Bodybuilding/Sculpting check-in;-)

Barbell rows is my favourite exercise for back --- How is your form while executing it?
I love working my back, I am feeling some DOMS now.
Gonna try that Nathalie, it looks interesting, and bala,ce not so much an issue! Thanks
Tom I saw a deadlift variation and thought about you. You could try it to substitute with one leg RDL.
Here is the clip. I will do this one instead of RDL during meso 3. Ineed variety in my compound moves.
Please let us know how you like it, should give it a try.:)

Gotta try that Nathalie, it looks really interesting, pretty much takes balance out of it....Thanks
Thanks for posting that Nathalie, I love Bret Contreras, he's got some great stuff!

I too love Bret stuff/Great stuff --- I think he has got a new program on the pipeline for us home exercisers.
It would be great if he came up with a vid --- I am not keen on paper programs :-/
I want to venture into doing more squat, deadlift and lunges variation.:)

That said, I admire Bret work too --- He has got patience and a skull to do all those researches!

To Tom @tslop49

Hope you find Bret B-stance deadlift comfortable and helpful. I will let you know what it feels like when I get to it. Take care Tom:)
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Peak Week Cardio? From what you've said about the Brazilian firecracker and her bosom buddies.. I'm wondering what Peak Week Cardio is?? hee hee

More like "Twin Peaks" Week Cardio? Heehee! Actually, the ladies in that workout were average size in that area. Guess they didn't want anyone knocking an eye out with all that jumping. :eek::p


What do you think is missing from leg overall work? Are front leg/quad exercises missing?

Nathalie, yes, I felt like my quads were not pushed very much. Also, there is no calf work. You do some side lunges, but that is really the only focused work for the inside or outside of the legs. Cathe has much better comprehensive leg workouts!

Thanks for all the informative links. Great stuff!

Yesterday was EBE2 Weighted Glutes. Now this workout lives up to it's name as far as focusing on the glutes. However, there is not much weight work. You use the firewalker band a lot and do quite a bit of mat work. You use weights for only a handful of the exercises. Having said that, my glutes were burning by the end, but no DOMS today.
Good Morning Friends! Shoulder day for me and I put in some reps. I did 12 sets of strictpress, 3x10 side laterals, 3x12 rear delt flys, 1x14 powerblock press, 1x20 heavy barbell shrugs and some hanging forearm work, x25 x20 x15. Felt good, no pr's but some good intensity to "fuel future endeavors" lol!! Have a great Thursday all!

I LOVE Bret Contreras, but I had not seen this blog post!!!! Thanks Nathalie.. you made my day!!!! He just had a new exercise too, I have to find my link to that, called something like a frog glute bridge and frog hip thrust.. I'm really going to start focusing on a 30 day glute challenge starting next week...:) Love me some glutes!! haha!! Hey, when my glutes are strong, my knees feel there ya go! :)
This week has been a bust (no pun on your workouts Jodi.. hee hee) for me.. here it is Friday and I've hardly gotten any workouts in.. I feel it too. I'm a morning person.. but I"m going to have to buck up and get something in later. I feel like it's a NO EXCUSES kind of day!!!

Happy Friday all!!!!!
I LOVE Bret Contreras, but I had not seen this blog post!!!! Thanks Nathalie.. you made my day!!!! He just had a new exercise too, I have to find my link to that, called something like a frog glute bridge and frog hip thrust.. I'm really going to start focusing on a 30 day glute challenge starting next week...:) Love me some glutes!! haha!! Hey, when my glutes are strong, my knees feel there ya go! :)

Here is frog glute pump from Bret @dawn9222
As to highlighted above, yes stronger and rounder the rear get, less pressure we put on our knees ---Yep.
It is not just about vanity hee hee;)

To tom, It is a glute bridge variation. This gives hamstring a break. I love working hamstring but
will do this one from time to time as a glute activation.:)
More like "Twin Peaks" Week Cardio? Heehee! Actually, the ladies in that workout were average size in that area. Guess they didn't want anyone knocking an eye out with all that jumping. :eek::p

:D:D Lol

Nathalie, yes, I felt like my quads were not pushed very much. Also, there is no calf work. You do some side lunges, but that is really the only focused work for the inside or outside of the legs. Cathe has much better comprehensive leg workouts!

I think they have opted for not equally work both front and back leg cause women are quad predominant and/or
we tend to complain about gaining more in front than back. I personally do not have any issue working out both equally.

