Bodybuilding/Sculpting check-in;-)

Tom, good work!! I know it sucks not working out to the heights you are used to, but hopefully with healing time, you'll get back to where you were!

I do like the new program and found out I was selected to do the 12 week challenge starting next Monday.. eek.. I'm still waffling.... a part of me said "email them and tell them to give up your spot to someone else" you get the free coaching FB group etc with being a "chosen" one.. I'm just not sure my heart is in being as diligent with the meal plan, although it would really teach me adherence.. I"m so bad about sticking to programs that tell me what to do.. haha!! I guess I'm a rebel that way.... :) AND I'm not that great at meal prep and all that crap... So... I'll work my way through the materials this weekend and decide what I want to do.

it's my birthday this weekend, yes, I'm not afraid to let it out!! hee hee!! 52 and thankful for all I have! Even if it isn't what it used to be, gotta be grateful for each day.

It's a day of rest for me, so just walking... with my schedule will be hard to get that in, but I must!!

Have a great day everyone!!!
Have a great Birthday weekend and congrats on the program entry!!! O to be 52 again!!
Whoohoooo Happy Friday!!! OMG.. I did another ME Prime workout this morning followed by the suggested 20 min walk, I am on top of the world today!! I Feel good. Once I get through the Phase 1, I'll give you guys a full review of it. I know I need to get some thoughts out if my head though, I will miss Cathe during these next 12 weeks, but might throw one of her workouts in here and there.. and I really need to do a day of standard weight training a week.. I feel funny not doing that.. we'll see how it goes. So, you probably guessed that I decided to do the challenge, what sold me was the tracker they sent me.. omg.. questions that not only talk about your skin, but your energy, brain function, things that suggest thyroid. about 100 questions you rate on a scale of 1-4 each week to see if they improve.. that's what sold me. This program is about tapping into certain hormone release.. I'm very interested now in what it can do for me.

Gotta run, rock on guys!!!!

Hope you all have a fabulous day and weekend!!!
Whoohoooo Happy Friday!!! OMG.. I did another ME Prime workout this morning followed by the suggested 20 min walk, I am on top of the world today!! I Feel good. Once I get through the Phase 1, I'll give you guys a full review of it. I know I need to get some thoughts out if my head though, I will miss Cathe during these next 12 weeks, but might throw one of her workouts in here and there.. and I really need to do a day of standard weight training a week.. I feel funny not doing that.. we'll see how it goes. So, you probably guessed that I decided to do the challenge, what sold me was the tracker they sent me.. omg.. questions that not only talk about your skin, but your energy, brain function, things that suggest thyroid. about 100 questions you rate on a scale of 1-4 each week to see if they improve.. that's what sold me. This program is about tapping into certain hormone release.. I'm very interested now in what it can do for me.

Gotta run, rock on guys!!!!

Hope you all have a fabulous day and weekend!!!

Wow!! Intrigued by ME Prime. Looking forward to hear about your experiences with this program. Curious about the workouts and benefits you will gain. But please don't let my curiosity be pressure. I wish you the best with this workout endeavor and hope that you reach a new level in health.
Greetings everyone,

Here was this past week's rotation. All ICE Workouts

Day 1 LI Sweat Cardio 1 + MM Back (awesome)
Day 2 MM Chest (awesome)
Day 3 Rest
Day 4 MTB Blizzard Blast (awesome)
Day 5 LI Sweat Cardio 2 (awesome)
Day 6 LI Sweat Blizzard Blast (awesome)
Day 7 ICE Chiseled Upper Body (not sure)

I had so much fun with ICE this week. This was not the rotation that I set out to do. Thanks Catwoman for your reviews of the blizzard blasts. It motivated me to give them a try. I am loving all the options this series provides. It's nice have a workout program that I'm excited about it doing in the morning. ICE came at the right time.

Hope everyone had a productive workout week.
Hi all! I'm currently lounging in a beautiful hotel room overlooking the ocean after seeing Michael Bolton last night. Today will be a rest day. Thursday I did Hard Strikes with the heavy bag bonus and yesterday I did Super Cuts before we left for the coast. Enjoy your weekend!

That sounds awesome!!!!!!
I started my 12 week ME Prime challenge, funny, but not... of course it was my bday weekend, so I indulged a bit which ALWAYS effects me negatively come Monday morning.. so, up a little later than should've been, sleep was crap and I pushed through the workout in which I coud've used a longer warm up... oh well, I made it with no injuries haha!!! Wednesday's workout will be better. Walking on the docket for tomorrow. I might do some Cathe to the mat just because tho.. we'll see!

Happy Monday guys!!
Good Morning ladies! I had a great morning because I was able to return to barbell bench for chest, doing 12 sets of flat bench, 5 sets of inclined, and finishing chest with 3 sets of pushups. I did 2x20 on cable crunches for abs as a w0 finisher. Really glad to get back to the barbell! I am up in weight 20# since the end of October, and I think it really is helping strength wise! Even though I haven't been able to do barbell bench in awhile, I haven't lost any strength, and actually feel stronger! The pushups were rough after all the bench work and nearly failed on sets of 15! I'll trade it for a good bench day!! Have a great day all! Dawn922,Pushing through a wo is good, no injuries even better! My biggest challenge on my birthdays is blowing out ALL the candles!!!! Hope it was a great one!
Hi everyone! Last week I finished my ICE/Xtrain rotation so this week I'm doing random DVDs which I haven't tried yet.

