Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than Usual?

RE: Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than...

Well shoot Bobbi, what the heck happened to you?! You told me you had neither T NOR A!! Did you come out sideways? LOL! I'm just busting your chops!! :)
RE: Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than...

I think this Aussie fitness guru must be a guy. :) I eat right, lost my weight slowly, built a ton of muscle, and I'm still buying my bras in lengths instead of cup sizes. Oh, well. I'm healthy.

RE: Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than...

I grew up with two YOUNGER sisters who both have much more boobage than I. Actually, I'm the only female in my entire family who can carry the IBTC card.

My solace is that as I age, there will be much less there for gravity to have it's way with }( }( }( -- isn't there a physics equation for that? Something like (MASS x GRAVITATIONAL PULL) divided by something or another...where is there a physicist when you need one!!

As for losing weight in the boobs...if I lose much more, my chest will be concave. :+
RE: Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than...

Out of ten girls, only one got any boobage to speak of and she lost them when she got very thin in her younger days and it was she whom my husband first bestowed with the wallet with nipples crack he should be drawn and quartered for! She got implants to fill that in. Three of my sisters have them in B, C and D and they all look great. I'd rather be a "clothes hangar" myself.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"
RE: Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than...

Gayle....I like that MASS x GRAVITATIONAL PULL!...I always thought my ass might hit the ground eventually....but these small breasts.....won't ever sag! As far as exercise and loosing them....never have them when I gain...and never have them when I loose...:)...Carole
RE: Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than...

After reading all the twists in this post, I have to respond again - not on the sex part - for I already have comented on my luscious sex life!

But the small boobs subject, I need to comment on - I am smaller on top (34B) , so well, I think that would be average sized - well, I have had ten children and let me tell you - when pregnant I got really big boobs and guess what? I absolutely hated them! Well, of course, I had the big belly too - so I felt like a Buddha.

The thing I longed more for than anything else after having my babies was for my boobs to return to normal - I love the sizeI am - I can go without a bra, I don't have to worry about sagging. I have never envied women who have big breasts or thought gee why can't have a pair of those big jugs. When I try to tell other women that they never believe me. Breast size is in the eye of the beholder.

My husband loves my body and I love it which makes our sex much better. I do not feel self conscience about my body at all - I have a great butt and and a great pair of legs and great looking defined abs - I am shaply and my husband says my butt is hard enough to crack a nut on! He is definitely a butt man - and thanks to all the working out I do with Cathe's workouts - I have a butt that he can't get enough of. Who cares about my boobs - I still have the same sensations in my boobs as a woman with huge boobs - do you get my drift?

Just another view point -


I had to edit because I forgot an important thought - doing Cathe's upper body work tapes has done wonders for my chest area - I still look good in tank tops and without a bra I look like I do have more. What I am trying to say is I am more defined in that area. Hey, at 48 I look pretty darned good.
RE: Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than...

Hi Shari
Actually this Aussie fitness Guru is a woman.
She is an excellent example of health and fitness but I doubt she has had 4 kids!
So, even though I think she is fantastic I still have an issue with the boob thing.
I am so pleased to read that just like me, there are many women out there with the same problem. Makes me feel so much more normal.
Thanks ,
RE: Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than...

Cheryl, I'm 41 and have had 3 kids and I want the body you describe! These babies may be small but they are going into a bra or I start singing "Do your boobs hang low, do they waddle to and fro, can you tie 'em in a knot, can you tie 'em in a bow, can you throw 'em over your solidier like a little wooden soldier, do your boobs hang low?" LOL!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"
RE: Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than...

Wow Kelly...Donna has an awesome body...and no implants!...:)...yes, very nice to know others share in this arena...being small doesn't bother me nearly as much as it used to, especially as the rest of my body got in such good shape!...:)...Carole
RE: Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than...

OMG Bobbi.....I remember that song...there you go again cracking me up!....funny, silly girl....:)...Carole
RE: Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than...

Hey Bobbi,

I may feel good about my smaller boob size, but you will never catch me bending over in front of my husband without a top on - that is when I definitely sag (would that be called sagging?) I don't know what you would call it, but I call it disgusting! I can lay on my back and feel comfortable - much flatter though!

I love your song, though, that definitely makes me laugh - I know the song as "Do your ears hang low" but I love the correlation. Since my boobs have stretched out to "D" size ten times and went back down that many times - it is amazing they even look half way decent. My abs look good, even though I do have some loose skin, but only when I sit with the low rise jeans on - I have a little bit - but what do I expect - well I expect to be perfect like every other woman I guess.

