increase your fiber intake a lot more inexpensively on your own and get the same benefits. My own fiber intake is very high, and I do it with plain old groceries.

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/musik/music-smiley-004.gif[/img]

Has anybody tried the one on tv? Just curious because I think they said you don't have to go more often... there's just more bulk to your natural elimination.

How many of you out there have done cleansing?? I never have, but after a weekend of martinis, cape codders, sausage and red wine I feel like I need it. I'm thinking about the master cleanser one and would love to hear from those of you who have done it.


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