Any moms who wish they had had more kids??

I have two. Right now one is 5 and one just turned 3. So I've been thinking it is almost time:eek:) I go back and forth if we should try now or for sure try next summer/fall:eek:)

I loooove being a mom:eek:)

I was happy with my two boys but kinda/sorta wanted another one. DH REALLY wanted another one. In fact I wonder if he'll want four. We had a bit of a surprize and are due in April. I'm thrilled, I love my kids. I enjoy being a mom.
I find the term "breeder" quite offensive also. It is the way God made us and totally natural to have children. I am a bit hurt by the attitudes of some people towards children and families w/ children. I am fine though if others decide not to... esp if they feel it is because they have no place in their heart/lives for them. I hate to see children neglected/unloved. I was once someone who thought I'd not want kids though. But it happened anyway when I was young and it changed me. Quite a bit.
We have a close friends who are childless and have jokingly used the word "breeder" in a conversation. I too dislike it, but I realize they don't see the word the way we do.
Being a mom is the greatest gift, besides Jesus, that God has given me so far.


I completely agree with that! I would only add my DH to that list ;)

I never thought I wanted children until I met my DH. I knew he would be a man that would be a really great daddy and he is :) I love being a mom and wife!!

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