Bodybuilding/Sculpting check-in;-)

Yesterday was P57 Thigh & Seat Booster and Squeeze Lower Body Challenge. My legs were screaming! Later today will be S&H Chest and Back.

Jen, sorry to hear your heels are bothering you. I didn't even think about the heavy weight angle, but that definitely would put added stress on your heels. Hey, it never hurts to try something new and keep your body guessing so enjoy experiments with yoga and barre.

Tom, enjoy your visit with your grandkids!
This morning was STS #18 Back & Biceps and planned doubles is Butt Bible Level 3 Lower.

Tom--I wish I was motivated to do paper programs. I love my workout DVDs but I actually read workout books that have these great programs I am interested in trying, but somehow when I do, I lose motivation so quickly. The DVDs are actually fun and the trainers motivate me. The paper programs never feel "fun." I guess I have a hard time motivating myself!

Thanks Jodi--they have been better the past few days. I don't know what's going on. I have a few bad days and I get depressed and feel like life as I know it is over--then my feet go back to baseline. It does seem like the bad days are happening more frequently lately, but that could be due to the weather changing. I don't know. I guess I'll wait and see. For right now tho I am able to workout normally. So yay!
Greetings All,

Jen I can totally relate. I do hope your heels feel better and listen to your body. Sometimes rest and stretching is what you need then you can go back to your routine. Surprisingly, I was channel surfing today and again I ran across the public television special about classical stretching. I think it's a reminder to me to keep a balanced fitness regimen.

This is what I accomplished in the past week.

Day 1 Piyo Core (175)
Day 2 Turbo Fire 45 + Stretch 10 (588)
Day 3 Rest
Day 4 Piyo lower body (135)
Day 5 Cathe's Cardio Supersets (472)
Day 6 Turbo Fire Low impact Hiit (239)
Day 7 Rest

Good workout week overall. Really enjoyed Turbo Fire 45 + Stretch 10. In the past I skipped the extra stretching, but proud of myself for getting it done. Piyo is really helping my lower back and its been a while since I've done Cardio Supersets, need to do it more often.
Hopefully tonight I will go through some of my dvds to put together my rotation for next week. Hubby said my legs looked more "toned." Ive noticed that he always see a difference when I do Piyo.

Anyways, hope you have had a great workout week. Be good to yourselves and I'll post next week.
Hi everyone! Let me check in:

Fri - rest day
Sat - treadmill
Today - BB Bulk Arms and Squeeze Stronger premix of lower body and abs

This week I decided to change it up and use BB to work one body part per day. Since those workouts are all about 30-40 minutes, I'll also mix in some cardio, barre and yoga/stretching. My plan is to stick with that schedule for the next 3 weeks. After that, hubby and I are taking our first real vacation for a whole week! We are such terrible home bodies, but he's been so stressed at work lately I said it was time we got away for a bit. So that week will be a rest/recovery week for me, although there will be plenty of outdoor activities where we're going (hiking, horseback riding, etc.) as long as it's not too cold. (The place lists a DVD player as an amenity, and hubby just rolled his eyes when I said I may have to pack some DVDs. He knows it's tough for me to fight my "addiction". :))

I'm hoping by the time we get back, ICE will be here and I can dive into exploring all of those workouts. I'm curious to see what kind of rotation options Cathe will come up with!

Hope everyone is doing well!!
Hello ladies and Tom,

I have been dragging myself to workout last two weeks. It was a struggle cause my father was ill in
hospital. We did not know much about what was going on. seizure,stroke etc..... I am just happy is feeling
better now and is regaining his strength . It was just too stressful to focus on working out.

I am now glad I can resume my routine. I now can not wait to revisit STS. I only have few bit a pieces
of equipment to put together and i will ready to start the end of this month.

