Barack Obama is President of the United States of America

McCain was brilliant. Barack was brilliant. Either way, our country would be better off from the madness of Cheney,Rumsfeld et al...Bush is leaving a broken man, and I feel sorrow for him, he truly knew not what he did.....his trust was in the wrong people.....

Barack's speech was unifying, extremely conservative in bend, and I believe, like Kennedy, he sent a message that he ain't a bleeding freebies or entitlements coming....and how I find his brilliance inspiring,and articulation refreshing....Welcome BACK reason,intellect,science,tolerance,ideas,diplomacy,we've missed you!

This mess is gonna cost us alot,took 10 years to get there, who knows how long to repair...

So, enough of the partisan crap....this country elected a man of color and a Catholic VP......the alternative was the oldest candidate ever (excluding Reagan's 2nd run) and had a woman on the ticket......I'm 47 and even 20 years ago, I would not have thought it possible........

And Miss Baylian, for your information, if McCain had won, I would've said exactly the same thing I said above...:p because I like McCain too!

Good night all, life goes on, must think of ditching a few pounds before the holidays and my lame shoulders have cortisone wearing off, so still no STS for what?!!!!!! The economy is easier for me than middle age!
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Would the comments of "historic night" and all of that been said if McCain would have been elected bringing with him the first women VP? I wonder . .

Yes. I think people would think that was historic too, and that they would be celebrating it.
Is a non American allowed an opinion? :)

Compared to politicians in my part of the world I think the United States is lucky. The corruption in developing nations and the callousness of politicians is astounding - more incredible than fiction. On sheer capability and charisma, the US is fortunate because what the media projects as your worst options are miles ahead of politicians in many countries.

I thought both Obama and Maccain would have been good leaders.

I also think George Bush is over-criticized. In my personal view Iraq was and continues to be a very, very wrong move for many reasons - it kills soldiers, it kills civilians, and I think it is a huge waste of resources (not trying to offend or contradict anyone - just stating my personal belief). I also think war does not solve anything. It only breeds hatred and more violence. I believe in the views of Martin Luther King and Gandhi when it comes to resolving conflicts. Although I have such strong feelings about the war, I dont think "everything" about Bush is wrong. I respect him a great deal more than most political leaders of my nation or its neighbouring countries.

Bush is quite popular in India. Indians appreciate that he kept his word and delivered on all he promised when India signed the nuclear deal with USA. I think he is under-credited in his own country for his achievement in nuclear non prolifertion in a country like India which is rapidly developing economically and in its defence might.

If I were voting in the US though, I'd have voted Democrat in most elections -including the most recent one. One reason is my personal values and beliefs are more Democrat aligned and another reason is because I've usually found the Democrat candidate more convincing.

For that matter, I think Hilary too would have been a very good choice.
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Vee, thanks for your international thoughts, interesting stuff.

I'm not an Obama fan and I didn't vote for him. However, as our President-elect he has my full support. I wish him (and us!) all success in the years to come.

Vee, thanks so much for your input and offering your international views.

I was up until the decision was made - very excited about Obama and upcoming changes.

Being from conservative NW Ohio, I was thrilled to see Ohio go with Obama even though our county voted McCain.

It's been an interesting election in that my 10 and 12 year old sons have really gotten into it. I was proud of my 12 year old - he's taken a beating in middle school with a lot of McCain supporting tweens really razzing him saying "Obama's a terrorist, a Muslim, etc.." Mitchell came home, printed off facts from and then took them to school to show them. Didn't help...but I give him kudos for sticking by his candidate and not caving to peer pressure/the popular vote at school! I got him an Obama bumper sticker and he has it on his bedroom door.

I wish I could share the optimism and hope most of you hold in the county's choice. I'm scared of the future and don't think the President-Elect is the man for the job. I hope to be able to say I'm wrong in my fears.

I anticipate higher taxes, more econimic unheaval, an increase in terrorist attacks worldwide, as well as at home and NO change in Washington politics. Sigh. Please prove me wrong, Mr Obama.
I am also SO proud tonight. I don't think I have ever been so proud of my country. And I was very proud of McCain for giving such a humble and kind concession speech. My heart goes out to him. It really does. I cannot imagine putting your soul into something and being so disappointed. But I truly feel that the country has moved in such a wonderful new direction giving hope to so many. I'm very inspired. This will be one of those evenings that I will talk about to my kids and grandkids...

