Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than Usual?

Talk about labido killers!! I am on Librax, Trazadone. I have absolutly NO labido!! and I am too embarrased to talk to my doctor about it, and yes I read the side effects of these medications and I have been on Nortriptolene for a long time before that so I have done a great job on killing my sex drive!! I am also 37 years old and to embarrassed to talk about, this is the first time I have brought it up. :(
RE: Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than...

Hey Leslie I know how you feel because I have been off and on Paxil for about 2 years since my father's death and It did kill the labido. I would get weaned off feeling my labido coming back and boom back on it for some reason. My Dr does know about my sex drive with the medication. That is why I am trying to get off. I think you should talk to your doctor about this. Maybe he can give you something or change your medication. I wonder if their is something they can give us you for your labido while on different medication. I never thought of asking but my next visit I am. I am also 37. I do notice that I have more disire now then I was when I was 20. I just hope it gets better:) once off this paxil.
RE: Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than...

I can say you all have taken away my fear of turning 40 (I'll be 36 in June). This has been a wonderful thread for something I had heard before but never with such fortitude and enjoyment! I'm very lucky that my husband and I are still very physically attracted to each other and his drive hasn't diminished in 16 years. I, on the other hand, am so tired at the end of the day that all I want to do is pass out. I imagine in 4 years when the kids are older I won't be quite so exhausted.

And yes, antidepressants can definatly have the unfortunate side effect of diminishing libido. Never be embarrassed to talk to your doctor- that's what they're there for and they should be the first to say that, plus there are other antidepressants that may not have as negative an effect (I think Wellbutrin may fit into that categoty).

Thank you to all of you for your honesty- I never would expect all the information I've gotten!:)
RE: Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than...

I have tried so many, they use antidreppressants to treat Fibromyalgia and he has had me on so many, I have weaned myself off all my meds I only take vitamins and Librax now and then when I eat something that I am not supposed to and my stomach gets mad at me LOL but I have not had any sign of my labido returning to me. I wish there was something they can give to fix labido's for my hubby is getting real frustrated with me.:(
RE: Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than...

Leslie I know what you mean when it comes to our husbands. It can be very frustrating:(. I wonder if they have anything for women since they do have something for men. Just hang in there and try and dicuss this with the doctor. Im just starting to get my back since I am getting weaned off of my and I notice that lately when I look at my husband I just want him and also I notice is when he doesn't shave in a few days it drives me nuts because I think that is so sexy. So for me it must be the medication and hey maybe when we do get to the forty which isn't far it might be better like everyone is saying, "I Hope".
First of all Heather...thanks so much for starting this thread! And I have enjoyed all the responses. I always enjoy Bobbi's posts. And you are right Bobbi sex does mellow them out. I used to joke before I turned 40 about the idiot who invented Viagra as I figured it was a man, and us women would never get a break, although I don't want one now..:).. My husband has been frisky since I can remember...about 25 years worth! And Barbara I believe there is a pill for starts with an A but I can't remember it right now. A pink pill I believe. But I haven't read anywhere that it helps. I think its great that they work on making anti-depressants that don't affect your sex drive as bad. Lovemaking is such a beautiful thing between a loving man and woman. I will brag and say my husband is wonderful too. A very sexy man. He did have some minor surgery in that region for varicose I am feeling a bit like he used to I his drive has lessened a little...:)..doctors orders! hey...I can wait...:)...Carole
Carole, what a wonderful testimony to your feelings for your husband! My husband has an old friend who is a urologist and we were all together at a party and he gave several of the men Viagra and I laughed becasue the man does not need it! But he was intrigued by the idea of being more virile! LOL!
My sweet husband told me I am his best friend and his family is what he really cares about. I saw my doctor and I am switching to Wellbutrin which is more friendly to the libido and she wants me to see a pshychologist too so I am doing that as well. I am most definitely going to make it up to my hubby. Which takes us back to Heather's original post and her romantic interlude. Sex is an important part of a life together and there are so many things that can interfere. Babies coming along is a huge change but making the effort to keep it good is so important! My youngest is six so it's not a matter of lost sleep but too much going on and life stress but I know one way to de-stress my husband and saying yes when you think you want to say no can actually make you realzie that you didn't want to say no in the first place! LOL!

I love these forum and all you smart women! When I first came out of my deep, dark depression I just wanted to talk, talk talk and I did right here. It was the best therapy I could have had!

