Bodybuilding/Sculpting check-in;-)

Greetings All,

I am currently doing an ICE rotation. I don't have Rockem Sockem or Chiseld Lower Body. So I am subbing as needed.

Day 1 Rockout Knockout
Day 2 Metabolic Total Body
Day 3 Metabolic Total Body + Chest
Day 4 To The Mat Legs
Day 5 Rest
Day 6 Low Impact Sweat 1 + Back

I am enjoying the ICE series more than I thought I would. I love that I can determine the intensity and these workouts can be used so many
different ways. I had some major DOMS in my glutes and back. Any suggestions on a substitute for Chiseled Lower Body?? I'm trying to avoid too much impact. Which Cathe dvd have exercises similar to those in Chiseled Lower Body??

Have a great weekend.
Good early afternoon All! Today was chest day for me. I moved it up because I am going to FL. Thursday to help my son get a house in Tallahassee ready to sell, and I want to be able to hit everything this week. I used dumbbells for flat bench and did a 6 set pyramid 0f 8-14 reps. Next was incline bench, doing 2 x8 then dropping 10# and doing 6x8. I am able to use the oly bar on inclines, but still cant on flat. Since I use less weight on dumbbell flat bench, I tried to make the sets longer rep sets than I would do with a barbell. I think you work more stabilizers with dumbbells, but the stability factor without a spotter keeps me in a lighter range. They are awkward sometimes to position. and that usually is what limits the weight used for me. I usually use my knee to "buck them up" to chest, then recline, which seems to be a hard place to start the movement. Still, all in all, I feel like I got a pretty good w/o! I hope the weekend was good to everyone!
Today was back day for me. I did light lat pulldowns, 8x10 and deadlifts, 7 sets. most in the 5 range, the heavier reps 2-3 range. For a finisher, I did 2 sets x 12 of cable crunches(love these, still sore from the last ones I did!) Hope everyone has a great start to their week!
Hi Everyone, Today was RwH plyo#2 this was really tough cause I have not done plyo in a while.

Last week check in:

Monday: ICE Chiselled upper body
Tuesday: ICE chiselled Lower body
Wednesday: PRS#1 Step mix
Thursday: AOLI
Friday: MTB ICE series
Saturday: ICE Low Impact
Sunday: Rest

Tom: How is your elbow --- Is it getting better? I agree with you when it comes to opting for lighter load whenever necessary
to not compromise with form.
Jodi: I have seen your suggestion for an updated Rock Bottom rotation. What are you aiming for? Growth?:p:)

Good Morning bodybuilders and sculptors! Today was back day and I did light lat pulldowns 6 x 10, and deadlifts with higher reps 6 sets' I was trying to do some form work, but my form is terrible...all back! Gotta work on that!! Have a great day everyone!!

Highlighted above made me smile. How did you check your form? Did you take a vid? Did you have a spotter?
I think it is a great idea to check form.

@dawn9222 I knew you were going to love Lower Body Blast.

Wish you all a good week.:)
Hi Everyone, Today was RwH plyo#2 this was really tough cause I have not done plyo in a while.

Last week check in:

Monday: ICE Chiselled upper body
Tuesday: ICE chiselled Lower body
Wednesday: PRS#1 Step mix
Thursday: AOLI
Friday: MTB ICE series
Saturday: ICE Low Impact
Sunday: Rest

Tom: How is your elbow --- Is it getting better? I agree with you when it comes to opting for lighter load whenever necessary
to not compromise with form.
Jodi: I have seen your suggestion for an updated Rock Bottom rotation. What are you aiming for? Growth?:p:)

Highlighted above made me smile. How did you check your form? Did you take a vid? Did you have a spotter?
I think it is a great idea to check form.

@dawn9222 I knew you were going to love Lower Body Blast.

Wish you all a good week.:)
Nathalie, I took my phone and recorded it...ugly!! Needs work!
Hi all!!!!

I had just purchased the program Metabolic Prime, which is from the company I'm doing my nutrition cert through, so today I did one of those workouts, I'll be doing those 3 times a week and some cathe here and there.

I like that these workouts are short and add on an optional 5 min burnout. Today's workout consisted of 4 rounds of db squats, combo db row with tri extension, ratchet curls - which I have never heard of or done before (they are basically db bicep curls very slow, with little stops), combo front raise, side raise and mountain climbers. I felt a good burn in the shoulders today. It was actually a good Monday workout for me.

Have a great day everyone!
Hi all!!!!

I had just purchased the program Metabolic Prime, which is from the company I'm doing my nutrition cert through, so today I did one of those workouts, I'll be doing those 3 times a week and some cathe here and there.

I like that these workouts are short and add on an optional 5 min burnout. Today's workout consisted of 4 rounds of db squats, combo db row with tri extension, ratchet curls - which I have never heard of or done before (they are basically db bicep curls very slow, with little stops), combo front raise, side raise and mountain climbers. I felt a good burn in the shoulders today. It was actually a good Monday workout for me.

Have a great day everyone!

