Bodybuilding/Sculpting check-in;-)

Nathalie--I love Cathe's workouts and there is no dread factor to her workouts, but the truth is, they are not the same as EBE2. They just aren't. You are getting something different with EBE2. And regardless of whether it is fun or not, it is definitely hitting the glutes hard. And in Meso 2 I am using the 2nd phase of EBE2 workouts which is contrast training. I'm more than halfway through Meso 2 anyway. Only 2 more Saturdays of EBE2 and I am done with it for a while. I'm not including EBE2 at all in Meso 3. I used EBE2 phase 1 + Peak Cardio in Meso 1, and Meso 2 is EBE2 phase 2. We'll see by the end of my STS rotation if all of this glute focus was worth it (in Meso 1 I also did Butt Bible levels 1 & 2 and in Meso 2 I am doing Butt Bible Level 3--this is in addition to STS Leg workouts and 100 rep hit thrusts every week). From my husband's commentary, the results are visible! He also seems to enjoy "feeling" the results. :p In the beginning of this rotation I could feel my glute muscles when I walked in a way I never have before. But I guess I'm used it now because I don't notice it anymore. I've been working them so hard I am not even getting glute DOMS anymore. In Meso 3 I will be changing things up again. Still hitting the lower body/glutes hard, but no EBE2 or Butt Bible.
Jen, glad the foot is better!!
Today was BB Bulk Shoulders and Ruthless Ringside. My shoulders are fried!!

And as much as I dislike BB Legs, like I said it's effective. My quads and glutes are soooooo sore!
I've been slackin, but tomorrow will double chest and back, and Friday will double arms and shoulders. Looks like all have been " workin hard" I gotta get to it again, so tomorrow's the day!!! Nathalie..those squats look killer!!! (and effective) !! son also has 2 Anatolian Shepherds and walking them is cardio AND weights!! Baby tossing more " metbolic" haha. Jodi, I really hated Sagi's tempo!! I just wrote the workout down and did my own pace. Jen, sounds like you (or your husband!!) is reaping the rewards of tons of VERY hard work!! Congrats on the dedication ladies
This morning was STS #21 Back & Biceps; planned doubles is Butt Bible Level 3 Lower.

And the callouses are building again! I remember this from the last few times I did STS--it tears up my palms, even with gloves on. Today I was barbell rowing and deadlifting 85 pounds (which is heavy for me!) and it was hurting my palms as I did it. And it is only getting heavier! Lots of lotioning!

Tslop49--Sagi's tempo sometimes drove me crazy, too. Especially during Bulk Arms. Sometimes he was flying through the reps.

Beachbody offered me 30 days of free streaming. I still don't have the equipment for it, but I think I'm going to sign up so I can preview the two Hammer & Chisel workouts they already have up there. The email said the program isn't available for purchase until December, but I can at least have a look and see what I think!

Svetlana--your workouts have given me some ideas. I love how Cathe chapters her workouts, but I rarely use those chapters unless they are already part of a premix. Now, sometimes I do use just the abs section only and I frequently use just the stretches--but I never pick and choose other parts that I like. Well, I have a new To-Do list item! I am going to go through her workouts and break down the time sections. For instance, on her lower body workouts, I'll record how long the floor work only is. Or in STS workouts (Meso 2 & 3) the length of each muscle group segment (in case one day I just want to tack on Back from an STS workout). Things like that. In Meso 3 (which starts for me in November), I am going to do doubles workouts that are lower body floor work only--but I have no idea how long each segment is in her workouts because she has no premixes that are floor work only!
Today I did double chest and back, I did a 10 set bench pyramid followed by 2 sets of pushups as finishers. I feel like I worked the area pretty hard because I could only manage sets of 18 and 15 on the pushups!! Then I decided to do multiple short sets of chin ups as opposed to longer sets since I have had some tendonitis issues with my elbows. I did 6 sets x5 on chin ups 3 sets of lat pulldowns x8 and 3 sets of dumbbell rows x 8. I finished with a 5 minute plank series alternating in 30 - 90 second intervals from front to either side, the last minute alternate knee to chest. Hurts so good!! Happy lifting everyone and Jen, keep the lotion coming,callouses are a "badge of honor"!!!
Today I did BB Bulk Back and Barefoot Core Focus, another new one from Lindsay Brin. My original plan had been to do some barre work after Back, but my legs are still so sore. Turns out the LB workout had some lower body work but only a few minutes so it wasn't too bad.

I had forgotten from the last time I did BB how much my hunger increased. I've been ravenous all week! Maybe it's from doing weight work every day?

On a side favorite barre workouts come from Pure Barre. When putting together this rotation, I thought I really wished I had shorter workouts from them to use as addons. Well, today I got an email from them saying they have two new DVDs - 2 30-minute workouts and 6 10-minute workouts. Woohoo! Of course I ordered them!
I had forgotten from the last time I did BB how much my hunger increased. I've been ravenous all week! Maybe it's from doing weight work every day?