I wish all you great "listeners" and wonderful "talkers" so many blessings words cannot convey! These conversations lift me up! Bobbi
Leslie and Barbara, I did a little research and there are two anti-depressants, Wellbutrin and Serzone, which have the least amount of sexual dysfunction. As I said, studies have found that 240 mg of ginko is helpful. Do discuss it with your doctor. I think we should be able to talk to our docs with no reservations! I switched to a woman doctor for all my more dainty issues and I am so glad I did. She is amazing. I read that it is something like 20 seconds after a patient start talking that a doctor interrupts. My doctor spent a good thirty minutes with me and I did have to wait but I know that she was giving the same attention to another patient and I didn't mind. I am switching to Wellbutrin so I'll see how it goes but if it doesn't help, I wouldn't be adverse to taking ginko as long as I can find research to support the findings and my doctor oks it. There's no reason you shouldn't be enjoying your sexual relationship! Don't be shy! We are sexual creatures and we should enjoy it! Bobbi
RE: Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than...


I think you touched on something really insightful in that many things contributed to your renewed and invigorated interest. While I'm sure hormones have a lot to do with it in some cases, I think being comfortable with one's self-image, as well as completely committed to a spouse really are the ultimate turn-on. We are 43 and 57 (Bobbi, I'm thinking about that 14 year gap between your parents-in-law....hmmmm, I hope I get so lucky) and you'd think we'd be pooping out, but it just gets better. When I was a kid I used to think, "Gawd, how could anyone stay with just one partner and still find it interesting for so long???" But now I have to say that I believe it's the longevity that keeps us so close, and the closeness that keeps things so hot. Plus, we're not self-conscious; we've got the history to know where all our physical oddities came from, we know each other's tastes, and we are relaxed. Every once in a while, I miss that rush of having some exciting new lover (grew up in the 70's, love the one you're with, etc.) but I soon remember how shallow and unsatisfying that was. We can do something new whenever we like!
Great thread!
Hey Bobbi,
I took Effexor from Jan. 2003 until Oct. 2003. I did not have a history of clinical depression, but had a situational depression. My husband,(we are both RNs) admitted to a Morphine addiction and it devastated me! I became so depressed and sad. Over time, with counseling, etc. we are okay. When I felt the situation was under control I weaned myself off. I didn't notice it affecting my libido one way or the other. I think there are so many things involved in our sexuality. It's so hard to pin point a hormone, or med, or whatever that affects libido. We women are pretty complicated, aren't we? I do know that when I am physically fit, and working out consistently I have less feelings of depression, and I feel sexier. I'm so happy to hear all the healthy women who are sexually fulfilled on this site. We do deserve it all, don't we?

I hope Effexor works well for you. The only complaint I have with it, was it made me feel so "laid back" that I gained weight. Probably from thinking "oh, I'll work out tomorrow" and "it's okay if I splurge and eat this today". It really helped me de-stress. At the time it was more important for me to de-stress than anything else. Now, I'm feeling strong emotionally and am ready to get fit physically, again. Hopefully the libido will pick up also. Plus I turn 40 in June, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.....whooooeee!

I love your posts! I'm mostly a lurker here, but gain so much from just lurking.

Lynn ;-)
Thanks Bobbi. I have known my husband since I was 8. Our parents went to High School together, and I knew his sister and twin brother too very well in High School. He is 2 years older. We didn't date until I was in College but we both knew...:)...anyway no kids for us, but there is always stress somewhere! I do hope the Wellbutrin and talking with a pshycologist will help. You seem like such and sweet caring woman and deserve to be feeling better. Ginko could very well help too and no side affects. And yes...talking here is alot of fun and informative!..:)..Carole
Well it's good to see so many ladies who cannot get enough!! Now you know how we guys feel!!
I was wondering when you'd jump on this thread ... LOL!!

:D }( :9 :)
I'm not surprised you've jumped in here either she-devil!!! LOL!!
Trevor }(
Oh and I agree that working out has alot to do with the increased sex drive. Working out is sexy, let's face it. The heat, the sweat, the bodies working hard.......phew cold shower time!! LOL!!
Hey, I have to say what I have to say!! LOL!! }( I'm just grateful to the fates that I have an outlet for all this "energy" - LOL!!


if you find interesting studies that verify the usefulness of Gingko for antidepressant users, would you post the links here on this thread or on a separate thread for us all to peruse?

Thanks so much. I HAVE been enjoying this thread!!!

>Well it's good to see so many ladies who cannot get enough!!
>Now you know how we guys feel!!

That's always been me......Too bad I go no one to share it with right now! :(
One word for you, Irish Eyes ... Vibrator.


edited to say: hope you realize this is just all in good fun ... :)

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