Bodybuilding/Sculpting check-in;-)

Yesterday I did BarreAmped Cardio Fat Burn, and today I did Pure Barre's Pure Results: Feature Focus Thighs and the Thighs & Seat segment from Pure Barre's Tone in 10.

This is supposed to be a "recovery" week...oh my...I had forgotten how tough this barre stuff can be! Yesterday's wasn't too bad, but legs and butt are still burning!
It was great to get back to it this morning! After Monday last week, I took the week off to see if I could help the elbow situation, and they felt pretty good today! I was able to get 13 sets of flat bench, 4 sets inclined bench and finished with pushups x 25 x20 x18 x12, and 3 sets of pulley crunches. I was able to get over 200# on bench, with a lot of volume in the 155 - 195 area, and that felt really good. Its funny how miserable I am when I can't effects my outlook on life! I just feel SO much better when I can do SOMETHING! Hope everyone has a great week of lifting (and other things)!!!
Today was The Bar Method's Super Sculpting, and I wanted a little extra core work and stretching so I added Core & Flex from Ruthless. I have definitely missed doing my barre workouts. They really burn out my legs so well.
Hello friends,

Jodi, Dawn - Thank you for your advice :)
I ended up choosing Metabolic Total Body over Boot camp Circuit. MTB is said to be the toughest workout in I.C.E. series (according to Jen's blog review and a thread posted in this forum); plus it doesn't require a step and I own the required dumbbells ( I have only 7 lbs and 12 lbs dumbbells which worked great for me in this workout) .
I added CTX 10-10-10 to my download order to avail 20% off .
I'm very happy with both my new workouts.
MTB raises my heart rate high and has enough new moves to not feel repetitive. The blast is great too.
I sliced CTX 10-10-10 into Kickbox, HiLo and Step segments. I plan to use these as add-ons . It works for me to have short add-ons for day I lack motivation to workout.

I did Cathe for cardio & the Firm Classics for weight training this week. I find it hugely entertaining that I was a teenager when these were produced. While mom and me were flailing our legs around (trying to achieve that Cindy Crawford body with her Shape Your Body ) other people did REAL fitness!

My check in:
Saturday -Rock'm Sock'm Kickbox & blast Doubles - The Firm Super Sculpt (from 1998 and gave me DOMS)
Sunday - X10 ; Doubles - The Firm Bust & Butt (from 1999)
Monday - To The Max; Doubles - The Firm High Def Sculpt (Pink Firm - easier than the Classics)
Tuesday - Michelle Dozois Cardio Interval Burn, KCM Slim Sculpting (core premix) Doubles - ICE Metabolic TB
Wednesday - Turbo Fire Hiit 15, Super Cuts. Doubles - FlexTrain (no abs). I had to do & compare Cathe's 3 metabolic workouts. I was happy to conclude I find MTB the toughest :)
Yesterday - CTX 10-10-10 (cardio), Kari Anderson Curl (abs w/0) Doubles - KCM Your Best Body (upper body premix)
Today - ICE LI Sweat Step w/o + Blast, Metabolic TB Blast. Planned doubles LIHI Legs.

Hugs to all my friends here!
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Lousy arm day for me today, really couldn't do much on bis, and even some of the tri stuff was a no go. I started with skullcrushers, but had to go to pushdowns which was ok, and I did 5 sets. I tried to go light on barbell curls, but couldn't. I tried light dumbbells for curls, conc curls and even hammer curls, but all a no go. My oldest son is an orthopedic surgeon with a sub specialty in sports medicine, and we are visiting him this weekend. Hoping he will have some advice! Bummer day! Have a great weekend everyone
Lousy arm day for me today, really couldn't do much on bis, and even some of the tri stuff was a no go. I started with skullcrushers, but had to go to pushdowns which was ok, and I did 5 sets. I tried to go light on barbell curls, but couldn't. I tried light dumbbells for curls, conc curls and even hammer curls, but all a no go. My oldest son is an orthopedic surgeon with a sub specialty in sports medicine, and we are visiting him this weekend. Hoping he will have some advice! Bummer day! Have a great weekend everyone

Awwwww, that's a bummer, I know that stuff sucks... good luck with the appointment, how nice that your son is an Orthopedic Surgeon... that would come very handy in my family... funny, but not.. :) Take care Tom!
Greetings all,