Here is my check in:

10/09 and 10/10 off Sunday and Monday
Tues: Day off
Wed: RwH plyo 2 and S&H Legs and shoulders
Thur: 4ds Kickbox and S&HBack and chest
Frid: S&H Triceps and Biceps and triceps
Satu: cycle max 71 minutes and abs
Sunday: yoga max and abs
Monday: Afterburn and Glutes

I really had major DOMS from wednesday leg session. I did a variation of plie squat. Instead of using a barbell, I set my
step on Three risers, stood legs a part with toes out and did my plie to the deepest, to the floor. I will be opting for
this variation more often to check things up. My hip girdle was in DOMS for 3 days the least!Then few days I played with my barbell and did jefferson squat. Boy
this is frying my quads like nothing else. I shall master this. It is very challenging. I do not need high reps to start
feeling the burn:p:p:pif this does not help in visibly seeing my my front quad pop, nothing will:p:D

This is all I have to share for now.
I will now catch up reading your posts.:)
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Jen: Hope your heels is not letting you down. Backing off intensity a little bit putting less pressure is a sensible, thoughtful decision.
you need to try various foot stance, listen to your body and identify what works best. Riding outdoor is a fantastic idea.
This is even better that you can spend time with your husband. This a reminder to myself that I will need to move later for
a suburb closer to country side. I like my peace and quiet away from the city. At the moment I live in the city and I found it
not safe to go running outdoor. People are not into running in cities...:(

Kickboxing is also a very good low impact cardio option. I like it cause it does help me in stretching my legs while burning some
calories. I also use it to pre-exhaust the upper body. All those jabs, hook and pre-fry my arms. It is a good hip opener as
well. Trying out Barre rented from library is good. You can try out before making your purchase decision.
I will be trying some barres too.

Hope you are enjoying your rotation:)
Today was BB Bulk Chest and Cardio Core, another new workout from Lindsay Brin. This one is also a mix of cardio and core, but the emphasis on core is even greater and she adds on a few pure ab moves at the end. Really enjoyed it! It's been awhile since I've done BB so I stuck with the weights I had listed from the last time. Even though his pace is pretty fast, I really felt like I could up my weights on almost every exercise set. I will definitely try it next time!

Nathalie, I'm glad your father is feeling better. It is terrible to have a sick parent, and I know how stressful it can be.
Today was BB Bulk Chest and Cardio Core, another new workout from Lindsay Brin. This one is also a mix of cardio and core, but the emphasis on core is even greater and she adds on a few pure ab moves at the end. Really enjoyed it! It's been awhile since I've done BB so I stuck with the weights I had listed from the last time. Even though his pace is pretty fast, I really felt like I could up my weights on almost every exercise set. I will definitely try it next time!

Nathalie, I'm glad your father is feeling better. It is terrible to have a sick parent, and I know how stressful it can be.

Thanks Jodi... I am glad you are enjoying your workout. mix cardio core is another way to get cardio in without
any dread;);). I do not about you but for me it takes a lot to get motivated to get core work.
Thanks everyone for the well-wishes on the feet. They are currently doing much better. I dug up a box of old compression socks I wore for the first year or so after I started walking again. I did some research and found that apparently endurance athletes wear compression socks because they are supposed to increase circulation and therefore increase recovery. Studies for athletes are conflicting, but I know bedridden people wear them for that reason, so there must be some truth to it. Anyway, I have been wearing them again for the past 3 days and have noticed a significant improvement in pain. So I am back on the compression sock bandwagon!

Nathalie, I am so glad to hear your father is doing better. I know how stressful it can be too. And the biking has been awesome. So much fun. We rode around the lake this past weekend and it was wonderful. This is definitely the weather for it (its in the 70s). We went riding last week right after I finished Butt Bible 3 Lower. I was a little scared because Butt Bible fries my lower body/glutes but it was one of our short rides and the final push--and uphill sprint (racing my husband) was a perfect way to add a high intensity finisher to my legs! They were fried and I was breathing hard! But it was perfect!

Healing11, I have actually been thinking about TurboFire lately. Fire 45 is one of my favorite TurboFire workouts. It has the best music and some great combos. And I adore Stretch 40--probably my all time favorite yoga workout. I had forgotten about Stretch 10--thanks for reminding me! I always love to tack on those 10-15 minute stretches.

