Bodybuilding/Sculpting check-in;-)

Nathalie, I recovered just in time to start another week of the ICE rotation. :)

Saturday was the treadmill. I chose a new virtual path and was in Washington DC seeing the sights. I chose a slightly odd mix of Carrie Underwood and Adele for motivation.

Today was Low Impact Sweat again. I started with the MM for back. I upped my weights for almost every exercise. For the double arm pullovers, I did overhand grip back rows instead. Much more comfortable for me. I then moved on to the premix which is all step, Cardio 2 + Cardio 2 + BB. Wow! Loved it! I then added on Core 2 and called it a day. :D
Greetings from sunny Florida, home of grandkids and warmer temps ( Sorry dawn9222)) It was chest day today, so 12 sets of flat bench, 3 sets of pulley crunches, 3 sets of incline bench, 3 sets of inclined sit ups, 1 set of dumbbell inclines and finished with 3 sets of pushups...was pretty fried!! I hope everyone has a great week, and I am truly sorry to rub the weather in!!! (well...sorta!!) lol
Greetings from sunny Florida, home of grandkids and warmer temps ( Sorry dawn9222)) It was chest day today, so 12 sets of flat bench, 3 sets of pulley crunches, 3 sets of incline bench, 3 sets of inclined sit ups, 1 set of dumbbell inclines and finished with 3 sets of pushups...was pretty fried!! I hope everyone has a great week, and I am truly sorry to rub the weather in!!! (well...sorta!!) lol

Hmmmmmm, I'm thinking you like rubbing it in!! Holy smokes yesterday was nasty.. I could use some warm sand between my toes!!!

Great workout!
Greetings from sunny Florida, home of grandkids and warmer temps ( Sorry dawn9222)) It was chest day today, so 12 sets of flat bench, 3 sets of pulley crunches, 3 sets of incline bench, 3 sets of inclined sit ups, 1 set of dumbbell inclines and finished with 3 sets of pushups...was pretty fried!! I hope everyone has a great week, and I am truly sorry to rub the weather in!!! (well...sorta!!) lol

You should come visit us in MN today, it's only negative teens and -20 to -30 windchills!!! oyyyyyyy....
Morning all from sunny ( but cool...hurts to say it) Florida. I did try some chin ups and it went ok, did 1x6 x8 x6, didn't try to test elbows too much. Next was deadlifts, no belt so no prs, but got some work in here! I followed with 3 sets of pullovers, 2 sets of dumbbell rows, 3 sets of pulldowns and 3 minute plank and 2 sets of pulley crunches. Hope Tuesday goes well for all!!
Ugh that's awful!!! I thought Missouri was will be low 60's here today and that's really cool for Florida! I will TRY not to gloat!! I'm too old for that cold!!
Morning all from sunny ( but cool...hurts to say it) Florida. I did try some chin ups and it went ok, did 1x6 x8 x6, didn't try to test elbows too much. Next was deadlifts, no belt so no prs, but got some work in here! I followed with 3 sets of pullovers, 2 sets of dumbbell rows, 3 sets of pulldowns and 3 minute plank and 2 sets of pulley crunches. Hope Tuesday goes well for all!!
Ugh...really sorry!! It will be low 60's here today and that's COLD for here! Gotta survive until spring?? Hang in there, Spring's just around the corner?? sorry. Ok, I'll quit, bust some iron and warm up!!
Got some " fried wheels" after leg day today! I had a safety rail on the squat rack, so went heavier on squats, doing 6 sets, finishing at 225#(more than I have used in years) Next 3 sets of barbell calf raises at 225, 3 sets of reverse lunges 95# and used a leg press machine ( new to me) finishing at 450#x6. I used a hyperextension rack, also for the first time, I needed these, rack supported knee raises,and finished with 2 sets of goblet squats. Legs are SHOT!! Hope one of you win the powerball, if not me..sorry our EUROPEAN FRIENDS! Have a great Wednesday!
Shoulder day for me, 13 sets strict press, 3 sets rear delt flys, 3 sets dumbbell shoulder press, 3 sets front raise/ side laterals, and 2 sets heavy dumbbell shrugs, and finished with some band work. No power ball billions for me!! Have a great Thursday everyone!
Hey, it's spring here today, a sweltering 30 degrees!! haha! I actually do not mind winter if I'm out doing stuff, but this year I'm not able to snowmobile due to my neck.. so that stinks!!

Today's workout was low impact sweat in the ICE program, my knee tendonitis was acting up and my upper body DOMS was on fire... I did a little bit of the blizzard blast and I wanted to do some back muscle work, but decided to wait until tomorrow since my traps and rhomboids are super sore.. I wanted to hit some lat work.. they are finally growing and coming back!!

Have a great day everyone!!
Arm day for me, and tendonitis did pretty well. I was able to do 5 sets of bb curls and survived! 5 sets bbq curls, 5 sets tri pushdowns, 3 sets dumbbell curls, 3 sets skullcrushers, 3 sets conc curl,3 sets kickbacks, and finished tris with 1x30 feet on bench tricep pushups, and finished bis with hammer curls 2x8. Felt good to be able to do some bi things, started off painful, but actually got better as the w/o went on! Have a great weekend everyone!!
Today Was a quickie bwt w/o, going to Tampa to hit some sites and find an indoor pool! ( dawn 9222, this is karma for making fun of your weather!!) I did pushups, 30,20,15 10, with 30 sec or less rest between. Same w/o for squats and single calf raises. Planks were 5 min, followed by single leg glute bridges for 1 min each , then double glute bridges, 2 min, hitting the posterior chain with the glute bridges to help with deadlifts. Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
Hi all! It's been a busy week! Work has been crazy, but I still got my workouts in, of course. Continuing with my ICE rotation, here's what I did:

M - MM Chest, Metabolic Total Body...this seems to be the hardest MM for me. I always end up going lighter and it fries my chest.
T - MM Triceps, Rock'em Sock'em...went heavier on some of the tricep work and I just love this kickboxing workout!
W - MM Shoulders, Chiseled Lower Body Blast...went heavier for some of the leg work and think I can still go heavier on some exercises.
Th - MM Biceps, Bootcamp Circuit...biceps are screaming still, love it! Used 3 risers for the whole Bootcamp workout to make it a bit more difficult.
F - rest day

Today will be the treadmill.

