Bodybuilding/Sculpting check-in;-)

Yesterday was "Precision Toning" from Tracy Anderson. I have to say, if you disregard all of Tracy's weird science talk in the beginning and just focus on the workout, it's actually a pretty decent and sometimes tough workout. It's sort of like a barre workout with the high reps, but the moves are very different than anything I've done in a barre workout. Very interesting stuff, but that's not to say it made me want to rush out and buy up all her other DVDs.

Rest day today.

I've come up with a few different ideas for my MM rotation so I may try a different method each week.

Dawn, we've got crazy rain and flooding down south here, but I'd still take that over snow any day!
I cheated and looked ahead to the week 12 workouts of this challenge.... holy crap! ME is famous for hybrid moves and the last month the workouts will be hybrids and supersets. One of the hybrids goes burpee, then burpee with DB Row, then burpee, DB Row, bicep curl and finishing up with burpee, db row, bicep curl and then shoulder press.. I love that kind of stuff.. Looks like I'll get my butt kicked later on in this challenge! haha!
Happy Saturday All! Today was arm day (modified) . Skullcrushers didn't work for tri's so I did do a couple of sets of pushdowns, but that seemed to bother the elbows, so I settled on kickbacks and did 4x10 and 1x20 as a burnout set. For bi's, I was again relegated to short rom isos, placing opposite hand on forearm to apply resistance and doing curls, resisting with the opposite hand. I did high volume on these since it is all I can do n0w, 8 sets of 25 reps each arm. Next up were some standing dumbbell work to stretch the common flexor tendon and work the forearms. I held the dumbbells at my side and curled wrist toward the body, then away, doing 4 sets x 30 x20x20x20. Next up was some ab work, crunches, x50x25x25, and cable crunches 3x10, and to finish the tri's off, diamond pushups, 1x30. Hope the weekend is off to a great start for everyone!!
Sounds like an awesome workout Tom, congrats on the PR!!! Whoohoo, nice way to end the week!

I did another ME Prime workout with burnout and walk after. 4 rounds of, pulsing DB squats, combo DB Row/tricep extension - I have to adjust these or go so light because of the neck.., front raise/side raise DB combo, then mountain climbers. It was a good workout. I am missing my Cathe though and a strength workout.. sooooo, tomorrow even though it supposed to be a rest/walk day.. I might throw something else in :)

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!

68 degrees here today..... oh but wait.. it's not summer yet... snowstorm in the forecast for next week... boo~!!!!! Gotta love March in Minnesota! Or do I........ haha!

ME Prime sounds a little like Tony Horton's new workout- 22minute Hard Corps???
Greetings All,

I love ICE. This was the past week's rotation.

Day 1 ICE Low Impact BB + Back
Day 2 ICE Low Impact Cardio 1
Day 3 ICE Chiseled Upper Body ( Premix with floor exercises first. Made a huge difference in the workout. I actually like this workout)
Day 4 Metabolic Total Body Blast + Chest
Day 5 Rest
Day 6 Metabolic Total Body

I enjoy this series so much that I don't want to take a rest day. When I'm done working out I feel as if I had a good workout without being worn out, which makes it easier to return to it the next day. I'm noticing that this series really works my legs, which I love. Did I say I love the ICE Series :)))))

Have a great week-end and workout week.
Yesterday's workout was All Out Low Impact HiiT. Absolutely love that one!

Today was MM Chest, Back and Core 2 from ICE. Before I started, I had thought about doing some cardio after all of that. By the time I was done, I was wiped out and dripping sweat. No cardio necessary! :D
Started the week with chest, the elbows were sore on first set, but I moved back under the bar further and that helped racking it. I was able to up my last set 5#, and feel great about that! I got some good work on the downside of the series, and did 14 sets of flat bench, and 3 sets of inclined bench. Hope this week is a great one for everyone!!
I did ICE Metabolic total body on Saturday and apparently did the half assed workout, because half my butt is sore... ever have that where one side is sorer than the other?? haha!! My right inner thigh and glute are on fire with DOMS. left leg .. ehhh a little.

Today did ME Prime, was a good one, I guess i really love how short those are, especially for this morning... losing that hour for Daylight savings time just makes the first few days tough to adjust to. I slept straight through to the alarm and it actually scared me.. I was sleeping good!!!

Have a great day everyone!
I did ICE Metabolic total body on Saturday and apparently did the half assed workout, because half my butt is sore... ever have that where one side is sorer than the other?? haha!! My right inner thigh and glute are on fire with DOMS. left leg .. ehhh a little.