On a side favorite barre workouts come from Pure Barre. When putting together this rotation, I thought I really wished I had shorter workouts from them to use as addons. Well, today I got an email from them saying they have two new DVDs - 2 30-minute workouts and 6 10-minute workouts. Woohoo! Of course I ordered them!

Barre as add on is part of a project for myself;);) I have read good reviews on pure barre and Linda woolbridge. Those are
the one I will try out. Jodi you need fuel/food even badly while lifting hypertrophy. I think we all tend to forget
the major required work comes from the kitchen. You need even more cause you are a hard gainer. I do gain better result when I plan
my meal well in advanced for all week. It prevent me from just grabbing any unclean food while I am very busy or stressed. Being organised in the kitchen help me stay focused in my programs. It is during that time I identify what food my digestive system tolerate or process better cause I am more attentive.

Here is an interesting article which cover basics of macros;);)

Have a good day.:)
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And the callouses are building again! I remember this from the last few times I did STS--it tears up my palms, even with gloves on. Today I was barbell rowing and deadlifting 85 pounds (which is heavy for me!) and it was hurting my palms as I did it. And it is only getting heavier! Lots of lotioning!

Tslop49--Sagi's tempo sometimes drove me crazy, too. Especially during Bulk Arms. Sometimes he was flying through the reps.

Beachbody offered me 30 days of free streaming. I still don't have the equipment for it, but I think I'm going to sign up so I can preview the two Hammer & Chisel workouts they already have up there. The email said the program isn't available for purchase until December, but I can at least have a look and see what I think!


I got Beachbody mail a while ago about the 30 days trial but I am not going to activate and go through trying out
hammer and chisel. I will focus on my program and I do not want to be distracted.

I think you need a versa grip . I do not own a versa grip pair as yet. I have lifting gloves and they work fine. I do not use often.
Definitely will need them during STS. Some use chalk etc....Use whatever you feel comfortable with. Jen, 85 pound is heavy:eek::eek:;)
your mind can rest at ease. I think if you had lifting gloves or versa grip you could have lifted more. Even professional
figure and powerlifters athletes recommend it. You should get one.

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Today I combined shoulders and arms doing 9 sets of each part. Started with military press 5 sets x 8 barbell front raise 2x8-10 and side laterals 2x8. For arms I did trisets. Started with tri pushdown alternating with barbell curls 3 sets x 8 crossbody tri alternating with dumbbell curls 3x8 and tri extensions with concentration curls 3x8-10. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
This morning was Crossfire + Core.

Nathalie--those Versa Grips look very useful. I'll have to check them out. That heavy barbell does hurt my hands and it is only getting heavier in Meso 3!

I am not actually going to do the Hammer & Chisel workouts Beachbody posted for streaming. I am only going to preview them. Since Hammer & Chisel will very likely be a Christmas present from my husband, I want to make sure I want it before he spends money on it. And the free streaming will also give me an opportunity to preview other programs I was on the fence about. But my STS rotation is already laid out. I have no plans to do any of the streamed workouts. Besides, I still don't have the Apple TV in my workout room and I am not going to workout from a computer screen. So pre-viewing only.

Jodie--What are the titles of those new Pure Barre workouts? They sound like something I would be interested in length-wise but if they're new my library probably won't have them. :( But I may decide to buy them anyway! I really like the lengths!
Today, thankfully, is a rest day. o_O My back is sore, my core is sore, my legs are still sore...can't wait to do it all again next week! Haha!

Nathalie, I am working hard on my nutrition, and I am making progress. I've ramped up my protein intake, especially at dinner time which is right after my workout. Thanks for the great articles! FitnessRX for Women always has such helpful information.

Jen, the new titles from PB are Tone in 10 and 30 Minute Burn from their Flex series. You can check them out on their website. They may be on Amazon, but to order from Amazon is way too expensive. Much cheaper to get them directly from PB. Their DVDs from the Pure Results series are so tough. Anything older than that from them I haven't bothered with because of some negative reviews. All the negatives seemed to have been fixed with Pure Results so I'm hoping for good things from the Flex DVDs.
Hello all! I thought I might join as Nathalie told me about this check-in. I just re-started STS a few weeks ago and completed the three dvds of week 2 this week. Today I did Cathe's Live workout from yesterday which was Hi and Low Hitt along with upper and lower body weights. I think tomorrow I am going to re-do the Legs (STS #5) tomorrow.

The first time I did STS was over 4 years ago...but unfortunately I never did get to finish a full three months of it because in the middle of Meso cycle 2, I broke my shoulder cycling and was basically out of commission for 3 months...then there was rehab...

So here I am and very excited to be seriously getting back to it. Even though I think I tried to do STS one other time after that...I never really had the heart for it, maybe because the injury was so traumatic and I associated it with STS...anyway...that's done now!

