"Cleanse" Your Way to Weight Loss and Better Workouts


I was sold on the drnatura stuff until someone brought up that they had heard it was a scam. Anybody else out there try it? I, like alot of other people out there, would love to do a cleanse but which one???

The one I tried was "First Cleanse". It cost $30 and I found it at Vitamen World. Very gentle. It made me "go" three times a day. I didn't see anything weird come out but today I had all kinds of energy even though I didn't sleep well last night. I don't know if it's due to the cleansing which I am in the last day of, or the new vitamen I took for the first time today. I kinda think I wasted my money. I was also wondering about why these things don't show up on a colonoscopy. I had one two years ago and the doctor didn't say I had any "creatures" up there. BTW, my daughter is an MD and she said I wasted my money...that I should have taken a laxative. Oh well.

I use psyllium whole husks that I buy from a health food store. Yerba Prima is the brand. It is about $8 for a 12 oz can. I mix it with water. I try to take 1 T a day. It is good mixed in smoothies. Psyllium binds mycotoxins in your body. And yes, I have heard of people passing worms after taking psyllium. Although, this has not happened to me...yet. Our bodies are contaminated with mycotoxins from all aspects such as mold in the air, in food, in homes, etc. It causes many health problems. I suggest psyllium to everybody. I don't think fiber from plain old groceries will take care of all the mycotoxins in our bodies.

Also, I have heard garlic tablets are great for toxins.


For anyone interested in cleanses, there is a website that shows some (full body, liver/gallbladder cleanse--I know one guy who passed lots of gallbladder stones, and posted photos of them on a forum, after doing this one-- lemon cleanse) and offers a booklet that details them as well as the psyllium (whole husks, not ground or whole seeds) and other ingredients you might need: www.cleansingorsurgery.com

All the cleanses use ingredients you can get at the grocery store (except for the psyllium).

Another way of cleansing is to do a relative cleanse. Just go a step or two 'cleaner' from your regular diet, and your body will use the opportunity to cleanse (in a not-too-drastic way).

For example, if you are following the standard American diet (high in processed foods and animal products)--then going whole foods vegetarian for a period of time (3 days to a week or more, for example) will help. If you are already vegetarian or vegan, then going raw foods for a period of time will help. If you are a raw fooder, then going fruitarian for a while will help.

Thanks, Kathryn.

I noticed in the link Kathryn just provided, they refer to the "Lemonade Diet" as one of the cleanses. Just so you know - this is the same as "The Master Cleanser" I was referring to above...same exact cleanse, two different names. As I mentioned earlier, I have personally done this cleanse for 10 days, so I let me know if you want more info (both graphic and non-graphic)! ;-)


Yes - please give us both the graphic and non-graphic details of your experience on the 10 day lemon cleanse. I just started one today for the first time and am dying to know what to expect.


Okie dokey...I will write up my experiences tonight for anyone who is interested in my 10 day lemonade fest. Stay tuned!!! :D

I'm a lurker -- but I just had to post on this one. I have no medical background -- this is just my story. For those of you grossed out by the "unusual" things claimed to be coming out of people's colons:

I had a "bathroom" problem a year ago. The doctor said I probably had a parasite. I was FREAKED out. I looked at all the gross stuff on the internet. I took the meds and I felt better.

I just couldn't get the gross stuff out of my mind. I was still having stomach pains - so a few months ago I had a colonoscopy.

The doctor had me take "Fleet" - you can get it for $7 at your local pharmacy. I drank it and I was totally cleaned out. I went the bathroom twice - and then the rest of the time - I had pure liquid coming out. I had to drink a second batch of Fleet right before the procedure. I continued to have only clear liquid coming out of me.

After the colonoscopy I told the doctor how thrilled I was to finally be "cleaned" out. He replied, "What, did you think a parasite looked like a worm?" and he chuckled.

My stomach didn't flatten, I didn't lose any weight. I took me a few days of eating before finally having a true bowel movement again.

What I learned is that my stomach isn't flat, because I have a layer of fat on it, not because I have huge amounts of stuff stuck in my colon. And I also learned not to believe all the stories you see on the internet -- I didn't have anything gross come out of my colon.

That's just my story.

I'm a lurker -- but I just had to post on this one. I have no medical background -- this is just my story. For those of you grossed out by the "unusual" things claimed to be coming out of people's colons:

I had a "bathroom" problem a year ago. The doctor said I probably had a parasite. I was FREAKED out. I looked at all the gross stuff on the internet. I took the meds and I felt better.

I just couldn't get the gross stuff out of my mind. I was still having stomach pains - so a few months ago I had a colonoscopy.

The doctor had me take "Fleet" - you can get it for $7 at your local pharmacy. I drank it and I was totally cleaned out. I went the bathroom twice - and then the rest of the time - I had pure liquid coming out. I had to drink a second batch of Fleet right before the procedure. I continued to have only clear liquid coming out of me.

After the colonoscopy I told the doctor how thrilled I was to finally be "cleaned" out. He replied, "What, did you think a parasite looked like a worm?" and he chuckled.

My stomach didn't flatten, I didn't lose any weight. I took me a few days of eating before finally having a true bowel movement again.

What I learned is that my stomach isn't flat, because I have a layer of fat on it, not because I have huge amounts of stuff stuck in my colon. And I also learned not to believe all the stories you see on the internet -- I didn't have anything gross come out of my colon.

That's just my story.

