Bodybuilding/Sculpting check-in;-)

Last week was bad for me too with the time change Healing11! headaches and neck aches every stinkin day..

I believe it's the ME Prime workouts Im doing too.. I can't go from standing to down to the ground and do those crazy fast pushups and burpees and things I used to do.. it's too much on my neck. So, I'm going to either have to really modify or only do parts of those workouts and bring back some Cathe, I can't be in pain like I was last week. I did the one workout this morning and I could tell my neck was not diggin it. So.. I will be making some adjustments in my plan going forward. I hate when I have to admit I can't do certain things anymore, but then I have to remind myself Im lucky to do what I can do..

Here's to a better week!!!

Tom, great workouts and congrats on the Deadlift PR the other day!

Jodi... I'll have to see if I have Lower Body Split from Total Body Trisets at home, that sounds fun!

Please be good to yourself and modify as needed. I hate admitting that I need to take rest days, but its necessary. I'm learning its ok to not have to kill it every workout, but to just keep moving.
Healing11, you make me smile! :) I'm so used to working out for an hour, I feel like I'm cheating myself if I do anything less. Diet is a work in progress, but I try to eat as clean as possible. The only supplement I take which seems to have a positive effect on my energy level is magnesium.

Yesterday I did the BB and MM-Biceps premix from ICE Bootcamp Circuit. I added on the lower body only premix from my old friend, Muscle Max. I was a little conservative with my weights for the MM-Biceps because I was still concerned about my elbow. Didn't seem to make a difference in how sore I am today so I'm happy. Even though, the Muscle Max premix is only four exercises, yikes, it's still tough! I will never get sick of that workout.

Today is a rest day.

I still have three more MM rotations mapped out, but I think I'm going to change it up next week. I've made up my workout cards for EBE2 so as long as I can get in some quick previews of the workouts, I'm going to give them a try. I won't be doing a strict EBE2 rotation, but I will use them as a base and add in some other workouts. Based on Jen's reviews on her blog, I'm a bit scared of the leg workouts!
Hi Ladies! I didn't do ANYTHING yesterday, and arms today was a no go, so I did some floorwork, stetches, pushups and some ab stuff. Really stiff and that needs work, but I NEVER was flexible, and I know will never be. Last 2 days were pretty disappointing, but last couple of weeks have been good so I am thankful for that!! Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter!
Happy Easter everyone!! I took the whole weekend to rest.. wasn't intended that way, but I'm a morning workout person and we had some errands to run yesterday, after that I found myself really tired, took a nap and I literally crashed hard... woke up with a sore throat this morning.. so must have been trying to fight it yesterday.. I'm hoping it just goes bye bye soon!!

Have a great day!!! I'm planning on getting back to Cathe next week, not the Prime stuff.. I might nix Prime in here and there.. my neck wasn't digging some of those workouts, but I might see what Phase II has to offer and mix it in with my other stuff. I still want to plan one hard lower body day at the gym each week, I feel I've lost some muscle in my legs.. :(
Happy Easter!

Yesterday was the treadmill.

Today was Weighted Legs from EBE2. The first word that comes to mind for this workout...boobs! :eek::eek: Ingrid and her workout partners are very well-endowed and not afraid to show it. Yikes! Besides that, I did enjoy the workout. I wouldn't say I thought it was as brutal as Jen's review says, but I was pretty conservative in my weights this first time through. (Some of the moves are quite fast so you can't really go super heavy.) So maybe next time it will be tougher with heavier weights. Now, I know the program has "Booty" in it's title, but for a "Leg" workout, you don't get much overall leg work. Most of the exercises focus on the glutes or hamstrings (which are definitely a bit sore right now!).

After the workout, I added on Icey Core 2 and the cooldown and stretch from ICE LBB since the EBE2 workout has neither.

Dawn, hope you get to feeling better!
Hi Ladies! I didn't do ANYTHING yesterday, and arms today was a no go, so I did some floorwork, stetches, pushups and some ab stuff. Really stiff and that needs work, but I NEVER was flexible, and I know will never be. Last 2 days were pretty disappointing, but last couple of weeks have been good so I am thankful for that!! Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter!