I have learned with age to accept my body - I love my age - for I am more comfortable now at 48 than I was in my 20"s. I guess I take into consideration that at my age I will never look like Britney Spears - and thank God I will never act like her either.

You crack me up!

RE: Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than...

I have heard it both ways and it makes more sense the boobage way to me but I have tiny ears! LOL

Here's a joke for you.

A 96 year old woman has lost her husband of 75 years and she does not want to go on without him. She has decided to do herself in with a shotgun but she wants to make sure she doesn't mess it up so she calls a hospital hotline and asks them to tell her exactly where the human heart is located and they tell her the human heart is located under the left breast.
The next day the 96 year old woman is admitted to the hospital with a gunshot wound to her left knee. ;)
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"
:( I hate to admit it, but my sex drive is nil, 0! I will be 39 in February and have absolutely no interest in it. Now back in my 20's I was ready to go, but now it is the last thing on my mind. Don't get me wrong, I love my husband and all, but with pressures of raising a family, bills, work etc. it is the least of my worries. I hope someday I can recup that inner fire, but as of now there isn't even a spark!
I know, Lisa. I'm right there with you. I don't mind so much, but I am so sad about how it affects my husband. It is so depressing for both of us. ;(
Lisa and Nancy, don't let it slide. There are stress management techniques to make the madness of day to day life less energy zapping Sexual fulfillment is a natural part of a woman's life and a beautiful aspect of a marriage. I used testosterone topically for a while and it helped and had no side offects like making me manly! Sexual dysfunction can be brought on by depression or medication but it can also be the result of hormonal imbalance, stress, who knows what else. Nobody has to live with it and there are therapies. I used the testosterone a few years back and got it fom my gyno and told her my husband was unhappy by my lack of desire. Yep, blamed it on his manly desires because it's so darn hard to talk about sex to our doctors but do it! You are too young, too vibrant to settle for less. I consider getting on top of my libido problems part of my wellness program.

And if you don't mind my being frank, there are scenarios you can act out to spice things up and jump start your libido. Pretend you picked each other up. Put a sexy scene from a movie or a novel in your head and act it out as far as you are comfortable. It's dorky, I know but it does work. When I call my husband, Rich, Roderick, he knows, well... My husband goes ga ga over fishnet stockings, garters and thongs. I consider them as instruments of torture but for our anniversary, he knew I was wearing them, and, well.....

Do a little research. I am giving myself ideas here. My husbands been patient and supportive because of my meds. I hope the new ones work for me. Diet, exercise, sex, relaxation time, all important aspects of our good health! Lot's of luck to you! Awareness if the first step. If you aren't satisfied, start searching for solutions. They are there!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"
Sweet Bobbi, so very well said. I was just like Lisa and Nancy a few yrs ago. What you said about spicing it up really did help me. I started reading the sexy parts of Redbook magazine...I know...silly....but they seemed to get this reponse in me and like I said scared my husband at times..:)...which was so cool...Your last post was so very true and I hope soon things will work out for everyone...:)...Carole
RE: Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than...

Carole, I was outside watering my plants and it struck me, I never called Rich, Roderick. I called him Roger! I swear senility begins at forty! I hope he isn't wondering who Roderick is!

It is dorky but one of the things I love best about him is his sense of humor and let's face it with most men all you have to do is say, "let's get naked" and they are ready to go! The preliminaries are for me. Acting like a hoochy mama might be funny but it is, hopefully!!!, sexy too.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"
RE: Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than...

:-( I am glad to know I am not the only one who has or has had this problem. I would have never thought I would be disinterested in making love. I think a lot has to do with out 7 year old daughter who requires a lot of our attention plus she still sleeps in our room with us (because she is scared). I can't believe DH puts up with it as well as he does (I think he is getting used to it). He would be shocked if I suggested we do it! It is like after we do have relations I say to myself "Wow that was great" so why do I wait so long or dislike it? I think it is all psychological. Usually, I go to bed early and DH stays up late and I DO NOT like to be woke up. Thanks for the great ideas!!!
My wife has been telling me about this very interesting thread. I did not think it would last this long. I for one have noticed a miracle change in my wife. She's acted like she was 20yrs old. She (folks) has not looked sexier or looked better in the 20 yrs that we've been married. I guess I have Cathe to thank for this. Whatever has happened lately in her excercise sure has benifited both of us. I feel like a kid again...Grrrrrr!..."if I were the king of the forest" is good...pssst girls go attack your husband! might change (both) your lives!!....Thank-you Cathe...Thank-you!...Thank-you...Thank-you!!!!....Fatherofsix.;)

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