Any moms who wish they had had more kids??


Not to take away from the no kids by choice thread... but I'm a mom of two, and sometimes, I really wish I had had a third child. I'm too old now, and, I admit, at times I get sort of a sad feeling inside that I never had a third. I think it's because I love my two so much... it's like wow, to have another to love like this. My mom feels the same way!
Well I had two and thought that would be great. A couple years after the second one decided I wanted a third. Had two boys and then the third was a girl. Course as Murphy's Law goes, she was the toughest.

I loved having three but it did make some things more difficult. Not sure what it was or whether having two would have been that much different in the long run.

Since you mention it is too late for another, think ahead to having grandchildren. I have one and another on the way, and truth be told, it is just as much fun if not more. Not quite all the headaches and heartaches of raising one, but the love and affection is all the same !

A couple other options would be fostering a child who needs a family or adoption - you could adopt one that is close to the ages of your own or a bit younger? I have to say that I even felt some very strong motherly bonds with friends of my children so think if I had ever taken in an child that was not biological, my feelings would have been the same.
I long for another child. I have one and always wanted two. I posted this in the other thread too, so sorry for the repeat! My DH adopted my daughter (her dad - previous marriage - gave up his rights). For that, I am forever grateful. However, I came into this marriage with the agreement that we would consider a child together. He seemed to really want that. Then once married, it was another story. I am a bit bitter about that, and sometimes it hurts to know that this is my one life, and I will never have the experience of the second child. It is something that, unfortunately, I will always hold against him. I am happy in my life, love DD dearly, but just have that longing for another one. Doesn't make much sense to give up what I have just to have another baby! Therefore, I have to give in to his desires to not have one. Bummer and it makes me sad. I just tell myself it is much easier this way, less expensive...doesn't help the pain in my heart though:(
I have three kids and would have had more had I been younger! I was 29 with my first (now 22) and 35 with my last one.
I have three kids, all planned. We'd always had a vague idea that we'd have two or three. After child #2, we waited a few years before deciding to try for #3. We also felt that if for some reason we had trouble conceiving #3, we would be happy with our family as it was and not try any heroic measures. (As it turns out, child #3 was conceived after only one month of trying, the quickest to conceive. So much for fertility waning after age 35!)

Our youngest is definitely the firecracker of the family...she was a very mellow infant, but was "terrible two" well into her 4th year!!! It is possible that if one of the older children had been a toddler like her then we might never have considered a third, or the age difference between them might have been even bigger. And of course we love our little one with all our heart, but if it had not been in the cards, I think we would have been happy with two kids.

We are happy with our family as it is, with no plans for any more.
I am the mom of 4 year old twins...a boy and a girl...although sometimes I'm pulling my hair out, I feel truly blessed. I'm 41 years old now and at times want a third but I'm kind of on the fence, things are pretty good right now so I'm leaning more towards keeping things as is. Clocks a ticking rapidly so I had better decide!!!

I have two girls, 7 years old and 2 years old, one biological and one adopted. I'm pretty much a single mother, although their dad (same dad to both girls) is involved, it's not as much as I'd like because he is finishing up law school and works full time so there's not tons of time in between because his work schedule is rotating. Anyway, after I adopted my second I felt like we were complete, but not long ago I started to get a slight twinge for one more. I won't have one and cannot afford to adopt again, but I think that sometimes as they start to grow up a little twinge for the baby days comes back.

I'm blessed with my girls, but if I had all the money in the world I would need, I would definitely adopt more. (Although ask me after I've been dealing with sick girlies for days on end and I'm completely sleep deprived and I might have another answer.) :)
I have two beautiful girls. I would love another. Sadly, I am not a "breeder" both pregnancies were tough, morning sickness throughout, the bloating, pre-eclampsia, the second pregnancy physically hurt my body.Diabetes, the list of dramas and problems goes on and on. I spent the last weeks going into hospital having tests to make sure my baby was doing O.K. I put all the troubles of pregnancy down to the fact that I was older when I had my children.

I had two C sections, the first labor, went 20 hours, full on from start, was I dilated? Nope and she was stuck, so I had an emergency C section and then my obstetrician said "No Natural for you old girl" However after the first labor I was quite happy with that decision.:D

If it happened accidentally I wouldn't be terribly upset, however I will NOT be falling pregnant by choice.
After my second daughter, I knew stopping with her would be smart for a whole host of reasons.