That's a great perspective. Looking at the whole rather than a few days. I need to remember that.
Greetings All,

Dawn- glad that you are listening to your body

Catwoman you are amazing. Maybe I need to take magnesium. But I am so bad with supplements, its not easy for me to remember to take them.

Here is the past week's workouts:

Day 1 ICE Bootcamp (no upper)
Day 2 ICE Bootcamp (upper and abs)
Day 3 ICE LI Sweat Floor
Day 4 ICE LI Step + Back
Day 5 Rest
Day 6 ICE Metabolic total body
Day 7 ICE Chest

I worked out a lot last week. I like the premixes for ICE Bootcamp- the premix without upper body I like a lot, upper and abs was also pretty good. I really enjoy trying different premixes which I never did before this series. There is just something about this series that keeps me coming back. Even though it can be exhausting, it's fun, challenging, fits into my schedule perfectly and I have so much control over how long and how hard I want to work out. Cathe did a great job with this series. I'm actually thinking of ordering Rockem Sockem. I don't think i need Lower Body Blast because it seems like a lot of high impact and I really don't want another high impact dvd.

I'm considering doing the Ice/Low Impact rotation. My goal is to decrease my body fat. I remember Cathe recommending 3-4 metabolic workouts per week plus lifting heavy 3 x a week for fat loss. Of course with a clean diet. I may just put together my own rotation, will see. Have a great week everyone.
Good Morning Ladies! Well today's chest day wasn't great, and my light food intake the last few days really showed. I did 11 sets of flat bench, working up to respectable, but it all felt heavier! For incline I only did 3 sets, and it was down 10# from last week, but "what ya gonna do" it is what it is! I finished chest with 1x20 pushups, and did 2x25 cable crunches. Have a great week everyone!!
Today was EBE2 Weighted Upper Body. If you can disregard the boob show :rolleyes: and Ingrid's inability to count :confused:, this is a decent, short upper body workout. Again, some of the sets are fast so I couldn't lift as heavy as I'd like to at times. To burn out my upper body a bit more, I added on my favorite Ruthless workout, Ruthless Ringside. Good stuff!
Today was EBE2 Weighted Upper Body. If you can disregard the boob show :rolleyes: and Ingrid's inability to count :confused:, this is a decent, short upper body workout. Again, some of the sets are fast so I couldn't lift as heavy as I'd like to at times. To burn out my upper body a bit more, I added on my favorite Ruthless workout, Ruthless Ringside. Good stuff!
Jodi'''I may have to try that one!!..(just kidding!) Today for me was "lat day" and I tried some different stuff. I started with barbell rows and did 6 sets x8, and it was ok with my elbows...(gotta run everything by them first)! I followed with 3x8 dumbbell rows and 3x10 lat pulldowns. I finished with 2 sets of seated knee ins, x35 x25. Have a great Tuesday builders and sculptors!
The "boob" show.. hilarious!!!!! I saw a preview of that workout.. well you have to have boobs to go with your new booty!! hee hee

Up late this morning, may not get a workout in, had to sleep with a cough drop in my mouth last night due to the scratchy throat, I'm not real sick, just got a baby cold.. not even sneeezing or coughing, just feeling a tad off and but it makes you not sleep well.. grrrr.. I will win this fight!!!! Today it's supposed to be sunny and 64 so I'll enjoy a walk in the sun today!!
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The "boob" show.. hilarious!!!!! I saw a preview of that workout.. well you have to have boobs to go with your new booty!! hee hee

LOL! The only way I'm going to get boobs like theirs at this point in my life would be to buy them!

Tom, you might enjoy working out with the Brazilian firecracker and her bosom buddies! ;)

Change in schedule today so I had to work out first thing this morning instead my usual afternoon. Ugh, just not my thing, especially when HiiT cardio is involved. I did EBE2 Peak Week Cardio and followed it up with the more gentle Cardio 1 from ICE LIS. The EBE2 workout had lots of jumping/plyo moves so that was tough for me in the morning. Probably if I had done it during my regular afternoon schedule, it wouldn't have seemed so tough.

Dawn, hope you can shake that icky feeling. I think your idea of a walk in the sunshine would be a perfect remedy!
LOL! The only way I'm going to get boobs like theirs at this point in my life would be to buy them!

