Bodybuilding/Sculpting check-in;-)

Hey All! I had a great core day, and I have decided to move my deadlifts to Sat to keep from ruining leg day! I actually got another 5# PR on deadlifts today, slow but completed! I did 6 sets of deads, finishing with sets of 8 the last 2 sets. I have been doing all deads conventional, but I did the last 8 sumo. I did glute bridges, 3x25, crunches 1x50, 1 minute side plank each side, and finished with cable crunches x25 x20. A good day in the dungeon!! Have a great day ladies!
Hello! Yesterday was the treadmill. Went for a nice long uphill walk with Carrie Underwood and a few other country tunes.

This week, I am experimenting with the ICE premixes which contain the BBs and MMs. They are each about 30-40 minutes long so I will add something on after that to make up about an hour-long workout.

Today was the BB from MTB and the MM for Chest. I was able to stay with my heaviest weight selection up until the last set of incline work so I was happy about that. I then did the Lower Body Split from Total Body Trisets. I had forgotten how awesome this shorter leg workout is! Tough but fun with lots of different moves...really enjoyed it!
Greetings all,

Last week was a rough week for me. Daylight savings really made me sluggish and unmotivated. However, I managed to get 5 workouts
las week. Not all quality, but workouts none the less. This weekend I could barely tear myself from the bed. So hopefully I will be more
energetic and motivated this upcoming week. I'm still loving the ICE workouts though.

Day1 Low Impact Step
Day 2 Rest
Day 3 ICE Bootcamp Circuit Timesaver 5
Day 4 Rest
Day 5 ICE Bootcamp Blizzard Blast (didn't like at all)
Day 6 ICE Metabolic Total Body Blast (love)
Day 7 ICE Metabolic Total Body

I did Bootcamp BB for the first time and did not like it. Something about it just didn't flow for me. Bootcamp Circuit I like the Timesaver much better. For me it flowed better without the upper body segments. I was able to focus more on the cardio. lower body and abs better. Looking forward to trying the other premixes in the upcoming weeks. Love the many options that ICE provides. I will be doing this series for a long time.
Happy Spring Ladies! (yesterday I guess officially). Had a good chest day and I am really improving here on my weights! I always do pyramid sets, low reps up and finishing, after maxing, with longer sets on the way down. I looked back several months, and my finishing reps are better than my former max out reps! LUV DAT!!! Today I did 10 sets of flat bench, 5 sets of incline bench, and finished with 1x20 pushups. Healing 11, I had some days last week as well where motivation was lacking! Maybe it was the time change! Guess we will adjust....did feel much better today! Good "on ya" for hanging in there and getting the work done!! Hope the week and Spring starts well for all!
Last week was bad for me too with the time change Healing11! headaches and neck aches every stinkin day..

I believe it's the ME Prime workouts Im doing too.. I can't go from standing to down to the ground and do those crazy fast pushups and burpees and things I used to do.. it's too much on my neck. So, I'm going to either have to really modify or only do parts of those workouts and bring back some Cathe, I can't be in pain like I was last week. I did the one workout this morning and I could tell my neck was not diggin it. So.. I will be making some adjustments in my plan going forward. I hate when I have to admit I can't do certain things anymore, but then I have to remind myself Im lucky to do what I can do..

Here's to a better week!!!

Tom, great workouts and congrats on the Deadlift PR the other day!

Jodi... I'll have to see if I have Lower Body Split from Total Body Trisets at home, that sounds fun!
On deads I went heavy and did pull a 5# pr....ugly but up!! Sounds like everyone is "getting after it"! Have a great Wed! Jen, Svetlana, Nathalie, hope all is well!!


Thanks Tom for asking:). I have not checked in for a long time. I have not been well. I am completing taking antibiotics.
I am healing from bronchitis so I have been dragging myself to complete meso 2.

Spring always bring a grrr moment when my breathing is not at its best! So as I am feeling better now I am looking
forward to getting into cardiovascular conditionning. I miss Hiit workouts:(:(

Very well done being consistent despite elbow issues. I wish I could switch the enthusiasm I have working out legs
for your enthusiasm working chest --- I have a lot of work to do. I do not need much work, being a woman but
I should push myself a bit more!

Anyway yesterday was leg day disc 23#STS with RwH Plyo#2. It was not one my most pleasant plyo
moment but I want to get back into doing them on regular basis:):)
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Mon - I tried Drill Max from Cathe for the first time. Really fun workout with lots of different moves. At over 70 minutes, it's a bit too long, but the time flew by. Also, some of the moves I had to modify because they used a lot of space which I don't have.

Oh, Jodi You have reminded me drill max is on my to do list. Shame on me the dvd is probably still
Nathalie, I'm definitely not looking for a "bubble butt" when asking for the newer Rock Bottom rotation! :eek::p I think my glutes look pretty good (hubby seems to agree ;)) so I'd like to keep them that way. I loved the last Rock Bottom rotation so I'd love to try an updated version.

@catwoman7631 Sorry Jodi, I must have missed your post;):)

:) Very happy for you with regards to glute. LOL It is good to have hubby confirmation;):p

I probably do not know exactly what a "bubble butt" is LOL. It is all relative.
All the very best keeping the current glute mass, and trying to keep hubby's hands off!:p:p

Thanks Tom for asking:). I have not checked in for a long time. I have not been well. I am completing taking antibiotics.
I am healing from bronchitis so I have been dragging myself to complete meso 2.