Jodi--I hope you have an awesome vacation! I always pack DVDs, too, but I never end up using them because we always have such active vacations.

Nathalie--I am having a hard time imagining your plié squats--at least what the step is used for. What was the purpose of the step? And yes--Jefferson Squats are brutal. Amy Bentos introduced those to me.

Last time I checked in was 10/15/15; so here is what I've done since:
Friday: TTM Extreme
Saturday: EBE2 Plyo Glutes + Plyo Upper Body + STS Extended Stretch
Sunday: Element Daily Yoga: Evening
Monday: STS #19 Chest, Shoulders & Triceps; Doubles: HIIT 30/30
Tuesday: STS # 20 Legs + 100 Rep Hip Thrusts; planned Doubles: PiYo Core

My shoulders and triceps are so sore from yesterdays workout!
Nathalie--I am having a hard time imagining your plié squats--at least what the step is used for. What was the purpose of the step? And yes--Jefferson Squats are brutal. Amy Bentos introduced those to me.

Thanks Jen, Yes my father is feeling better and I am happy his health is improving.
His cholesterol went up... So he is going to have to be "cleaner" with his nutrition. I have put "cleaner"
between bracket cause my dad's conception of clean eating is not similar to mine.

Any way --- the purpose of the step is to execute deeper range of motion. So far we have always done it cathe's style.
I have mainly done it cathe's style. I tried some goblet and I wanted something different.
If you look at picture below, the dumbbell travels further down, lower than the bench level. That is the purpose i was looking
for. What is cool:D:D with this variation, there is no pausing compared to keeping foot planted on the floor travelling
up and pausing while putting the dumbbell on the floor. Both work of course.

Trust me this hit my hip girdle big time. I had a 22kg dumbbell and I was a sweaty mess while doing Slow and Heavy.

Hope this answer your question:)

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Today I did BB Bulk Legs and Stretch Max #1. The thought of doing BB Legs had been hanging over me like a dark cloud all day. I know it's an effective workout, but I really don't enjoy it. Doing it again today confirmed that. I want to work hard, but I've got to like what I'm doing. When I ordered the calendar, I also ordered Lean Legs & Abs. It's already shipped so I think that will be my main leg workout next week. I have a feeling I'll enjoy that more than BB! (I also ordered Travel Fit which may end up in my suitcase. :D:D)
I hear you Jodi--BB lower body workouts are hard. And zero fun-factor. I agree--it needs to be fun or else it doesn't keep you coming back. I do like BB's upper body workouts a lot. I'll be honest--I have a bit of dread with EBE2 (my Saturday workouts). I'm not sure how often I will revisit those after I finish this rotation. Excellent, excellent workouts--but they are brutal.

Today was Ultimatum Gold + Total Body Stretching #3. Planned doubles is KBKB Scorcher Power.
I have a bit of dread with EBE2 (my Saturday workouts). I'm not sure how often I will revisit those after I finish this rotation.

Sorry to hear about the dread! I have a suggestion for you ladies, How about substituting for CLB, LIHI leg or LBB?:):)
Contrast training I thought about these recently.
Nathalie, yes, BB is Body Beast. I really like the upper body workouts but like Jen said, there is zero fun-factor with the lower body ones. I will definitely be subbing some Cathe leg workouts, and you make some great suggestions!

And yes to the Q&A! That hour happens to be the time I am usually eating lunch so today I can eat lunch with Cathe. Woohoo!
Nathalie--I love Cathe's workouts and there is no dread factor to her workouts, but the truth is, they are not the same as EBE2. They just aren't. You are getting something different with EBE2. And regardless of whether it is fun or not, it is definitely hitting the glutes hard. And in Meso 2 I am using the 2nd phase of EBE2 workouts which is contrast training. I'm more than halfway through Meso 2 anyway. Only 2 more Saturdays of EBE2 and I am done with it for a while. I'm not including EBE2 at all in Meso 3. I used EBE2 phase 1 + Peak Cardio in Meso 1, and Meso 2 is EBE2 phase 2. We'll see by the end of my STS rotation if all of this glute focus was worth it (in Meso 1 I also did Butt Bible levels 1 & 2 and in Meso 2 I am doing Butt Bible Level 3--this is in addition to STS Leg workouts and 100 rep hit thrusts every week). From my husband's commentary, the results are visible! He also seems to enjoy "feeling" the results. :p In the beginning of this rotation I could feel my glute muscles when I walked in a way I never have before. But I guess I'm used it now because I don't notice it anymore. I've been working them so hard I am not even getting glute DOMS anymore. In Meso 3 I will be changing things up again. Still hitting the lower body/glutes hard, but no EBE2 or Butt Bible.
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Hello friends,

