I am actually going to a doctor tomorrow morning to see about taking drugs.
I have suffered from depression for YEARS but have refused to take drugs because I always felt that if I tried hard enough, I could change things. And honestly, in most cases, I could. It takes a lot of hard work and many attitude adjustments, but improvements can be made. And to say I'm not a fan of the pharmaceutical companies is a major understatement.....
Lately, however, I am in the midst of severe panic attacks, absolutely NO SLEEP, constant anxiety, and depression. I honestly think that if I give it time, I will see an improvement naturally, especially since I mostly know why it is happening, however, I cannot function anymore on no sleep and constant panic attacks. I simply will not live like this anymore and I want to start feeling better NOW. I plan very much on still making the changes in my life necessary to correct the actual problems, but in the meantime, I need to feel like a human being again and start to enjoy this life while I have it.
I've also learned that in times of trauma and prolonged emotional upset, that the chemical imbalances can "come out of nowhere." Based on my family history, I figure I'm prone to it and hopefully I will respond for now. My mother has successfully used drugs to help her through these kinds of times and also very successfully weaned herself off when she felt it had been long enough. She was drug-free for 20 years before the next time she needed them again.