^^What she said!!

I am also so so proud of my country right now. And I am hopeful for what the future will bring. What an amazing night!!

PS I am also so excited that my normally-conservative home state of VA went blue!!
i back whoever is in office but when he messes up i get the right to bitch b/c i opted the right to vote ;) but i am not one for gloaters like i will see today at work(nothing against ppl here you are not gloating really). i will see ppl at my school hail him as king b/c he is black. that is what concerned me about this election. are you voting b/c you stand for the issues, are already democrats so it didn't matter, or you just voting for the first time and giving a crap b/c the prez is black?(well he is mixed like me and nobody calls me black)

i just hope that many who did voted for obama TRULY backed him for the issues unlike the kids at my school that could vote this year and though "spread the wealth" was a stimulus check LOL.

just when he says he represents middle class don't forgot me and other like me that have always slipped through the cracks(through dem and republic leadership) under $35,000/yr paycheck to paycheck living but make to much for a little crumb of help with a disable child b/c therapies cost 5x as much as we make. those are the families that need a bit of help b/c we are working hard to get ahead but one thing like illness,broken car, home repairs etc knock us years behind again.

but damn historic moments. can't believe it actually happened.

Barach H Obama, Captain of the USS USA. You have led the country where it has not gone before. Hopefully you will be able to deliver but the nation MAY expect too much from you. Live long and prosper.
Barach H Obama, Captain of the USS USA. You have led the country where it has not gone before. Hopefully you will be able to deliver but the nation MAY expect too much from you. Live long and prosper.

worried about the new voters doing that to him. most who have been in the game of politics for awhile know the drill LOL. kids in my school did vote(as well as some admitted first timers last night) and man are they really misinformed on how things in government work. like all of a sudden this economy is going to magically be okay gas will always be at $2. the rich will pay everything for them etc

taxes on business will be brought down on us so don't think middle class doesn't pay any tax while rich and businesses pay all of them. it just doesn't work that way in the real world and i think he explained that but when it doesn't work their way the torches and pitchforks will come out. but they will be schooled quickly. obama is a man with a vision not a man with a magic wand.

meanwhile politics just doesn't stop at the voting. its all year round protesting things we dont' agree with always working with your state senators to get laws passed or make changes. don't sit back and let everybody else do the work. we the ppl still have a voice and that needs to be heard ALL time to know things are working or not working. that also influences CHANGE.

off the soapbox now

"PS I am also so excited that my normally-conservative home state of VA went blue!!"

I'm right there with you, Katie!!!
I wish I could share the optimism and hope most of you hold in the county's choice. I'm scared of the future and don't think the President-Elect is the man for the job. I hope to be able to say I'm wrong in my fears.

I anticipate higher taxes, more econimic unheaval, an increase in terrorist attacks worldwide, as well as at home and NO change in Washington politics. Sigh. Please prove me wrong, Mr Obama.

I wish people would remember the President of US does not run the country...Congress does.
ain't a bleeding freebies or entitlements coming.

i truly hope ppl in my area heard this. for months now i keep hearing about being helped out etc etc from those that can't even help themselves. and the polls were disgusting in voting for a man b/c he was black(they made NO secret about it). i was having a hard time talking to ppl in my own age group. i went with the elders b/c at least we can speak issues whether we agreed for not. it was nice to not be in the hype of media. i want a prez. who will help those that help themselves b/c that is just a good moral belief IMO.

and although i never really said who i was for before, let me say i registered independent b/c half of the time i just can't stand the two party deal. but this year i did vote mccain/palin. he seemed to make more sense for me but obama won and that is cool too b/c he is my president and i back any president. hell i hung in with bush all this time and i really hated him after 6 years LOL.

i just hope obama really meant he would help middle class b/c being in that slip through the cracks bracket its time the millions like me(30-45,000 group) get a little boost for all the hard work by not having to overpay in taxes and being able afford life without having to live paycheck to paycheck anymore. taxes are what is really killing my mortgage payment right now. nearly $100 a month is just for taxes!!!! the rest is insurance and actual payment/interest. it would be easier if they were NOT taking so much out of my dh's check for income taxes! its not what we make but what we take home that hurts us. so plz bring on the breaks so i can keep more of what we work 10-12 hours shifts for! and live that dream of having a small modest home for the family and just being able to afford good food, bills, and maybe a little to build up an actual savings account that is more then $50.