Tom, you might enjoy working out with the Brazilian firecracker and her bosom buddies! ;)

Change in schedule today so I had to work out first thing this morning instead my usual afternoon. Ugh, just not my thing, especially when HiiT cardio is involved. I did EBE2 Peak Week Cardio and followed it up with the more gentle Cardio 1 from ICE LIS. The EBE2 workout had lots of jumping/plyo moves so that was tough for me in the morning. Probably if I had done it during my regular afternoon schedule, it wouldn't have seemed so tough.

Dawn, hope you can shake that icky feeling. I think your idea of a walk in the sunshine would be a perfect remedy!

Peak Week Cardio? From what you've said about the Brazilian firecracker and her bosom buddies.. I'm wondering what Peak Week Cardio is?? hee hee
I showed for leg day..chalk one up for me!! I did 8 sets of squats, the last 2 sets were bench squats. Then 3 x 20 glute bridges, 2x5 deadlifts,barbell calf raises x30 x25 x20, 1 set of donkey presses 1x40 (unweighted), finishing with cable crunches 1x40. Still chuckling about "peak week"!! I probably wouldn't do the program, but, for me, it might be a "spectator w/o", best with a chair and cold beverage!! Have a great Thursday everyone!
Hello ladies and Tom,

This below is this week and last week rotation:

Monday: STS Leg#23 plus RwH plyo2#
Tuesday: PRS Step mix#1
Wednesday: STS Chest, Shoulders and Triceps#22 Plus kickbox segment from 4ds
Thursday: Pedal Power.
Friday: STS#23 back and Biceps.
Saturday:ICE total metabolic including blast.
Sunday: Rest

Happy belated easter. Hope you have had a good one with your family:)

I am catching up reading your post now.
The "boob" show.. hilarious!!!!! I saw a preview of that workout.. well you have to have boobs to go with your new booty!! hee hee

Up late this morning, may not get a workout in, had to sleep with a cough drop in my mouth last night due to the scratchy throat, I'm not real sick, just got a baby cold.. not even sneeezing or coughing, just feeling a tad off and but it makes you not sleep well.. grrrr.. I will win this fight!!!! Today it's supposed to be sunny and 64 so I'll enjoy a walk in the sun today!!

LOL, I saw your post mentioning boob here above and thought --- What??? Have I missed something.:eek::eek:
Then I read jodi's post about EBE#2... Lol jodi

As to hightlighted above --- spot on Dawn;);) it is what is known having chest ;)balancing out a rear:)
Hee hee:)
Up late this morning, may not get a workout in, had to sleep with a cough drop in my mouth last night due to the scratchy throat, I'm not real sick, just got a baby cold.. not even sneeezing or coughing, just feeling a tad off and but it makes you not sleep well.. grrrr..

Hope you get better soon. I had this scratchy throat, then a dry cough six weeks ago.
This escalated to an annoying bronchitis... Hang in there.:)
Jodi'''I may have to try that one!!..(just kidding!) Today for me was "lat day" and I tried some different stuff. I started with barbell rows and did 6 sets x8, and it was ok with my elbows...(gotta run everything by them first)! I followed with 3x8 dumbbell rows and 3x10 lat pulldowns. I finished with 2 sets of seated knee ins, x35 x25. Have a great Tuesday builders and sculptors!

Barbell rows is my favourite exercise for back --- How is your form while executing it?
I love working my back, I am feeling some DOMS now.

Tom I saw a deadlift variation and thought about you. You could try it to substitute with one leg RDL.
Here is the clip. I will do this one instead of RDL during meso 3. Ineed variety in my compound moves.
Please let us know how you like it, should give it a try.:)

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Barbell rows is my favourite exercise for back --- How is your form while executing it?
I love working my back, I am feeling some DOMS now.

Tom I saw a deadlift variation and thought about you. You could try it to substitute with one leg RDL.
Here is the clip. I will do this one instead of RDL during meso 3. Ineed variety in my compound moves.
Please let us know how you like it, should give it a try.:)

Thanks for posting that Nathalie, I love Bret Contreras, he's got some great stuff!

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