I kid you not...getting a dog seems to have fulfilled any needs I have to cuddle and snuggle with another baby. And for me, that's all it really is too. I remember the physical closeness of having a baby and how loving they are, and so naturally another baby would provide that once my first two grew up. But that's obviously not a reason to have children, so I got a dog. :) While his sisters continue to grow and mature into young ladies, he still snuggles with his Mom and Dad on the couch. <3
When I was younger, I wanted 6 children like the Brady Bunch. My mother said, "you just wait." After having 2, no. There are times when 1 is more than enough.
I had my DD when I was 24 and always thought I would have more. We put it on hold while I started a new business. Then when we started trying again it never happened. Thought about the testing, but decided not to. I was ok if it was me, but I didn't want to put that kind of pressure on DH if it was him. The first couple of years of trying were very stressful. You get so excited when you are 2 days late and presto, bubble gets burst and you are back in reality. Finally got to the point of Ok, if it happens great, if it doesn't we're ok with that. I wish for my DD's sake that she could have had a brother or sister to grow up with, but she turned out to be a pretty grounded adult. Once I got to my forties, I'm content with the 4 legged babies.

My DH and I have five children. Three boys and two girls. Our home was always very busy. For some reason the neighborhood liked playing at our house. We feel very blessed to have them, they have all grown to be contributing members of society. We are empty nesters now. Lots of time for ourselves. We come and go as we please, however we do miss the days of laughing and playing children, even the fingerprints on the windows. Now we spoil our grandchildren rotten, and then give them back to their parents.
Yep, would like more. I'm not sure if my aging body will produce more. Sadly, I miscarried in July (would be 6 mos along today). That pg was a suprise, now I really long for one---my arms feel empty. :(

Don't want to be a downer--anywho---we never know what God has instore for us---at 35 years it's a toss up---we'll see. :)

So sorry to hear of your loss. As you said, we do not know what God has in store for us. I hope that knowing the 3 you have are true blessings helps you through the longing.

I have 6 children. Other than a brief period of time when my 10 year old twins were first born extremely premature, I have always wanted to have more children. At the beach this summer, I was thankful I wasn't pregnant.:D I don't consider myself a breeder. What kind of language/thinking is that anyway?!?!:rolleyes: Personally, I find calling any mother a breeder to be degrading. I certainly don't define myself as only a mother. Not that there's anything wrong with that. My children aren't perfect. Neither am I. Raising my eldest through his teen years wasn't easy. It was and has been only a season. God has blessed me beyond measure.

When I was younger, I wanted 6 children like the Brady Bunch. My mother said, "you just wait." After having 2, no. There are times when 1 is more than enough.


I have 5 boy's and desperately want #6. My youngest is 4, and I'm starting to miss him, he will soon be going to off to school. I would love to have 8 but my time is running out I'm 40 years old.
I think 5 would be a good number.... My DH is feeling "old", and at 45 he's not sure how much longer he'd like to be "starting over". Our baby is going to be 3 in November, that is going to be hard for me....I always assumed there would be another one by then. It all goes to show that WE are NOT the ones in control. ;)

In today's times, it seems anything over two is extraordinary.
I have three and, absolutely,I want more. I read how some of you have 5 or 6 and thought "awesome!" I am from a big family (I am the eldest of 8) and love all the best friends I have and I always wanted my kids to have that. We aren't having any more biologically but it has always been in our hearts, mostly because of my influence ;), to adopt a little girl from India or China. I don't need to have any more babies, really I just love to raise children and enjoy everything that goes along with it. :D:D:D Being a mom is the greatest gift, besides Jesus, that God has given me so far.

Yep, would like more. I'm not sure if my aging body will produce more. Sadly, I miscarried in July (would be 6 mos along today). That pg was a suprise, now I really long for one---my arms feel empty. :(

Don't want to be a downer--anywho---we never know what God has instore for us---at 35 years it's a toss up---we'll see. :)

Oh, Melanie, I am so so sorry! I am sending you many hugs and prayers! You're right, though, God has a plan!!!

I did that with my other kids, and yes after my 4'th child was born I still felt that way, till he hit 1 years old and then I am so glad I am not having more kids, my son is autistic and life is always so chaotic with him, so he cured me of ever wanting more kids

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