Spring always bring a grrr moment when my breathing is not at its best! So as I am feeling better now I am looking
forward to getting into cardiovascular conditionning. I miss Hiit workouts:(:(

Very well done being consistent despite elbow issues. I wish I could switch the enthusiasm I have working out legs
for your enthusiasm working chest --- I have a lot of work to do. I do not need much work, being a woman but
I should push myself a bit more!

Anyway yesterday was leg day disc 23#STS with RwH Plyo#2. It was not one my most pleasant plyo
moment but I want to get back into doing them on regular basis:):)
Nathalie, sorry to hear about the bronchitis, but glad you are "on the mend"!! I am the opposite and if I lack a motivation day it is almost always leg day...maybe a guy thing! Hopefully you continue to feel better! Antibiotics are a wonderful thing! Hang in there!
Yes, Nathalie, so sorry to hear you have been sick. Always hard to get a workout in when you aren't feeling 100%.

And you too, Dawn. Sorry your neck is bothering you so much with your new workouts. Be careful!

Tom, congrats on the chest gains! Such a great feeling when you see progress.

Healing11, I am still loving ICE as well. So much versatility with the workouts and bonuses.

I tell you, my booty was so sore yesterday from Lower Body Split! Definitely an effective quick workout.

Yesterday I did the BB and MM-Back premix from ICE Low Impact Sweat. I also added on Core+Flex from Ruthless.
Mental battle today, wish I shared Nathalie's enthusiasm for leg day, but its gotta happen so my body finally convinced my mind to "just do it!!!" My arthritic hips don't like leg day and squats aren't fun, but I did 6 sets, starting at 115# and going up in 20# increments in sets if 5, then dropping 40# and going 2x10. then 2x8 dumbbell reverse lunges, 1x15 static lunges. barbell calf raises,x30 x20 x20 and 1x20 donkey presses (no weight) Just glad to have it done and consider it a personal "mind whuppin"!! Hope Hump Day is good for y'all!!
Nathalie, wow, sorry you were so sick, welcome back and I hope you kick it completely soon!!!

Hi everyone else!!!! :) Short post for me today as I'm short on time.

I actually did about 1/2 of the Lower Body Blast today.. it kicked my butt!!!!! Wow, it was very challenging for me and truly felt good.. I'm jonesing for a really hard leg day at the gym...... Think i might do that on Friday.. we'll see.

Have a great day everyone!
Hello! Yesterday I did the BB and MM-Shoulders premix from ICE Lower Body Blast. I also added on Wicked Lower Body from Ruthless. This was an awesome premix! The BB also has some shoulder work so my shoulders were thoroughly fried by the end of it.
Yes, Nathalie, so sorry to hear you have been sick. Always hard to get a workout in when you aren't feeling 100%.

And you too, Dawn. Sorry your neck is bothering you so much with your new workouts. Be careful!

Tom, congrats on the chest gains! Such a great feeling when you see progress.

Healing11, I am still loving ICE as well. So much versatility with the workouts and bonuses.

I tell you, my booty was so sore yesterday from Lower Body Split! Definitely an effective quick workout.

Yesterday I did the BB and MM-Back premix from ICE Low Impact Sweat. I also added on Core+Flex from Ruthless.

Ok, I definitely need to try the lower body split... I am drawn to the words "booty and sore" like a shiny object.. I must do it now!!! :)
Good Morning Builders and Sculptors! Shoulder day for me and on strict press I worked up to 2 doubles and a single at what was just a month or two ago my slow, ugly, grinder, 1 rep max!! Then did 3x12 on both side laterals and rear delt flys, going light and strict. I followed with 1x30 heavy dumbbell shrugs and 1x8 dumbbell press to finish, Feel really good about chest and shoulder progress, still limited on back and arms, but hopefully, elbows will continue to improve. Then there are legs...oh well, can't win "em" all!! Have a great day ladies!
Yesterday was the BB and MM-Triceps premix from ICE Rock'm Sock'm. I then added on Hardcore Abs & Arms from Ruthless. Another great premix! I just love Rock'm Sock'm Doing the warm-up and BB made me want to do the whole workout!

Thanks Tom for asking:). I have not checked in for a long time. I have not been well. I am completing taking antibiotics.
I am healing from bronchitis so I have been dragging myself to complete meso 2.

Spring always bring a grrr moment when my breathing is not at its best! So as I am feeling better now I am looking
forward to getting into cardiovascular conditionning. I miss Hiit workouts:(:(

Very well done being consistent despite elbow issues. I wish I could switch the enthusiasm I have working out legs
for your enthusiasm working chest --- I have a lot of work to do. I do not need much work, being a woman but
I should push myself a bit more!

Anyway yesterday was leg day disc 23#STS with RwH Plyo#2. It was not one my most pleasant plyo
moment but I want to get back into doing them on regular basis:):)

Welcome back. I hope you are 100% soon.
Yesterday was the BB and MM-Triceps premix from ICE Rock'm Sock'm. I then added on Hardcore Abs & Arms from Ruthless. Another great premix! I just love Rock'm Sock'm Doing the warm-up and BB made me want to do the whole workout!

I love reading your posts about your ICE workouts. I love the series, but I have to admit I find them exhausting. I admire your energy. When I'm done, I can't imagine adding on anything else to the workout. Do you use supplements or just clean eating?

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