Barack Obama is President of the United States of America

I'm not going to say much - it just seems like all this talk of change and nobody really knows what "change" means. And there has been talk about re-distributing the wealth. Why has nobody talked about CREATING some wealth?
I'm very excited about a new administration. My full support would have been with John McCain, I think he is a great american and I have so much respect for him. His choice of a running mate still puzzles me though.
I anticipate higher taxes, more econimic unheaval, an increase in terrorist attacks worldwide, as well as at home and NO change in Washington politics. Sigh. Please prove me wrong, Mr Obama.

IMO this all would have occured no matter who was elected.
I feel positive about the future, but I'm not naive. I know that it's not going to get all better in a few short months or even years. It took a while to make this mess, it will take a few to fix it.

I hope Obama handles being President of the United States like he handled being president of the Harvard Law Review. He surrounded himself with diversity, including quite a few white conservatives, whose beliefs were completely different from his own. He has said that the book Team of Rivals, which tells how Lincoln's cabinet was made up of his political friends and foes alike, is a big influence on him. I hope that he includes both sides of the aisle when picking his advisors and cabinet.

I am happy with the outcome of the election, and I don't think that saying it is "smacking" anyone in the face. The majority of the American voters, including moderates and conservatives, elected him, so, obviously, I, for once, am not a minority in my choice. I'm tired of the "us against them" mentality, words like "community organizer" being ridiculed and made to sound ugly, and being made to believe that fear is the primary motivation in making important choices.

No, McCain isn't Bush, but he supported him and campaigned like him, which is a shame. I could have easily voted for the McCain that ran in 2000, the one who was crucified by the Bush camp. I liked that McCain and admired his moderation, fairness, and bipartisanism; and had he been our president for the last eight years, I really don't think we'd be as divided as we are now, or have many of the troubles were are plagued with. But, he opted to leave behind much of what I feel are his true beliefs, to pander to an extreme base that was not going to desert him at all, instead of trying to keep the moderates who admired him so much just a few years ago.

Just my thoughts. And I do wish the best for this country and all of you here. I'm proud that, even if we don't agree with each other, so many of us got out and voted. And that we can discuss these issues with each other, and, hopefully, turn around and debate the pros and cons of kettlebells and squats in the next breathe!

Have a good day, everyone!
Isreal is screwed

My Jewish friend would like to know why he should be nervous and why is Isreal screwed.
He wants details and an outline.

I have a lot of respect for McCain and as was stated above, I wish he were the same man we saw in 2000. I was on the fence about who I was going to vote for until he picked Palin and that whole mess unfolded.

I stayed up and watched all the coverage and the speeches by both men. McCain was poised and gracious. I liked it when he hushed the crowd's booing. Obama was dignified and inspiring.

What a job it is going to be though!! You couldn't pay me enough money to walk into the White House at this time!!!

And he was wonderfully presidential in his acceptance speech.

(I looked in at results throughout the night, and the first time I did, I was shocked, because I was misreading the results of some state as the overall results, and McCain was at about 58%. Then I breathed a sigh of relief as I realised it was just the results from some low-population, 2-electoral-votes state).
I have to absolutely admire McCain for his concession speech. It was elegent and uniting. One of the best concession speeches I have ever heard. I think we all need to learn something from that speech - we do more good together than we could ever do apart.
I agree.

Though his crowd of supporters was less than gracious at times.

Let's hope that both parties (as well as whatever third parties are active) can work together rather than being devisive).
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My Jewish friend would like to know why he should be nervous and why is Isreal screwed.
He wants details and an outline.


Judy, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Remember, Obama wants a successful international Presidency as well, and that it going to be very difficult to achieve if Syrian/Iranian/Palestinian missiles are landing in downtown Tel Aviv. He may take more of a hard line with the Israeli gov regarding illegal settlements and the like, but I think Israel will be OK. :)

I think we have to remember too that this is a center-right nation and has been for a long time now. It's really difficult to govern successfully from a far-left position when most people in the country would call themselves center-left and center-right moderates. Obama has his own legacy invested here, and unless he wants to go down in the history books as Jimmy Carter Junior, he will maintain a *generally* moderate course and surround himself with pragmatists, even if his own personal beliefs are more to the left. He also answers to congress, which is full of people who really, really, really like to be reelected. :D

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I wish I could share the optimism and hope most of you hold in the county's choice. I'm scared of the future and don't think the President-Elect is the man for the job. I hope to be able to say I'm wrong in my fears.

I anticipate higher taxes, more econimic unheaval, an increase in terrorist attacks worldwide, as well as at home and NO change in Washington politics. Sigh. Please prove me wrong, Mr Obama.

I agree 100%! Scared too.
I anticipate a better relationship between the US and our allies with whom relations have not been as strong in the past. That is one way to reduce the threat of terrorism (as countries work together to fight it).
So now we watch....

I agree 100%! Scared too.