I think once I finish this rotation, I may do EBE 2 to focus more on my legs. This rotation has been great for upper body, but I feel like my legs are not being exhausted like they could be.

Hope everyone has a great weekend. Mine will be extended because of the holiday on Monday. Woohoo!!
Hi all! It's been a busy week! Work has been crazy, but I still got my workouts in, of course. Continuing with my ICE rotation, here's what I did:

M - MM Chest, Metabolic Total Body...this seems to be the hardest MM for me. I always end up going lighter and it fries my chest.
T - MM Triceps, Rock'em Sock'em...went heavier on some of the tricep work and I just love this kickboxing workout!
W - MM Shoulders, Chiseled Lower Body Blast...went heavier for some of the leg work and think I can still go heavier on some exercises.
Th - MM Biceps, Bootcamp Circuit...biceps are screaming still, love it! Used 3 risers for the whole Bootcamp workout to make it a bit more difficult.
F - rest day

Today will be the treadmill.

I think once I finish this rotation, I may do EBE 2 to focus more on my legs. This rotation has been great for upper body, but I feel like my legs are not being exhausted like they could be.

Hope everyone has a great weekend. Mine will be extended because of the holiday on Monday. Woohoo!!

Great workouts, I can't wait to hear what you think about EBE 2, sounds like there are few people doing that!! sounds fun!! :)
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Greetings All,

It's been a while since I checked in. Finally feeling more settled after the holidays. This was my rotation last week.

Day 1 Ice Metabolic Total Body
Day 2 Turbo Fire 30
Day 3 Ice Bootcamp
Day 4 Rest
Day 5 Ice Metabolic Total Body
Day 6 Firm Cardio Burn with Tamela Hastie
Day 7 Rest

Good workout week. I didn't order all of the ICE series, but pleased with what I did order. I enjoy working out and feeling like I worked out, without feeling wiped out. ICE seems to be perfect for my mood and time. I absolutely love Metabolic Total Body (hope she makes more like this one). It reminds me of when I first started exercising with The Firm. So I pulled out my favorite Firm workout. Haven't done it in years and it was still fun and I worked up a sweat.

I'm starting to like Bootcamp better. I have to have my high step set up because I don't like to keep adjusting the step height. So I have both of my steps ready and it helps make the workout a little less choppy.

Hope everyone had a great workout week.
The benches were busy at the Y, so I started the week with back instead of chest. I did 4 sets of chin ups, 3 sets inclined sit ups,5 sets low bar wide rows, managed a 10# PR on deadlifts, doing several sets at lower weights, 3x8 wide lat pulldowns, double dumbbell pullovers, x12 x10 x8, and finished with supported leg raises 3x8. Tomorrow is a travel day for me, but will try to do chest when the way, the weather waiting for me stinks!!! Only fair!!!
Hey all! Well, this weekend did not go quite as planned. The heat decided to stop working sometime during the night Sunday. Hubby was able to figure out how to fix it but being Sunday, there was no supply store own to get the part. I was able to pick the part up today and we finally had heat again late this afternoon. Now, I know it's Mississippi, but the past two night have been in the 20's which is frigid for us. It was quite cold in the house. Brrrr!

Thankfully, I had my Cathe workouts to keep me warm. :)

Sunday - MM Back, Low Impact Sweat (the premix which does Cardio 2 twice), and Core 2
Today - MM Chest, Metabolic Total Body, and Core 1

Tom, have a safe trip back!

The "Steel" workouts are what started my home exercise obsession for me...Buns of Steel, Abs of Steel, etc. In one of the Buns workouts, Tamilee Webb does arm work with very light weights while also doing the leg work. I remember not being able to do both, I would get too winded doing the arms at the same time. I smiled as I thought about that today while sailing through MTB. I've come a long way since my Steel days!
I was able to get in a good chest wo after I got home today. Got in 15 sets of flat bench, 5 sets of incline bench, 3 sets of push ups and finished with 5 sets of abs (pulley crunches and seated knee ins) Weather is white and slippery here, but it is winter....still don't have to like it! Hope all is well for all!!
Really interesting leg day, working on ROM. All squats were light, but deep,("cheek to crete") I am really stiff in the hips and this was really good for me! I went till hammies rested on calves and paused before extending,,kinda brutal for this old guy! I did 6 sets of squats, 3 sets of reverse lunges, 4 sets of calf raises, and 3 sets of goblet squats (A to G also). I'm fried and never got heavy...interesting! Guess that means rom has needed work for a long time! Have a great day all!
Shoulder day for me and I started with push presses, a new lift for me. I did 6 sets, followed by 7 sets of strict press, 4 sets of rear delt flys, 4 sets of dumbbell shoulder press, 3 sets of side laterals, and 2 sets of heavy barbell shrugs, and finished with 5 sets of ab wheel roll outs. I felt like I got a great w/o for shoulders, "cause" I know they need it!! Sounds like ya'll are after it!! Jen... out there?? Hope all is well with everyone!

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