Bodybuilding/Sculpting check-in;-)

Hi all! For back day today. I lightened up and did some different things from normal. I started with latpulldowns, dropping about 30#, and doing 4x15. I really focused on lats and they felt worked! Next up was deadlifts, and I did 4 sets , first 2 were 1x8 at lighter weights , then finished with two triples at a heavier weight. After deadlifts, I did 6 sets of light forearm work, and finished with 2 sets of pulley crunches. Felt like a pretty good w/o...trying to work around the elbows a little, so that leaves out pullups and rows, but what was done seemed effective! Have a great Tuesday!
Yesterday I did ICE Chiseled Lower Body Blast and the BB. I really wanted to get more out of this workout this time around so I upped my weights for everything. This morning, finally some soreness in my legs! I really like the extra shoulder work in the BB. Feeling it in that area as well today.

On the schedule for later today is Xtrain Bi's & Tri's and Core 2.
Yesterday I did ICE Chiseled Lower Body Blast and the BB. I really wanted to get more out of this workout this time around so I upped my weights for everything. This morning, finally some soreness in my legs! I really like the extra shoulder work in the BB. Feeling it in that area as well today.

On the schedule for later today is Xtrain Bi's & Tri's and Core 2.

I did lower bodyblast today and upped the weights on most too!! good stuff! At least the moves are easy enough so that you can add heavier weight without risk of injury! Well.. for me anyway.. my boyfriend says I'm a china doll.... :(
Good morning all! Shoulder day for me today, and I did 15 sets of strict press, Tried for a pr, but no go, I did 1 long set of dumbbell press and 3 sets of barbell shrugs, I missed yesterday's leg day (slacker confession and excuse coming), My legs were really sore from, of all things, the 4 sets of weighted inclined sit ups I did the other day!! Hard to believe, but they really were! Abs were fine, legs shot!! (something wrong "bout" that!) Nathalie, I guess the official name is medial epicondylitis. It is inflammation of the common flexor tendon, and is much less common than "tennis elbow" which is on the lateral part of the elbow. Rest,(that sucks) anti-inflammatories, cold after use, and if it hurts, don't do it! If non responsive, they sometimes inject, (but not great long term ) or surgery. I have some stretches to try as well. Thanks for asking! Have great day everyone!
Hi all! Yesterday was ICE Low Impact Sweat....cardio 1 & 2 and the BB. Today would normally be a rest day for me, but since I took off for my birthday, I treated myself to Xtrain's Super Cuts. Haven't done that one in ages, and it was a perfect way to start the day. Hope everyone has a great Friday!!
Today again I had to sub dumbbell bench for barbell bench, doing 10 sets of flat and incline, Next were standing wrist curls and reverse wrist curls, followed by 3 sets of knee ins and 6 minutes of planks. I finished with 3 sets of pushups. Hope everyone has a great start to the week!
Hi all! Here's my check-in:

Sat - went for a 5-mile power walk
Sun - Hard Strikes, the premix which includes the heavy bag bonus and Core 1
Today - ICE Bootcamp Circuit with the BB

Since I am off today for the holiday, I had thought about doing more, but I am surprisingly sore in my upper body and core from Hard Strikes! Plus hearing the tornado sirens go off towards the end of my workout kind of took the focus off exercising. Yikes!

Hope everyone is doing well!
Hi Everyone,

How are you all doing? I am still on meso 2.

Here is my last week check in.

Monday: STS Leg# 14
Tuesday: STS CST#13
Wednesday: Tabatacise
Thursday: STS# Back and Biceps 15
Friday:Bootcamp ICE Series
Saturday: Cycle Max
Sunday Rest

Hope you have had a good week end.

Kind Regards to you all.
Hi all! Yesterday was ICE Low Impact Sweat....cardio 1 & 2 and the BB. Today would normally be a rest day for me, but since I took off for my birthday, I treated myself to Xtrain's Super Cuts. Haven't done that one in ages, and it was a perfect way to start the day. Hope everyone has a great Friday!!

Happy birthday Jodi --- Hope you had a great time celebrating it. Those years are just a number!
Your metabolic age is what is the real age;):)
Jodi, Dawn - Thank you for your advice :)
I ended up choosing Metabolic Total Body over Boot camp Circuit. MTB is said to be the toughest workout in I.C.E. series (according to Jen's blog review and a thread posted in this forum); plus it doesn't require a step and I own the required dumbbells ( I have only 7 lbs and 12 lbs dumbbells which worked great for me in this workout) .

Hi Svetlana,

Have you got Lidl in Bulgaria. I think you may have a look from time cause they do sell good quality dumbbell. I remember I bought my
first set of barbell from ALDI. Which is lidl sister's company. You can gradually add some weight if you need to at reasonable price.
My barbell is still in good condition, It has lasted more than ten years:)

Hope you enjoyed MTB from ICE Series.:)

Take care.:)
Today was a day I needed a jumpstart! Wasn't there mentally or physically. Managed 6 sets x 12 of light lat pulldowns and 3 sets of light deadlifts (felt heavy). After the third set of deads, I just went back upstairs and hung it up! Somedays you just don't have it and this was one of those...hoping for better for all of you!!
Tom, I hear you about being mentally and physically off! I am currently trying to fight off some kind of cold. Ugh.

Tuesday - Xtrain's Cardio Leg Blast...just love this workout
Wednesday - ICE Chiseled Upper Body and Core 2

Scheduled for later today is ICE Metabolic Total Body with the BB. I'm hoping I can power through it.
I really haven't done much this week, I think I will take a deload week and see if that helps. Yesterday I was going to do a light bwt circuit and I even quit on that! Today I did a light combination day of shoulders and legs. 5 sets of military press x 8, starting with the bar (45) and never went above 85#. Side laterals, light, 3x8, rear delt flys, again light, 3 x 10. Next was 6 x 10 bar only deep squats, 3 x 10 (bar) reverse lunges, glute bridges, 3 x 15 and 3 x 30 single unweighted calf raises. Just glad to get something done for psychological benefit!!! Jodi..sometimes it becomes a mental as well as physical drain doesn't it?? Good luck later with ICE!!
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OMG... I swear, this past week everyone is feeling it.. I am not right and I've heard so many others say it too.. boo!!!! I pushed myself yesterday and ended up tweaking my back.... today only some core work and praying it's just muscular... ughh. I just want to feel like myself again! Tomorrow it supposed to be almost 50 with sun in the afternoon.. for Minnesota, that's pretty warm right now.. I might have to lay out and soak up some rays!! haha!! JK of course. but a walk will be in order. I need to kick these winter lethargic blues to the curb!!!!

Hang in there everyone and have a great day!!!
OMG... I swear, this past week everyone is feeling it.. I am not right and I've heard so many others say it too.. boo!!!! I pushed myself yesterday and ended up tweaking my back... Dawn9222 That's why I am trying a deload week. Tuesday, things just felt heavier than they should and Wed, I just quit a light bwt w/o...body telling me something! Hope the back isn't serious...enjoy the heat!!lol!
I had some meetings today and yesterday,and the place I stayed had dumbbells , up to 45#, but again I wasn't really able to do much arm stuff, so I subbed some bench and ohps, and pushups and crumches , This crap is getting old!! Really missing my arm training. but hopefully if I rest them It will be better soon....we will see! Have a great weekend everyone!

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