Tom - I think playing with your grandchildren can be considered a cardio day for you ;)
Jen - I'm glad your heels healed. I Congrats about the glute strength you gained and the other benefits ;)
Nathalie - Thanks for posting the link to Kelly Coffey-Meyer's new workouts . Their music pumps me up even without doing them. I assume I will get these some day . Strength & Stamina requires a 15-lbs kettlebell. My pink, 9-lbs kettlebell works fine (for me) with my Paul Katami kettlebell fusion workouts and for nothing else.
I'm in the minority who enjoy working my abs / core. May be because I like laying on the mat to workout :)
Jodi - Congrats on ordering Travel Fit and Lean Legs & Abs. Expecting new Cathe DVDs to arrive feels great, doesn't it :) These are great for days when you don't want to mess up with a lot of equipment (Travel Fit) or do not want to kill yourself but want to have fun while exercising (LLA).
I purchased most Cathe workouts downloads for 17 USD . Here is the trick, I'm posting if it may be useful to anyone - order 1 workout (19.97 USD) and 1 add-on from Butts and Guts (1,27 USD). Then use the 20% off coupon for ordering at more than 20 USD. In this way you can save money from shipping, tax and multiple workout order .
My workouts since my last log in:
Last Wednesday - boxing day with KCM Stepboxing w/o #1, Kickboxing w/o #2 and doubles - Trim Down - w/o #1
Thursday - Cathe's Kick Punch and Crunch; Doubles - Circuit Blast
Friday - Cathe's Legs & Glutes; Doubles - KCM Circuit Burn (boxing only)
Saturday - Imax 2; Doubles - Paul Katami Burn & Build (30 mins of it)
Sunday - Drill Max (cardio only), KCM Cardio Blast (step w/o). In the PM - segment #2 from Total Body Stretching
Monday - Turbo Hiit 25 and RWH Core #2 ; Doubles - Paul Katami Kettlebell Kombos
Yesterday - Great Glutes ; Doubles - the back & rear delt segments from RWH BSB
Today - MMA Boxing; Doubles - Amy Bento Kickbox Surge (35 min of it)

The ICE workout photos look amazing :)

Wishing you a great day / evening to everybody!
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Nathalie--I love Cathe's workouts and there is no dread factor to her workouts, but the truth is, they are not the same as EBE2. They just aren't. You are getting something different with EBE2. And regardless of whether it is fun or not, it is definitely hitting the glutes hard.


Same Here Jen, I love cathe and I love hard stuff --- Even more I love working glute. Not just for aesthetics reasons:p:p;)
At the end of the day the gluteus maximus is the largest muscle, So I suppose it makes sense to work it effectively:)
So definitely will purchase EBE2.

From my husband's commentary, the results are visible! He also seems to enjoy "feeling" the results. :p In the beginning of this rotation I could feel my glute muscles when I walked in a way I never have before. But I guess I'm used it now because I don't notice it anymore. I've been working them so hard I am not even getting glute DOMS anymore. In Meso 3 I will be changing things up again. Still hitting the lower body/glutes hard, but no EBE2 or Butt Bible.

Congratulations Jen on your gains. It is funny that we always get to be warned about results by partners, boyfriends, hubbies and sisters
:p:p That is the the proof you have worked hard.:D:D Glute goal seems to be worthy pursuing. It makes at least two people happy LOL:p. EBE2 has had many very good reviews both here on Vf board.:)
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