Today did ME Prime, was a good one, I guess i really love how short those are, especially for this morning... losing that hour for Daylight savings time just makes the first few days tough to adjust to. I slept straight through to the alarm and it actually scared me.. I was sleeping good!!!

Have a great day everyone!
Still laughing on that one!!! The way " thutt doms" feel, I guess it's a good thing to only deal with half the problem!!
LOL, Dawn! I guess you'll be walking a little lopsided!

Today was RWH LIHI Legs, the premix with the abs mixed in. This has got to be one of my favorite lower body workouts. I may be the one walking funny tomorrow!

My chest and back are so sore from yesterday. It's rare for me to have DOMS for my back, but I've got it now. Just love those Muscle Meltdowns!!
Happy Tuesday everyone! Back day for me today, and I was back to the big 2...latpulldowns and deads. I did 8x8 on lat pulls and raised the weight 10#, On deads I went lighter, but longer sets, 4 sets, 25 reps total. I finished with cable crunches 2x12, and some forearm work. Dawn and Jodi, I hope the "thutt rutt" is only temporary!! Off to work and vote! Working 3 days in a row this week, hard on us old retired guys!! Hope everyone has a great one!!
Today was leg day, and it was a near total loss! Hard to get up...hard to go to the w/o room, and the w/o itself was a disaster! 4 sets of squats (light), and everything was unpleasant. 3 sets of static dumbbell lunges and 2 sets of barbell calf raises and I was done! I think that maybe doing legs after deadlifts is a mistake. I didn't go real heavy on yesterdays deads but did some longer sets and today my hips (and brain) went on strike!! Hope my w/o is the only downer of the day!
Tom you are not the only one... I did not get a workout in at all today, I've been dealing with some neck issues and headaches... Sometimes when I do upper body work, my muscles spasm leaving me with terrible neck/head aches.. yuck.. what a week. It usually takes a few days to subside, I'm hoping tomorrow will be better and I can workout. :( I ended up coming home early from work today, sitting at a computer does not help when I'm dealing with this. OH well, off to bed now and looking forward to a better day tomorrow... stupid neck... :(
Got about half way through the Lower Body blast today, I felt like doing my own thing, not the ME prime today, wanted to go easy on upper body. Feel a little better today, thank God.. my head was about ready to explode for three days.. yuck!!

Happy St. Patty's Day everyone! Have an awesome day!
Tom and Dawn, I hear you about the lack of motivation! Sometimes it happens but you'll eventually get back in the groove.

Yesterday I did Great Glutes, the extreme premix. My legs were still a tiny bit sore from Monday's workout so by the end of GG, they were wiped out completely. I am feeling every muscle down the back of my legs today!

I'm really trying to motivate myself to clean up my eating. Now that's not to say I eat horribly, but there are so many little areas where I just need to be more aware of the ingredients of what I'm eating. It's not the easiest thing!
Tom and Dawn, I hear you about the lack of motivation! Sometimes it happens but you'll eventually get back in the groove.

Yesterday I did Great Glutes, the extreme premix. My legs were still a tiny bit sore from Monday's workout so by the end of GG, they were wiped out completely. I am feeling every muscle down the back of my legs today!

I'm really trying to motivate myself to clean up my eating. Now that's not to say I eat horribly, but there are so many little areas where I just need to be more aware of the ingredients of what I'm eating. It's not the easiest thing!

Sounds like a great workout Jodi! I need to clean up my eating too.. I totally get what you mean, I'm pretty good, but there's a few areas where I slip too!! Hey, we're all human :)
Dawn, I hope head and neck are on the mend!! Yesterday was a high volume, low weight shoulder day and today I ventured into "curl land" light and fairly brief! For arm day I did 5x10 on tri pushdowns, 2x8 light reverse curls and it didn't feel great so I tried really light dumbbells and went 4x12 and it was ok. Next were kickbacks, 3x15 and 1x20, again keeping it light, and I tried light conc curls, but it didn't work on the left so I went back to tried and true short rom isos and went 3x30. I followed with hanging forearm work, 3x25 and finished with diamond pushups, x25x20. Hope everyone survived ST. Paddy's and has a great weekend!!!
Yesterday I did the MMs for Triceps and Biceps and also Core 1 from ICE. Wow, doing these two together was tough! I ended up going down in weight on the last set for biceps because my arms were fried. I maybe should have went lighter the whole time because this morning my elbow is bothering me a bit. But, today is a rest day and tomorrow will be cardio so hopefully it will get decent rest.

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