I would love to read your views. Please let me know if it similar to Cathe I just read aboit it last night
I would love to read your views. Please let me know if it similar to Cathe I just read aboit it last night

A lot different than Cathe actually, After I get through Phase I, I will post what that section is all about. I have lot of materials to go through.. It is a 12 week program with 4 phases. I'm debating about entering the official 12 week challenge which is to start next week, i did fill out the paperwork to enter. They will be choosing participants for the challenge, they want to use the transformation pictures etc. So, they decide who gets in. I'm not sure I'm up for the challenge right now.. I've got so much going on and tons of studying to do.. I'll have to look through all the materials, I love the recipes etc that came with the program, but i have to get diligent about cooking and prepping..
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A "yawner" today for me! I was planning on doing legs, but postponed last weeks leg day to Sat, and did deads yesterday, and lower body just wasn't ready! I did some barbell calf raises, some narrow stance bwt squats,some 1 leg glute bridges and crunches and called it a to lift again!! dawn9222, sounds like a program that would fit into a busy schedule, good luck and keep us posted!
Good Morning ladies. Today was shoulder day, and I was able to get a 5# PR on strict press. I did a multiple set pyramid of strict press, side laterals 3x10, rear delt flys 3x10, heavy barbell shrugs, 1x20 and a final set of shoulder presses, 1x15, Kinda glad to advance the strict press, been stuck for awhile! Have a great one all!
I did Phase 1 A workout of the Metabolic Prime. Phase 1 contains 3 workouts and 1 burnout to be done for 3 weeks. So far, I like the workouts, nice and short. There are several exercises in the burnout that go from floor to standing, I have to be so careful going from a pushup to something standing and then back down to the ground, my neck and left side still have issues, so I have to slow down those movements. Sometimes I just do something else that is high intensity that doesnt bother me like jump squats or something. Modifications are key for me!!! Good workout this morning tho!

Happy Hump day everyone!!!
Today I made life simple and boiled arm day down to 2 excercises I thought I could pull off. I alternated tricep pushdowns, 10x8 with short rom bicep isos, 10x25. I felt worked, but not fulfilled!!! Really miss the curls and pullups, but managing. Healing 11, If I was 190 hr, I might need a 911 call! I don't usually get above 140 - 160, but I think they reduce your max heart rate as you get older...and I'm there! I do need to do some cardio..gotta make it happen. I get it up fairly high with heavy squats and it used to elevate well with multiple sets of heavy curls, (strange but true!) Dawn9222 sounds like you are really liking your new program, smart work on the modifications! Have a great day ladies!
Tom, good work!! I know it sucks not working out to the heights you are used to, but hopefully with healing time, you'll get back to where you were!

I do like the new program and found out I was selected to do the 12 week challenge starting next Monday.. eek.. I'm still waffling.... a part of me said "email them and tell them to give up your spot to someone else" you get the free coaching FB group etc with being a "chosen" one.. I'm just not sure my heart is in being as diligent with the meal plan, although it would really teach me adherence.. I"m so bad about sticking to programs that tell me what to do.. haha!! I guess I'm a rebel that way.... :) AND I'm not that great at meal prep and all that crap... So... I'll work my way through the materials this weekend and decide what I want to do.

it's my birthday this weekend, yes, I'm not afraid to let it out!! hee hee!! 52 and thankful for all I have! Even if it isn't what it used to be, gotta be grateful for each day.

It's a day of rest for me, so just walking... with my schedule will be hard to get that in, but I must!!

Have a great day everyone!!!
Hi all!

Nathalie, I'm definitely not looking for a "bubble butt" when asking for the newer Rock Bottom rotation! :eek::p I think my glutes look pretty good (hubby seems to agree ;)) so I'd like to keep them that way. I loved the last Rock Bottom rotation so I'd love to try an updated version.

Healing11, I love the step part of the ICE Low Impact Sweat, both the main program and the BB! Great stuff! I do like the BB from Lower Body Blast also. Most of the moves add some shoulder work, making it almost like a mini Metabolic Total Body workout.

Dawn, congrats on getting accepted into the challenge! I know 12 weeks is a long time, but if you think you can pull it off, go for it. Maybe that will be the catalyst to get you to stick with it. I'm going to have to research your if I need any more new workouts!

Tom, enjoy your trip to Florida! I just love reading about your workouts...always inspiring!

Ok, let me check-in...

Mon - Tabatacise and Core 1. I was a little worried about doing this one for two reasons...1) my legs were sore from Legs the day before and I know this one really works you legs as well, and 2) I've been doing ICE for the past month and a half and was wondering if my cardio endurance had been diminished. I shouldn't have been worried...I rocked it! :D My legs loosened up quickly, and I was not wiped out at all.

Tues - ICE Chiseled Upper Body. I did the premix which repeats the floor section of the workout, making the whole thing about an hour-long workout. Loved it!

Wed - ICE To The Mat and Core 2. I again added ankle weights just after the first few ball exercises. Feeling it today!

Scheduled for today is Hard Strikes. Friday is normally a rest day for me, but I am off tomorrow since I am traveling to the coast to see Michael Bolton in concert once again (what can I say, I'm a big fan!). So I'll probably do something Friday morning and make Saturday my rest day.

Bye for now!
Tom, good work!! I know it sucks not working out to the heights you are used to, but hopefully with healing time, you'll get back to where you were!

I do like the new program and found out I was selected to do the 12 week challenge starting next Monday.. eek.. I'm still waffling.... a part of me said "email them and tell them to give up your spot to someone else" you get the free coaching FB group etc with being a "chosen" one.. I'm just not sure my heart is in being as diligent with the meal plan, although it would really teach me adherence.. I"m so bad about sticking to programs that tell me what to do.. haha!! I guess I'm a rebel that way.... :) AND I'm not that great at meal prep and all that crap... So... I'll work my way through the materials this weekend and decide what I want to do.

it's my birthday this weekend, yes, I'm not afraid to let it out!! hee hee!! 52 and thankful for all I have! Even if it isn't what it used to be, gotta be grateful for each day.

It's a day of rest for me, so just walking... with my schedule will be hard to get that in, but I must!!

Have a great day everyone!!!

Have a wonderful birthday. And your right, we have to be thankful for what we do have.

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