My primary reservation about Obama was his very thin resume - I'm not a Democrat, but I would have been OK with Hillary had she won. She at least had experience, & certainly knew what to expect, a whole lot more than Obama. I think Biden was right that he will be tested - "Gird your loins," just like Joe B said. Obama is whoefully unprepared. He does not have the necessary skills to run any large company, even one, I dare say, the size of Cathe's.

With all of Oprah's glowing endorsements, I doubt if she were looking for a CEO for Harpo & he submitted his resume for the job (assuming she did not know him at all) she would not consider him to run her company.
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Obama ran one of the most amazing campaigns in US history. I think he has the judgement and temperment to be president and certainly the intelligence. To say that he couldn't even run a company the size of SNM I think is shortsighted. I have confidence in him as do so many Americans who voted for him in what has turned out to be a landslide election.
"Tonight we proved once more that the true strength of our nation comes not from the might of our arms or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals: democracy, liberty, opportunity and unyielding hope."

Absolutely LOVED Obama's speech, it was very inclusive.

I was sitting in front of the tv and bawling when it became clear that Barack Obama had won the presidency. Up to this point I was still afraid that the politics of fear would yet again win.

I hope that after 16 years of extreme bipartisanship this country will realize that we have to pull together in order to get us out of the ditch, no ONE person can do that alone.

I was glad to see the "old" John McCain back in his speech. Did anyone else see that McCain barely looked at Sarah Palin and just shook Todd Palin's hand looking in a different direction, or was that just my imagination?

Other than that I totally agree with TeTe and Phyllis, I couldn't have said it better!!

Just my thoughts today.

I have been getting Congrats to you calls & emails all morning from my extensive list of Republican friends, DH, family... ....
I respond with

We have an opportunity to become a United America again....for that I feel honored to be a part of ..........

Elisabeth Hasselbeck (The View's extreme Right Winger) said some beautiful things today- She has dropped the "Republican or Bust" talk...She is moved, she feels hopeful, she feels united. She feels proud to support, 100%, the candidate who was chosen overwhelmingly by the American people.

My hope is that everyone who is thinking "they lost" (my DH included) will turn to the absolute amazing possibilities of a united country and stop living every second in fear of the unknown. None of us knows what the next second or day brings... To live & act & speak from a place of possibilities in what makes America great does not make one weak- it makes us strong. It is not about who won or lost- its about a President elected not just by the electoral college but by an amazing % of the popular vote..... It means unity & strength is within reach -

As an average American I intend to do my part in that Unity....I will not choose to look in the mirror each day and wait for someone else to do it- nor would I ever wait to see if someone fails - its our country - its our responsibility- I take that very seriously today.
I am very happy that Obama won. It open up a new page in American history. I am Asian American. With him being elected, I feel the hope that as long as my kids work hard, they would have a chance to go as far as they dream.

On the other hand, after election is over, I hope I will not hear that often that someone could not make it because of his or her childhood messed up by the color of family he/she was born into. I hope new page will open up, there is no more excuse. I understand how racism play a role into someone's success. But it did not mean that because of it, someone will never make it. Obama did, more others did.

I never felt so much race tension until last night. I married into a Sicilian immigrant family. I could not believe what I heard from my brother in law. He said in plain "Now we have monkey running our country. Now we will have abortion everywhere, and stem cells research will get big funding. I am goint to retire and let him spread the money to me." That was horrible. I knew he always made mean comments, to his wife or his mother. I kept my feelings inside. But last night, I could take it no more. You have right to defend your political view, but not in such a demeanor. I wonder how he felt that me, as legal immigrant Asian who is American Citizen and married to his brother. Thank God, I worked all my own way into where I was when I married my husband and his brother. People like him did not even know what exactly Obama said. They only wanted to interpret the way extrem Conservative painted him. He said stem cell research was using unborn baby to do research. Ah??

Actually I would vote for McCain if he did not pick up Palin as VP, his running mate. Running America is not some Hollywood show, we can't afford to have joker there. The President and VP of America, when they made policy, it won't just affect US, it also affects the whole world and human beings. The stake is too high to be joking around.

I am also disappointed with McCain not standing up against Bank bailout rescue plan. He is not true Republican. When people are not responsible for what they signed up for, they should pay for the consequence. The whole bail out plan is so Un American. Those like me, who only bought house that we could afford, even though the house value is down, but we still can stick to our payment because we only bought things we can afford, we got punished. We not only had to continue to pay our mortagage, we also have to shoulder those arrogant and irresponsible people's debt. We can not get any relief. So the plan punished those work hard and conservative about spending, but giving bank and irresponsible a free ride. I can not sit well with this. The other flaw is if plan does want to help people to stay in their houses, they should lend the money directly to home owners, not the banks, those CEOs, CFOs, who messed up others but riched themselves,even got the buyout when they created mess. I thought McCain would stand up his principal for this. But...

Well, hope now whoever got elected and included in Obama's government would come together, really doing things for American people.
It is not about who won or lost- its about a President elected not just by the electoral college but by an amazing % of the popular vote..... It means unity & strength is within reach -

Interesting how many voters turned out for this election that couldn't be bothered to vote 4 years ago, and that perhaps might STILL not have bothered to vote if both candidates were white males.

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