LIS Week 2

Day 1 Rest Day
Day 2 Trisets Upper Body
Day 3 Rest Day
Day 4 Athletic Training Leg Cardio
Day 5 Rest Day
Day 6 Athletic Training Leg Cardio
Day 7 Turbo Barre

My workout schedule was a bit off this week. It was the first full week back to work after the blizzard so it was a busy week. Nonetheless I got in 4 quality workouts this week. I love Athletic Training. I love the music, workout and how I feel when I'm done. I burn lots of calories and it is one of my favorite Cathe workouts. For me it feels like a reward after a work day, which is why I did it twice this week. I also did Turbo Barre. I recently purchased it and actually liked it. It was my first time doing the workout and the next day my body was quite fatigued, not really sore just fatigue. It was great feeling. I also enjoyed an effective workout that wasn't jarring to my joints. Will definitely fit this into my rotation next week.

Hope everyone is having a great workout week.
Yippeeeee!!!!! That moment you catch a glimpse of yourself doing some lunges and you can see abs (I'm at home, so I can dress with just a fitness top haha) ... whoohoo, I'm so excited.. I have been making such good progress (not trying to brag).. it almost brings tears to my eyes.. I'm telling you about six months ago when i could hardly lift my head off the pillow in terrible pain, I was so scared and didn't think I'd be at the point I am today.. I'm glad that I can share that with you all here! Never give up! I owe it a lot to constant movement, strengthening, acupuncture, chiropractic and nutrition. seriously, it all goes together. .now if my knees would get better like my neck.. haha.. one step at a time!

Today I did the kickboxing and heavy legs from the 4 day split dvd, but I skipped around a bit to avoid certain things I can't do, but I added some barbell glute bridges (about 3 sets of 12-15 and 1 set of 10) superset with some band pizza presses for a good glute burn. I also did some barbell deadlifts and sumo squats with that barbell.

Hope you all have an awesome weekend!!!!
Dawn, congrats on your progress! And it's not bragging, we want to hear about your accomplishments. That's what we're here for.

Here's what I've been up to:

Thurs - Pure Barre's Pure Results: Feature Focus Arms
Fri - rest day
Sat - treadmill
Today - Rock'm Sock'm, the BB, and Core 1

Today was the start of my ICE/Xtrain rotation. Looking forward to getting back to heavy weights!

Hope the rest of the weekend goes well for everyone. Have fun at any Super Bowl parties if you're going. Go Broncos! (Fan of Mississippi's Peyton Manning here. :))
Dawn9222, It is so much fun reading a post when someone is making a comeback or improving ones happy for your success, keep up the great work!!! I guess my elbow issues are medial epicondylitis, which is less common than tennis elbow, being on the medial side as opposed to the lateral side of the elbow. If it hurts they say don't do it. so, today being chest day, I subbed dumbbell bench for barbell bench since that seemed to aggravate things. I did 6 sets of flat dumbbell bench, 4 sets of dumbbell inclines, and finished with 2 100 rep challenges. On pushups, I did 6 x 15 1 x 10 ( these were harder after the dumbbell work than barbell, even though I did less sets than usual) and inclined sit ups with a 10# plate 4 x 25. Using some ice and ibuprofen and hopefully can rest the area as much as possible and get back to normal soon. Have a great day everyone!!
Dawn9222, It is so much fun reading a post when someone is making a comeback or improving ones happy for your success, keep up the great work!!! I guess my elbow issues are medial epicondylitis, which is less common than tennis elbow, being on the medial side as opposed to the lateral side of the elbow. If it hurts they say don't do it. so, today being chest day, I subbed dumbbell bench for barbell bench since that seemed to aggravate things. I did 6 sets of flat dumbbell bench, 4 sets of dumbbell inclines, and finished with 2 100 rep challenges. On pushups, I did 6 x 15 1 x 10 ( these were harder after the dumbbell work than barbell, even though I did less sets than usual) and inclined sit ups with a 10# plate 4 x 25. Using some ice and ibuprofen and hopefully can rest the area as much as possible and get back to normal soon. Have a great day everyone!!

Thanks! I am sorry to hear of your elbow issues... I hope you are better soon!!!

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