"Cleanse" Your Way to Weight Loss and Better Workouts


He replied, "What, did you think a
>parasite looked like a worm?"

??? Don't they? Hookworms. Roundworms. Tapeworms. They are all 'worms."

I don't understand.

Kathryn -

I think Fleet may be the brand name. It is liquid that you add to a cup of gaterade -- then shortly after you drink it - you will be pretty much cleaned out. Doing it twice in one day -- totally cleans you out for such things as a colonoscopy.

What I meant about the parasite -- is that when you search on-line you will see numerous people doing colon cleansing for fear of the large (like 6 inch long) "worm" like looking creatures that are in their colons. This is what totally freaked me out. My doctor was teasing me as most parasites are so small you can't see them with a naked eye. (As always, I need to stop believing everything I read on the Internet!)

amen, I too need to stop believing everything I read as well. However, your doctor should have clarified. Just think how many other people have freaked out in the same way? I read the same testimonials about the six inch worms and I always thought, wouldn't that make you really skinny if you had a long worm inside of you? Isn't that why we worm dogs? Dogs can die from having worms inside because they eat all the food and the dog starves. Wouldn't that be the same idea for humans?
So no, I don't believe the testimonials that a cleanse will make your stomach flat because of worms and excess waste. We would all be so clogged that we wouldn't be able to pass anything.

I don't know much about animals and worms, but when I got my dog, she was full of worms. (she was still a puppy). Her belly was swollen. The vet could tell she had worms by feeling her tummy.

Parasites take many of your nutrients leaving one tired, etc.


>I don't know much about animals and worms, but when I got my
>dog, she was full of worms. (she was still a puppy). Her belly
>was swollen. The vet could tell she had worms by feeling her
>Parasites take many of your nutrients leaving one tired, etc.

TMI warning!!!

When I was around 12(?), I had a tapeworm (maybe from kissing my cat on the mouth before I went to school? Who knows.) I 'discovered' it when I was on the toilet, and 'something' was stuck. I reached back, and 1/2 of the worm was out, and I had to pull it the rest of the way. Then, I had to take a big honking pill to get rid of it. So, some parasites are quite visible.

(I knew a guy who got some kind of intestinal parasite in Mexico, and he saved it and had it in a jar of alcohol on a shelf. Yuk!)

I had worms. I used Body Ecology's Eco-Clear formula and passed quite a few. I want DH to try it now because he lives on junk food and soda but he won't...yet... I would have never known they were there if I hadn't tried to get rid of them.


Although I am glad your experience was a positive one, I would suggest something else to try, like increasing your fiber intake. If you eat 25 - 30 grams of fiber per day, which is the daily recommended amount, it will help greatly with weight loss & maintenance, along with drinking alot of water. It will be slower, but steady and healthier. Once you go through the initial adaptation to so much fiber, you will see the results 10 fold. And another suggestion,to maintain the improvements that you saw with the cleanser, this would be great for you, because the fiber and water will add in digestion process, and you may not have to ever use a colon cleanser again! Just a thought... Dee:+

I ordered the psyllium whole husks by Yerba Prima that Sara suggested and boy it works terrific!! I've never taken a fiber that worked very well but this really works and it doesn't make you bloated and gassy. For all of you who wanted a colon cleanser, I fully recommend this. It's much cheaper than some of the other stuff, it's gentle, and it works!

TMI warning: Here we are back on this topic - it clearly is an important one! I have a question: I checked online for the symptoms of "constipation" and OMG it's me!! Who would know? I've been like that all my life, but it can't be good. So, after reading all the posts back and forth, I bought some Metamucil since it's psyllium husks in a widely marketed product. And I made even more of an effort to increase dietary fiber - bran cereal, more beans, etc. Not much difference in my "condition"... Any thoughts out there??:-(

>I checked online for
>the symptoms of "constipation" and OMG it's me!! Who would
>know? I've been like that all my life, but it can't be good.
>So, after reading all the posts back and forth, I bought some
>Metamucil since it's psyllium husks in a widely marketed
>product. And I made even more of an effort to increase
>dietary fiber - bran cereal, more beans, etc. Not much
>difference in my "condition"... Any thoughts out there??:-(

Buy a box of prunes and have a few each morning.
Start each meal with a salad (with lots of greens and chopped veggies).
Snack on apples and pears (both lower glycemic fruits, and full of pectin, which helps with regularity).
Put a tbsp of fresh-ground flax in a daily smoothie (fiber, like psyllium, but other nutrients that psyllium doesn't have as well, like omega-3's and lignan).

Charlotte, I have been constipated for about 3 years now and I have tried almost everything from prunes to apples & pears to high fiber cereals to metamucil and more. I've even spoken to my doctor about it and he said it was normal for people's systems to change like that and not to worry about it. Well, try psyllium whole husk by Yerba Prima. It really worked and no discomfort like metamucil - which never worked for me by the way. This has gently made me regular and seems to have flushed my colon as well. Sorry to have brought this up again ladies but I wanted to put a good word in for this stuff!

> Well,try psyllium whole husk by Yerba Prima. It really worked and
>no discomfort like metamucil - which never worked for me by
>the way.

Some say that the ground psyllium (like metamucel)or whole psyllium seeds can actually exacerbate constipation, and don't do as good a job at 'scrubbing out' the intestines as the husk. You can also get the whole husk from www.cleansingorsurgery.com (maybe a better price?).

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