I noticed Brasilian are very much into obsessively focusing on hamstring and glute
to maintain very thin legs. It's a preference. I am more into equally balancing out.:)

I do not like thin calves, again I like my calves visibly rounded. I love working calves.
I will add calves drill when I get to EBE#2, I am not into leaving some muscle group underworked:rolleyes::oops:
Here is frog glute pump from Bret @dawn9222
As to highlighted above, yes stronger and rounder the rear get, less pressure we put on our knees ---Yep.
It is not just about vanity hee hee;)

To tom, It is a glute bridge variation. This gives hamstring a break. I love working hamstring but
will do this one from time to time as a glute activation.:)

You are so awesome Nathalie!!! Thanks!!
Nathalie, agree with you completely about liking to work all parts of the legs equally. I like working my quads and calves and seeing definition in those areas as well.

Yesterday I did ICE Chiseled Upper Body and Core 1.

Today is a rest day. Looking forward to the weekend!
For the first time in a long time I was able to do some curls, although VERY light. Managed some light hammer curls, concentration curls and ez bar curls, but at embarrassing weights...don't care, I will take it! I styed very light on tri's as well, but did long rep ranges. I did the workout as supersets, tri pushdowns/hammer curls, ez bar skullcrushers/ ezbar curls, crossbody tri/conc curls, and diamond pushups/short rom isos. I did 3 sets of all, and finished with crunches x50 seated knee ins x30, and cable crunches x30. Have a great weekend all!
Good Morning Lifters! I moved my routine up a day due to meetings next week, and did chest this morning. I started with 10 sets of flat bench, 3 sets of inclined bench, then back to 2 long rep sets of bench at 10# less than the inclines. Next was planks, followed by cable crunches and finishing with wide pushups. Hope y'all had a great weekend!
Hello all!

Yesterday was the treadmill.

Today was EBE2 Weighted + Plyo Legs. This was a pretty tough workout. It's like contrast do a strength move and then follow with a similar plyo move. The catch is you continue to hold weights during the plyo move. Of course, you can't go too heavy on those moves, and there are times when you don't pause in between the strength and plyo so even during the strength moves you can't hold too heavy of a weight. Still, I think next time I can up my weights just a bit for the strength parts. Ok, pardon me while I yell for a second...SHE CAN'T COUNT!!! Phew, I feel better. :D She'll tell you the move will be 12 reps, and when you are on rep 10 or 11, she'll say there are 5 more reps. It is so annoying! I just keep my own count and stop after the right amount of reps.

I also added on a segment from Core Max and one from Total Body Stretching.

Hope everyone is doing well!
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Good Morning All! Lat day here, and I did barbell rows, 5 sets, then went 5x8 on lat pulldowns, adding 10# to what I previously used. Next were heavy dumbbell rows 3x10, and finished with 1 more set of pulldowns, dropping 10# and doing 1x12. Have a terrific day ladies!
Hello all!

Yesterday was the treadmill.

Today was EBE2 Weighted + Plyo Legs. This was a pretty tough workout. It's like contrast do a strength move and then follow with a similar plyo move. The catch is you continue to hold weights during the plyo move. Of course, you can't go too heavy on those moves, and there are times when you don't pause in between the strength and plyo so even during the strength moves you can't hold too heavy of a weight. Still, I think next time I can up my weights just a bit for the strength parts. Ok, pardon me while I yell for a second...SHE CAN'T COUNT!!! Phew, I feel better. :D She'll tell you the move will be 12 reps, and when you are on rep 10 or 11, she'll say there are 5 more reps. It is so annoying! I just keep my own count and stop after the right amount of reps.

Hope everyone is doing well!

That made me laugh, that has to be annoying!!

Today was part of Lower body blast, a little walking, foam rolling and off to work. :) Happy Monday all!
Today was EBE2 Weighted + Plyo Upper Body. Despite being short (30 min) and Ingrid moving at warp speed at times, this is a good upper body workout. I was burning at the end!

To completely burn out my upper body, I added a timesaver premix from Rock'm Sock'm. It included the warm up, all the punching combos, the cool down and stretch. Loved it!

Oh, and my legs are pretty sore from yesterday, including my quads.
Good Morning Ladies! Today was leg day for me, and I had a good one! I decided to do all squats as bench squats, and though I have only done these a few times, I was able to go 50# heavier than I ever had...STOKED!! I did 10 sets total on bench squats, 3 sets of barbell calf raises. 3 sets dumbbell reverse lunges, 1 set donkey press (unweighted) and Nathalie, I did 1 set of Brett's staggard deads, using dumbbells, for each leg...could really feel it!! Have a great Tuesday everyone!!
Today was EBE2 Peak Week Cardio again, this time at my regularly scheduled afternoon workout time. Was it any easier? Not really! It is a tough HiiT workout.

I followed it up with the premix from ICE LIS which has Cardio 2 and the BB. Between that and Peak Week, I was wiped out when finished!

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