Caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror - happy!


Back a couple of months ago, I posted that I had somehow let myself get doughy -- not enough workouts, not enough intensity, too many excuses. My clothes weren't quite fitting right anymore and I had developed a roll of flab around the middle. (My SIL reminded me that I'm 48 and it's "normal" at this age to get soft...) I decided at that point to step up my workouts to 6 days per week, including 4-5 cardio sessions and 3 weights sessions. I also decided to pay more attention to what I was putting in my mouth and try to get some balance in my eating (very difficult task for me).

Well, I've noticed, especially through January, that I was starting to tighten up. My waistline is coming back, I can see some abs, and I'm starting to get some cuts back in my arms and legs. I didn't think I looked any different in my clothes, though. Then a few minutes ago I caught a glimpse of myself in the washroom mirror here at work and did a double take -- my pants are getting baggy at the back, my butt is DEFINITELY smaller, my tummy is hardly sticking out at all, and my shoulders don't look at all round! Yes, it was me!! Yeeeeee-hah!!!! :) I have a ways to go, but I'm motivated now!

Congratulations!! Your hard work is paying off!!

P.S. Age is just a number! I'm 54 and going strong!
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Good for you! Very inspirational for us 40-somethings. It is amazing the results that can be obtained by just "kicking it up a notch."
my pants are getting baggy at the back, my butt is DEFINITELY smaller, my tummy is hardly sticking out at all, and my shoulders don't look at all round! Yes, it was me!! Yeeeeee-hah!!!! :) I have a ways to go, but I'm motivated now!


Rock-On Stebby.......It's all about keeping your head in the game.....I bet you'll be looking out for more mirrors in the future.....and that's a good thing!

P.S. - Love your avatar! that's you, right? at what age?
So happy for you! And proud of you! And inspired by you! And, well, a little jealous of your tightness!:p
Stebby what a great story, it's just what I needed to kick myself in the butt today -- thanks for sharing. Keep up the hard work. :)
Way to go Stebby!!! I hope I can come even close to that come July. Right now I am giving the Pillsbury Doughboy a run for his money! ;) I plan to use you for inspiration!
Liann, you'll be surprised how much of that doughiness turns out to just be water weight! Feels like fat, looks like fat, then 3-4 days after the baby is born, and you've been sweating and peeing your brains out for 3-4 days, half of the doughiness is gone. I bet you won't have any trouble at all!

I'm thrilled to be able to provide inspiration (after all the women here who have inspired me) but I do have a long way to go ... I'm still hanging onto 25 lbs of baby weight and my baby will be 8 this year. :( Gotta start somewhere though, right?

Atta Girl, Ms Stebs! And thanks so much for pointing out that you were merely 12 when I was graduating from high school! Keep up the good work.
Wonderful! Lots of hard work really pays off!

People often ask me how I did it and when I tell them, they shy right away! Why is it no one ever wants to put forth any effort for a great goal anymore?

Again, congratulations!

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