Bodybuilding/Sculpting check-in;-)

This morning was a strange w/o, even for me!! I went with a 100 rep bwt challenge and the first set was alternating pushups/single calf raises x 40 x 30 x 20 x 10, then seated knee ins/ bicep weight, just a short rom flex, ( don't bother tendons) x 40 x 30 x 20 x 10. I wasn't able to do ab wheel roll outs like I wanted to, but o well. someday again! Trying to be patient...not my strong suit!! Hope ya'll have a great weekend!
Well, I made it through MTB, even the BB, but I'm glad no one was around to critique my form on all those burpees and air jacks. ;)

Friday was a rest day.

Today I had a change in schedule so I took the chance to try a new workout...Suzanne Bowen's BarreAmped Fire Extreme Sculpt. Definitely a nice workout but not as tough as I thought it would be. Probably a good thing since I can barely breath through my nose right now. :(

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
@dmerz Thanks Doreen for popping in! Have you done Weider PINK series? What are your thoughts
on the set? How often do you visit it?:)

I've done all but the last one. I do it a couple times/ week as an extended warm-up before my main lifting work. My plan is to go back through the last few workouts (6-12 maybe) and keep adding weight onto my bar (not the bar it came with). I've like how she's broken down form throughout the series.
I've done all but the last one. I do it a couple times/ week as an extended warm-up before my main lifting work. My plan is to go back through the last few workouts (6-12 maybe) and keep adding weight onto my bar (not the bar it came with). I've like how she's broken down form throughout the series.

Thanks Doreen for your reply. I think I too will add weight onto my bar. I am not using PINK bar.
I did not get it shipped all the way from US. To be honest, It would not be of any use cause I wouldn't have been able to add plate from
other manufacturer. I need to add the weight load:eek::eek:. First 3 workouts are just too beginner level for me. Looking forward to
good cueing, forms and pointers though.;):)

I have done KCM lift in the past and loved it. I lifted more already so I am intending to do the same for PINK.

Wish you a good week:):)
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Hello ladies, Here is what I have been up to last week.
This week will be 3 week meso 2.

Monday: STS#18 Back and Triceps
Tuesday: STS#17 Leg
Wednesday: STS#16 CST
Thursday: AOLI
Friday: MTB ICE series
Saturday: PRS#1 Step mix
Sunday: Rest

I loved Metabolic Total body from ICE Series workout. I just love metabolic w/0 mainly containing compound
combination. Combining two or three compound truly does get me huff and puffing;):)
Good day All! Chest day here and I tried barbell bench, but switched to dumbbells. I did 1 set of light barbell then 5 sets of dumbbell bench. I did sets of 10 -15 (long for me) next I did incline bench 4 x 10. I was able to use the barbell for these (yay). For some reason inclines feel much less tendon stressful than flat bench. I finished the chest work with feet on bench pushups x 20 x 18 x 15 and finished the w/o with a 6 minute plank series. Hope everyone is well and has a great week!!
Careful with that back Tom!! I love deadlifts, took me quite some time to get the form right. Makes me shiver when I remember all those days in Crossfit when I did 20-30 deadlifts at #135 for time.. holy crap!!! I'd break in half moving that fast now.. :)

I did ICE Bootcamp yesterday in it's entirety!! Things are feeling pretty good. Today I only had a few minutes so I did the warm up in my new Lower Body Blast DVD.. love the energy in this one!

Tomorrow i have stuff going on so probably won't get a good workout in until Thursday morn!!!

Have a great day everyone!
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Careful with that back Tom!! I love deadlifts, took me quite some time to get the form right. Makes me shiver when I remember all those days in Crossfit when I did 20-30 deadlifts at #135 for time.. holy crap!!! I'd break in half moving that fast now.. :)

I did ICE Bootcamp yesterday in it's entirety!! Things are feeling pretty good. Today I only had a few minutes so I did the warm up in my new Lower Body Blast DVD.. love the energy in this one!

Tomorrow i have stuff going on so probably won't get a good workout in until Thursday morn!!!

Have a great day everyone!
Dawn9222, if I tried "speed deads" I would need an " orthopedic intervention"! If I tried crossfit, I would need an " orthopedic intervention"!!! Cudos to you for being able to do it! I punted on leg day today to sleep in and recover from my " slo mo" deads lol!! I will probably combine with shoulders tomorrow. Glad your w/o's are going well!
Dawn9222, if I tried "speed deads" I would need an " orthopedic intervention"! If I tried crossfit, I would need an " orthopedic intervention"!!! Cudos to you for being able to do it! I punted on leg day today to sleep in and recover from my " slo mo" deads lol!! I will probably combine with shoulders tomorrow. Glad your w/o's are going well!

Well, my crossfit days are over, that was hmmm.. let see... almost 8 years ago now.... have no desire to try to beat myself up like that anymore!!! It was fun.. and it got me in great shape, but lets face it, if you do it too much, it takes a heavy toll. Hence my spine issues... I'm just thankful I survived that and can do anything anymore!!!

have a great recovery day!!!!
Well, I was going to combine shoulders and legs, but I ended up doing 25 sets on shoulders, so leg day evaporated!! (Will do hopefully Fri or Sat) Today I did a 16 set pyramid of strict press, 4x10 side laterals, 3x10 rear delt flys, and 2x25 barbell shrugs. Felt GREAT!! I critiqued my deads from Tuesday and I lower back and trap them! Inflexible hips seem to make the position uncomfortable. so I reach as far as I can to avoid bending my legs, this pushes my shoulders down, and to get out of this position as quickly as possible. I straighten my legs first, then just "lower back" it to closer to vertical and finish it up with my traps. Crap technique and I need to work on it! Make today a good one everybody!
Hi all! Wednesday was ICE Chiseled Lower Body Blast with the BB, and yesterday was Burn Sets Bi's & Tri's. Today is a rest day. One more week of my ICE/XTrain rotation, and then I need to figure out what's next. Too many new things to choose from!
Got through another arm day today. I did 3 sets of dumbbell kickbacks,1x12 2x10. I used a pronated grip, and it was ok on the elbows. I couldn't do skullcrushers, but did 4 sets of tri pushdowns. I finished tris with 100 rep close grip pushups, 2x20 2x15 3x10. For bis, I couldn't do any type of curls (wanna shoot myself), so I was back to short rom isos, 12 sets of 20 reps, and finished with some ab work, pulley crunches 4x12 and crunches, 2x25. Have a terrific weekend everyone!!
Leg day make up day and I am still alive! I did 8 sets of squats, tried to get deep, but lack of hip flexibility a real problem. Next I did 2 sets of reverse lunges, 2 sets of dumbbell static lunges, 4x20 barbell glute bridges,barbell calf raises x 25 x20 x20 and donkey presses 2x20. Hope everyone is having a great weekend! (I may not after the doms set in!!!)
I did part of Cathe's Lower Body Blast, then some barbell glute bridges and other glute work. Then a long walk with a friend, a beautiful 57 degrees here today! hope everyone is having a great weekend!

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