Catwoman, I have been back and forth with this issue for a couple months so I was excited to see it posted so I could get info from others. I just asked a friend of mine who is a nurse what she tought of getting a colonic but she said

".....my only problem is that they only address like 10% of your lower G.I . tract, it makes more sense to me to do an oral cleansing which sweeps the whole intestine, not just the colon which is the part that a colonic addresses. He did say that is was interesting the amount of stuff came out that he saw in the tube......i think it is a fad thing, i would rather you see a homeopath and do a fast or cleanse"

So with that being said I want to try this cleanse you got. Can you tell me though do you have to fast for any amount of time before returning to solid food?
Thats my only concern as every weekend I have a party or something and won't be able to fast more than 3-4 days in a row (Mon-Thurs)

Thanks in advance!

Catwoman, I have been back and forth with this issue for a couple months so I was excited to see it posted so I could get info from others. I just asked a friend of mine who is a nurse what she tought of getting a colonic but she said

".....my only problem is that they only address like 10% of your lower G.I . tract, it makes more sense to me to do an oral cleansing which sweeps the whole intestine, not just the colon which is the part that a colonic addresses. He did say that is was interesting the amount of stuff came out that he saw in the tube......i think it is a fad thing, i would rather you see a homeopath and do a fast or cleanse"

So with that being said I want to try this cleanse you got. Can you tell me though do you have to fast for any amount of time before returning to solid food?
Thats my only concern as every weekend I have a party or something and won't be able to fast more than 3-4 days in a row (Mon-Thurs)

Thanks in advance!

For you ladies who have done cleanses involving fasting, did you work out during that time? Seems like you take in so few calories it would be extra stress on the body to workout during that time...


For you ladies who have done cleanses involving fasting, did you work out during that time? Seems like you take in so few calories it would be extra stress on the body to workout during that time...



Yes, believe it or not, I had so much energy during this "fast", I was able to do everything I normally do (including my hour of cardio 6 days per week and strength training). I actually had more energy and vitality than normal. And I slept better than I have in years...like a baby.

The key with the lemonade diet is to ensure you are consuming enough of it to maintain your weight goals. My goals were not to lose weight, but to cleanse. For example, Stanley Burroughs recommends 60 oz. of the "lemonade" for a normal person. However, since I am very active and have a fast metabolism, I drank as much as *I* needed as to not be hungry. Some days this was 80 oz. and other days it was 60 oz. *Anytime* I started to feel hungry, I had some lemonade. It seems hard to believe, I know, but I wasn't hungry for food other than the lemonade and had tons of energy. He also mentions that you can add more or less of the organic maple syrup, depending on your weight loss goals. I added the amount recommended and sometimes a bit extra.

I am going to go a little zen on you now, but in a strange way, this was a very spiritual experience. I felt more in touch and more in control with my body than I ever have before. My senses were all strangely heightened. I could pick up on smells and sounds that I never noticed before. It's really hard to explain, but I think it has to do with mucous...you are essentially eliminating all excess mucous from your body so you don't have the typical stuffy nose, stuffy ears, etc., the way a normal person would have, since you are ridding yourself of excess mucous. This was the focus of a thread a few days ago...getting runny noses while working out. Guess what? I did not have a runny nose the whole time I was on this cleanse (after about day 2 or 3). It's the weirdest thing and gave me a strange feeling of empowerment over my health and well-being.

I could go on, but there is far too much to say! As I mentioned earlier, I will write up a "journal" of sorts later on to let you all know what I experienced.


Yes, believe it or not, I had so much energy during this "fast", I was able to do everything I normally do (including my hour of cardio 6 days per week and strength training). I actually had more energy and vitality than normal. And I slept better than I have in years...like a baby.

The key with the lemonade diet is to ensure you are consuming enough of it to maintain your weight goals. My goals were not to lose weight, but to cleanse. For example, Stanley Burroughs recommends 60 oz. of the "lemonade" for a normal person. However, since I am very active and have a fast metabolism, I drank as much as *I* needed as to not be hungry. Some days this was 80 oz. and other days it was 60 oz. *Anytime* I started to feel hungry, I had some lemonade. It seems hard to believe, I know, but I wasn't hungry for food other than the lemonade and had tons of energy. He also mentions that you can add more or less of the organic maple syrup, depending on your weight loss goals. I added the amount recommended and sometimes a bit extra.

I am going to go a little zen on you now, but in a strange way, this was a very spiritual experience. I felt more in touch and more in control with my body than I ever have before. My senses were all strangely heightened. I could pick up on smells and sounds that I never noticed before. It's really hard to explain, but I think it has to do with mucous...you are essentially eliminating all excess mucous from your body so you don't have the typical stuffy nose, stuffy ears, etc., the way a normal person would have, since you are ridding yourself of excess mucous. This was the focus of a thread a few days ago...getting runny noses while working out. Guess what? I did not have a runny nose the whole time I was on this cleanse (after about day 2 or 3). It's the weirdest thing and gave me a strange feeling of empowerment over my health and well-being.

I could go on, but there is far too much to say! As I mentioned earlier, I will write up a "journal" of sorts later on to let you all know what I experienced.

>The doctor had me take "Fleet" - you can get it for $7 at your
>local pharmacy. I drank it and I was totally cleaned out.

??? Fleet is the brand name of an enema.

>The doctor had me take "Fleet" - you can get it for $7 at your
>local pharmacy. I drank it and I was totally cleaned out.

??? Fleet is the brand name of an enema.

He replied, "What, did you think a
>parasite looked like a worm?"

??? Don't they? Hookworms. Roundworms. Tapeworms. They are all 'worms."

I don't understand.

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