Cardio Core Circuit - MERCY!! UNCLE!!!

Everything everyone said is true about this workout. It has been at least 2 hours since I have done it and I still can't move. I had no problems with the cardio...but the core... modification has become my best friend.
I finally tried this one and WOW, it was a toughie! Can anyone do those drop/roll/jump thingies?! Those were tough, definitely going to need some practice at those! BUT, LOVED this workout!! Fabulous, as always (and my abs are feeling it today!!)
What a FANTASTIC and FUN workout! I burned 450 cals! The workout flew by and my abs were toast afterwards. I can't wait to try the rest.

I tried Cardio Core Circuit today. Holy cow was that hard. And I was only doing the Express premix. I didn't have trouble with any of the rolling thingies. It was the cardio that got me: even on that short premix I had to pause the video several times to let my heart rate come down. I'm officially scared of trying the full workout. Yikes.

I just finished and I didn't think I was going to! That was a tough one! I was able to do the drop, roll and jump things but I think I was only able to actually jump for the first two! I'll admit I was happy when it was over but it was great. I actually look forward to trying in again.
I just got my STS shock cardio dvds yesterday. I did MMA Boxing first and loved it. This morning I was trying to decide between 30/30 and CCC after reading this discussion I have decided on 30/30. I'll try CCC tomorrow. Looks like I need to preview this one a few times before trying it - and I think the week-end is a better time for that!

Thanks for all of your posts!

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Dear god, make it stop!!!! OMG, that was hard. Thought I was gonna die halfway thru the 1st round. I think round 3 and 5 were the easiest, but it was all tough, tough, tough. I will admit I didn't do the side twisty pushup things, I was pooped, so just did regular pushups. I can't do the roll back and pop up onto my feet thing, either. It was a roll back, try to get up, and fall on my butt;):eek: At least my backside has plenty of cushion:p It felt like my legs were too long to get under me or something. But it was fun trying. Also couldn't do the last core section, with the roll back and over and into the pushup. My feet keep geting in the way in the transition from the roll to the pushup. I think I may move the mat out of the way and try it on the floor. My shoes were getting stuck on the mat and it was bunching up and getting me all jumbled up. I swear some of these exercises are easier for shorter people. Not so many bits and pieces to get in the way.

It was fun, and tough. I look forward to doing it again, but need to get thru the rest of the new DVDs before I repeat anything.


The first time I did it I got though it purely on the excitement of just getting the series, now the 2nd time almost killed me. - autumn
So glad to hear you all found CCC difficult. I did it this morning for the first time-how can laying down and standing up be so hard!? I can really feel this working my thighs and gluts.
SOOOO hard

I just finished CCC, it is by far the hardest for me of all the new Cardio shock. A close second behind 40/20 in my opinion though. I was gasping for air several times. Way to go Cathe!!! These DVDS are sure to get rid of my little muffin top:)
I just finished this one and really enjoyed it. It was just the right length, rests were just right and I burned 300 calories on my HRM, the same as what I burned doing Athletic Step plus a short ab workout afterwards. I modified to keep out some of the impact. The core work was enjoyable for me. I never had trouble with the Dreya Rolls in P90X so these roll thingies were doable too. Must be because I'm bottom heavy and weebles wobble, but they don't fall down.:p I enjoyed the music too. Great workout!!!! Now I'm not dreading 40-20 so much. Have to do that one next week.

Got to say, these Shock Cardio workouts are getting me back to where I used to be cardio and energy wise. Waking me up, they are. I like the different intensities that are in these series.

I think Cathe has done an AWESOME job on these workouts!!!
I just did CCC yesterday for the first time and LOVED it! It's the closest thing to an Insanity-type workout that I've seen in the Shock Cardio series so far, which makes me happy. My heart rate monitor said my average heart rate was 160 and I burned over 700 calories...I know that can't be right, but just sayin'. :)

But...anything that involves the rolling back and forth on the floor is just not do-able for me. I am working out on concrete without a good mat (just a rubbery mat thing that's supposed to go under a treadmill!). Plus, I always have issues with my tailbone when doing many ab/core exercises. When the exercise is more stationary, I can sit on a folded up thick blanket and get by just fine, but all this rolling and jumping around means that blanket is going everywhere. I don't like doing modifiers (it feels like cheating!), but I just don't see how I can ever do these moves without buying a super-padded oversized mat that sticks to the floor! Is there such a thing??
Wow, what a relief to hear that others thought this was harder than 40/20. I was wondering if I was just tired today. I did this for the first time- and loved it, but I thought it was harder than any of the Hiits. I thought I was going to die. I had to do the modifications and was unable to do the rolling up things or the last core work. I just substituted. I really enjoyed this but didn't expect it to be as challenging as it was. I am loving shock cardio!
This thread is hilarious!!!:p

I am so glad I started SC with the Hiits first... it must have prepared me for CCC. This was a fantastic workout. A great challenge from begining to end and the fun factor is a 10!
I just did CCC yesterday for the first time and LOVED it! It's the closest thing to an Insanity-type workout that I've seen in the Shock Cardio series so far, which makes me happy. My heart rate monitor said my average heart rate was 160 and I burned over 700 calories...I know that can't be right, but just sayin'. :)

I was thinking the same! this is the closest to Insanity it was tough!:confused: I was glad I'd finish I did not pause my HR was up to the top of the roof and when I finished my head was hot, my face red and I had this little feeling of getting sick:confused::confused:
My DH got home right on the middle of the workout and I when I was done I couldn't have conversation :eek: I needed to catch-up my breath.
The hard one for me was the second core my right leg is OK to curl in and stand up, but the left leg(surgery)still stiff, so I wonder if doing all in one leg still good.
And on 4th core w/o I think I pull a muscle in my inner thigh ouch! but I still did I did not give-up.
Good workout!:D
today was my second time doing CCC and i have to say it is my favorite of the shock cardio series. I hope Cathe comes out with more cardio workouts that don't use any equipment
I think what makes this one hard for me is that unlike the Hiits there is not as much warning about how long the bursts are going to last - and it seems that there is less rest as well. I did it yesterday - and I was so relieved when the first break came and then Cathe says the "reward" is core excercise!

I seem to take on CCC whenever I am on the tired side - and it seems really hard to get through. I think the enjoyment factor will come on an "energy" day.

That being said - I love a challenge and the fact that this workout kicks my butt! Yeah Cathe!
I did CCC for the first time yesterday! It's very reassuring to read how tough everyone thinks this one is because it was very hard for me!

I don't even think it's my age (53), but more my limited flexibility and my long legs. I could do most of the moves, but I was in slow motion compared to Cathe and Company on many of them. I hope to get better as I do it more.

Whew... what a workout!! :D

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