Happy to be here!
Nathalie--I love Cathe's workouts and there is no dread factor to her workouts, but the truth is, they are not the same as EBE2. They just aren't. You are getting something different with EBE2. And regardless of whether it is fun or not, it is definitely hitting the glutes hard. And in Meso 2 I am using the 2nd phase of EBE2 workouts which is contrast training. I'm more than halfway through Meso 2 anyway. Only 2 more Saturdays of EBE2 and I am done with it for a while. I'm not including EBE2 at all in Meso 3. I used EBE2 phase 1 + Peak Cardio in Meso 1, and Meso 2 is EBE2 phase 2. We'll see by the end of my STS rotation if all of this glute focus was worth it (in Meso 1 I also did Butt Bible levels 1 & 2 and in Meso 2 I am doing Butt Bible Level 3--this is in addition to STS Leg workouts and 100 rep hit thrusts every week). From my husband's commentary, the results are visible! He also seems to enjoy "feeling" the results. :p In the beginning of this rotation I could feel my glute muscles when I walked in a way I never have before. But I guess I'm used it now because I don't notice it anymore. I've been working them so hard I am not even getting glute DOMS anymore. In Meso 3 I will be changing things up again. Still hitting the lower body/glutes hard, but no EBE2 or Butt Bible.

Ok people...what the heck is EBE2? I have been off the forums for a bit...thanks!!
Greetings All,

Reading your updates is amazing. Very intense workouts. Well, here's my rotation for the past week.

Day 1 Turbo Fire 45 + stretch 10 583
Day 2 Turbo Fire 30 + stretch 10 398
Day 3 Rest
Day 4 Cathe's Lean Legs 264
Day 5 Cathe's Cardio Superset 408
Day 6 Turbo Fire Hiit 15 93
Day 7 Turbo Jam 20 145

I was in a cardio mood this week and it felt good. I believe that taking a few weeks to do Piyo allowed me to do my cardio workouts
this week without discomfort. I also added stretch 10 which i really like a lot. Cardio Supersets and Lean Legs felt like good compliments to the cardio. I actually like Lean Legs a lot better this time. Can't remember why I didn't like it at first. Hopefully I can incorporate it more often. Love Cardio Supersets and was a little sore the next day. I'm discovering that Cathe does have some gentle body workouts.

Enjoy your weekend.
Hello friends,

Tracy - Welcome ! We are glad to have you join us :)
Jodi - the 6, 10-minute Pure Barre workouts seem up my alley. I will look them up at their website.
Jen - Kudos for using such heavy weights! You are inspirational. Hope you will solve the problem with callouses.
For instance, on her lower body workouts, I'll record how long the floor work only is.
I can save you some time :) Here are the breakdowns (all excluding warm up & cool down). I hope these may be useful to others too.
Great Glutes - Compound 16 min, Sliding Discs - 9, mat & ball - 16 min
LLA - compound moves 15 min, chair & loop - 11 min; barre - 11 min; core - 10 min
Legs & Glutes - Standing - 23 min; calves with ankle weights - 7 min; floor - 11 min
Gym Style Legs - Standing - 32 min; floor - 24 min
Pyramid Lower Body - standing - 28 min; mat / ball - 12 min ( I love it!)
Total Body Trisets Lower Body - 30 min all standing
Turbo Barre - 32 min all standing
Plyo Legs Disc 26 - 34 min all standing
4 Day Split Kickboxing - Legs all standing 25 min, HIS calves - 5 min
Butts & Guts - Standing - 30 min; mat - 20 min
Lower Body Blast - Standing - 35 min; mat - 9 min, barre - 17 min
Xtrain Legs - Standing - 18 min, Floor & ball 21 min
and Cardio Leg Blast 41 min all standing.

I don't have some older Cathe's and the RWH legs workouts (yet).

My workouts since my last post:
Thursday - I did all legs segments from 3 Less Mills Pump workouts. This gave me an awesome glute DOMS . I enjoyed the music a lot! However the moves seem to be pretty much the same among the workouts I tried (LM Revolution, LM Extreme, LM Shred) . I'm glad I had the chance the try this workout (I borrowed it)
Yesterday - 4 Day Split - shoulders, chest & back Doubles - X10 (3 segments)
Today - Cathe's Athletic Step and Kelly Coffey Meyer's Shape Up (toning-only premix). Shape Up arrived yesterday, and I'm very pleased with my purchase yay :)

Have a great weekend everybody!
Ok people...what the heck is EBE2? I have been off the forums for a bit...thanks!!

Hello Tracy, welcome to our check in.
Feel free to post as often as you want or need to.
We do checkin, keeping each other accountable.
Feel free to share anything you wish to.

While we are on EBE2 topic, here is the link of the thread. Feel free to read reviews and eventually be "enabled";)

I also have another article on Glute for us all, According to this article from Bret, squat is still listed as the best for glute activativation.
Hope you enjoy reading it.
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Welcome Tracy! Always nice to hear from new additions!

Svetlana, thanks for the breakdown of times for those workouts. That might come in handy wth my BB rotation for the next couple of weeks.

Today was the treadmill. Instead of speed, I focused on high incline. Wow, really felt it in my legs and turns out I burned more calories. Win, win!

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