I wish people would remember the President of US does not run the country...Congress does.

OMG somebody else agrees!!!! i am nail biting for the final seat in the house b/c the race was to close to call in VA. congress makes or breaks us but prez ultimately has a say with a yay or nay. i hope all elected really put thought into something and as i said before get involved year round to help with those changes. write your senators with pleasing or displeasing for changes.

i truly hope ppl in my area heard this. for months now i keep hearing about being helped out etc etc from those that can't even help themselves. and the polls were disgusting in voting for a man b/c he was black(they made NO secret about it).

I found it rather extraordinary that NBC did a short piece last night on how race was impacting the vote but did not speak to a single minority or show any statistics on how race factored in to the black vote. I guess only whites are racially-motivated in the media world.

The good news is that I think Obama's presidency may just put an end to the overall race/culture war that has been going on in this country since the 1960s. You'll always have your bigots on both sides but all in all I think this will move us in a different, unifying direction.

sparrow i agree both sides has their a$$hats so to speak LOL. my dh's cousin all of sudden became republican b/c he couldnt' bear to vote for a black man. i find that equally sick b/c that is changing your beliefs b/c you don't like the color of somebody's skin.

at least OUR area is heavy, and has been for awhile, with racial tension. even kids at school call me "white bitch" when i lay down the law but little to they know like obama I AM MIXED!!!!! my great grandfather on my dad's side was *gasp* black!!!! so racism is def. on both sides. local news has been heavy on it more so then national media.

so while some may say i was racist for voting mccain well then so be it but then i must really hate myself from all angles being mixed LOL.

like i said obama is a man with a vision, he is a smart man as was mccain so his color had nothing to do with my decision its the gloaters this morning in my neigborhood shouting it in the streets that are irking me this morning. just be happy we can PICK a leader unlike some countries where you don't get a choice.

god bless freedom of choice.

sparrow i agree both sides has their a$$hats so to speak LOL. my dh's cousin all of sudden became republican b/c he couldnt' bear to vote for a black man. i find that equally sick b/c that is changing your beliefs b/c you don't like the color of somebody's skin.

at least OUR area is heavy, and has been for awhile, with racial tension. even kids at school call me "white bitch" when i lay down the law but little to they know like obama I AM MIXED!!!!! my great grandfather on my dad's side was *gasp* black!!!! so racism is def. on both sides. local news has been heavy on it more so then national media.

so while some may say i was racist for voting mccain well then so be it but then i must really hate myself from all angles being mixed LOL.

like i said obama is a man with a vision, he is a smart man as was mccain so his color had nothing to do with my decision its the gloaters this morning in my neigborhood shouting it in the streets that are irking me this morning. just be happy we can PICK a leader unlike some countries where you don't get a choice.

god bless freedom of choice.


ITA!! It is beyond my comprehension that someone would vote/not vote for someone because of his or her race/gender. And so I certainly don't appreciate the insinuations I've heard that if someone doesn't vote for Obama, s/he is obviously a racist. So tiresome.

I wish I could share the optimism and hope most of you hold in the county's choice. I'm scared of the future and don't think the President-Elect is the man for the job. I hope to be able to say I'm wrong in my fears.

I anticipate higher taxes, more econimic unheaval, an increase in terrorist attacks worldwide, as well as at home and NO change in Washington politics. Sigh. Please prove me wrong, Mr Obama.

You are not alone in your feelings. I'm right there with you.

I wish people would remember the President of US does not run the country...Congress does.

Oh yes indeed.... but now I'm concerned about the "checks and balances" since the Republicans have lost a number of seats to the Dems!! :confused:

One last thing I want to say is that I feel many ppl voted Democrat just because everyone is tired of George Bush. John McCain and George Bush are not the same ppl.
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