Sun - when I got Suzanne Bowen's latest barre DVD, I also bought the original BarreAmped DVD. I had the others from her so I figured might has well complete the set. While doing the workout, my thoughts were that is was a solid, basic barre workout with lots of great form pointers, but it didn't seem very challenging. Well, let me tell you, I am still feeling the ache in my glutes and thighs from it! Wow! I'm thinking maybe being so on point with form really made the difference.

Mon - I tried Drill Max from Cathe for the first time. Really fun workout with lots of different moves. At over 70 minutes, it's a bit too long, but the time flew by. Also, some of the moves I had to modify because they used a lot of space which I don't have.

On the schedule for later today is Kickbox Burn. I love kickboxing and Jen gave a very positive review for this one on her blog. I'll let you all know if I agree later today!

Dawn, good for you for enjoying your birthday! You'll get back in the groove soon enough.

Tom, congrats on your triumphant return to the barbell!
Good Morning ladies! I had a great morning because I was able to return to barbell bench for chest, doing 12 sets of flat bench, 5 sets of inclined, and finishing chest with 3 sets of pushups. I did 2x20 on cable crunches for abs as a w0 finisher. Really glad to get back to the barbell! I am up in weight 20# since the end of October, and I think it really is helping strength wise! Even though I haven't been able to do barbell bench in awhile, I haven't lost any strength, and actually feel stronger! The pushups were rough after all the bench work and nearly failed on sets of 15! I'll trade it for a good bench day!! Have a great day all! Dawn922,Pushing through a wo is good, no injuries even better! My biggest challenge on my birthdays is blowing out ALL the candles!!!! Hope it was a great one!

That is awesome, maybe resting a bit and switching up the workouts did you some good!!! Congrats on getting back to the barbell bench!!
Happy "hump day" ladies! Back day for me consisted of just 2 lifts, lat pulldowns and deads. On lat pulls I stayed a little light, but did add 10# and did 6x10. I am hoping I can get back to pullups soon. On deads I went heavy and did pull a 5# pr....ugly but up!! Sounds like everyone is "getting after it"! Have a great Wed! Jen, Svetlana, Nathalie, hope all is well!!
ME Prime workout B for me today, consisted of DB squats, standing DB shoulder press, laying DB chest press/crunch, DB Rows and scissors, 45 second rounds for 4 rounds total. Then I did their 5 min burnout followed by a 15 min cooldown walk. I would have loved a longer walk, but that darn thing called work gets in my way!! :) Great workout this morning. The burnout section combines exercises that take you down to the ground and then back up, these are by design. I remember seeing a study one time about how easily you get up from the ground related to longevity.. I'm not sure of the exact science behind this... but I know they did mention they do this for a reason, one of these days I'll get through the full manual. I was on the weekly coaching call, but was so dang tired the other night, I kept walking away from my phone.. ... was too hard for me to focus!! haha!!

Happy Hump Day everyone!
I'm thinking I should call this week for me the "Jen Blog purchases week". All but one workout was bought because of her reviews!

Tues - Kickbox Burn. What an awesome and not-so-easy kickboxing workout! I was red in the face and drenched in sweat when finished.

Wed - Body Max 2. Well, most of it anyway. The whole thing is 90 minutes long so I skipped the first step sections. The rest of it clocked in at over 70 minutes which really is still too long for me. I'm on the fence about this one. Admittedly, yesterday I was tired and a bit cranky so maybe that influenced my thinking. I did not like the circuits section which had step work. Maybe if I kept trying it, I might learn to like it, but I really don't want to keep trying. I'm just not a fan of step work which takes time to memorize. Now, I do love the upper body and ab sections so in the future I will probably use the DVD for that premix.

Later today will be one from Tracy Anderson which Jen gave a pretty good review. I'm very skeptical of Anderson so we'll see if I also like it.

For my next rotation, I had thought about doing Hammer & Chisel, but I need to preview the workouts, and I just don't have time for that right now. So, I think my plan is going to be a rotation using the ICE Muscle Meltdowns. There are so many options when using them so I haven't planned anything exactly yet. A work in progress right now!

Hope everyone is well!
I couldn't put it off any longer and finally got leg day in, doing 10 sets of squats ( the last 3 were "butt to bench"),100 reps of barbell calf raises x 30x25x20x15x10, 2x20 unweighted donkey presses, barbell reverse lunges 1x5, barbell static lunges 1x12, and finished with glute bridges, 3x20 reps. Hope Thursday treated everyone well!!
Happy Friday All! Today for me was shoulder day, and I managed another 5# PR! The last one was just last week, so I think all the strictpress sets I have been doing is paying off!( or someone has spiked the water!) I did 12 sets of militaries (always do pyramid sets, short rep on the way up, and longer rep sets decending), 3x12 on sidelaterals, and 3x12 on rear delt flys, and 2x30 heavy dumbbell shrugs. I finished with 2x16 cable crunches. Happy with the w/o, feel WORKED!! Hope everyone has a great upcoming weekend and Friday!!
Sounds like an awesome workout Tom, congrats on the PR!!! Whoohoo, nice way to end the week!

I did another ME Prime workout with burnout and walk after. 4 rounds of, pulsing DB squats, combo DB Row/tricep extension - I have to adjust these or go so light because of the neck.., front raise/side raise DB combo, then mountain climbers. It was a good workout. I am missing my Cathe though and a strength workout.. sooooo, tomorrow even though it supposed to be a rest/walk day.. I might throw something else in :)

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!

68 degrees here today..... oh but wait.. it's not summer yet... snowstorm in the forecast for next week... boo~!!!!! Gotta love March in Minnesota! Or do I........ haha!

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