Hi everyone! Hope you all are doing well.
Saturday was the treadmill.
Yesterday was EBE2 Weighted + Plyo Legs. I also added on the med ball segment from Ab Circuits and a segment from Total Body Stretching.
This is my last week for my EBE2 rotation. I'd say overall I enjoyed the workouts and they are pretty tough, but I'm ready to move on to something else. I think next week will be a week of random DVDS I just purchased, and then I think I will move on to a combination of Hammer & Chisel and 22 Hard Corps. Of course, this is all contingent upon whatever Cathe has new in store for us.
She will definitely come first!
On a funny side note...During EBE2, Ingrid calls a few of her fellow exercisers 'Mama'...saying things like "Come on, Mama" or "You can do it, Mama". And of course, she's got the thick Brazilian accent while saying it. Well, my cat's name is Mama Kitty, Mama for short. I now find myself thinking of Ingrid whenever I call my cat ("Come on, Mama!") and even feel like I let a little of that Brazilian accent creep in when doing it. Weird, I know!