
Over time as we age our bodies start to change in so many ways and you guys are right it may take longer to recover. However, as long as we do as much as we can, even as we age our bodies will stay in shape.

My biggest problem over the years are some aches and pain I deal with, mostly from years of long distance running. I still workout hard, but have had to learn how to modify no matter how much I may not want to.
I am 53 and do notice changes. I can't do jumping jacks...hard on the bladder(if you know what I mean)...can't do plyo moves..too hard on my joints. Try to work out 6 days a week. 3 cardio, 3 weights. Tend to focus more on legs. I just had a hysterectomy 2 weeks ago, no lifting or anything for another 2 weeks. But I must say that my body is enjoying the rest. I have just starting walking. Did 2 miles today(slowly). Can't wait to get back into my routine. I do listen to my body and Saturday is a rest day no matter what! That being said, I can't wait for the new series and will modify where necessary.
ctobin, I'm still going strong in that area and I turned 49 in sept. I feel that i'm gaining more energy and stamina this year. I don't understand it, but I do not want to be on the sidelines in my older years. Susan has inspired me to keep going strong but listening to my body as well. It's my goal every week to get in 6 workouts. Some may be shorter than planned due to energy levels or time restraints, but I'm still squating, jumping, pumping and kickboxing as much as I can.
Cathe, I would love to know what changes you observe as you age. Do you notice any change in your overall vigor as you work out? Any pain issues, and if so how do you decide what to 'push through'? I have been doing your workouts faithfully for years, am about the same age as you and am surprised by my body. Not in a good way. I push through most things, and modify where I cannot.

Has anyone noticed a change in their response to carbs, even the good carbs as they age? I love baking bread (whole grain, organic sprouted of course), as I've posted elsewhere in the forums, but have to admit if I eat it, it shows around my middle, even if I only eat a small amount and my face looks older than when I stay paleo. I don't know if that is due to metabolic changes as one ages or because Paleo results in less water retention. Any ideas on this one?
I used to be able to eat pastas, breads, crackers, rice, but now it seems I blow up from them almost immediately.
Has anyone noticed a change in their response to carbs, even the good carbs as they age? I love baking bread (whole grain, organic sprouted of course), as I've posted elsewhere in the forums, but have to admit if I eat it, it shows around my middle, even if I only eat a small amount and my face looks older than when I stay paleo. I don't know if that is due to metabolic changes as one ages or because Paleo results in less water retention. Any ideas on this one?
I used to be able to eat pastas, breads, crackers, rice, but now it seems I blow up from them almost immediately.

Yes! Although someone suggested I may have made myself more intolerant simply by cutting out grains in the first place. I'd love to know for sure whether it's my age (mid 40s) or eating habits.
I will be 56 in December. I have put on weight and my waist and hips have increased a few inches over the past two years, and NOTHING I try is working to get me back where I'd prefer to be. I am SOOO frustrated. :( I know that my frustration translates to added stress in my body which leads to weight gain, so I try not to get too upset, but I seriously want to SCREAM! I eat as clean as a whistle. Most people think I'm nuts. I make everything from scratch, and eat out at a restaurant only once per week at most. The only thing I eat that comes out of a package is protein powder. I've been using a good brand of rice protein, but I'm switching to pea protein as soon as my order arrives by the end of this week. I went Paleo this year. I was eating vegan for two years, and apparently, that is where my trouble began - all those grains and fruits. I went totally off of all grains and sugar back in January of this year. I have only one serving of raspberries daily, and usually some dark chocolate in the evenings. The serving of dark chocolate I'm eating has an equivalent of 2 tsp. of sugar. I also gave up wine and coffee. I seem to be sleeping better since giving up the coffee, even though I was only having a small amount per day. I will say that most of my aches and pains seem to have diminished with my elimination of grains and sugar, so that is a plus. I just finished reading Wheat Belly Total Health, and now I'm reading Skinny Gut Diet. I've been working with a naturopath to address my weight issue, but so far, it's the status quo. I had a thermography exam done in August, and the results of that test suggested that I may have hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, heavy metal toxicity, and food intolerances. Figuring out food sensitives can be daunting, and to think I might be sensitive to a food that I do consume? Ugh! There isn't all that much left to eat when you don't eat starches! Oh well. All I can say is that "aging" ain't for the faint of heart. Do your best and be happy that you're still here to speak about it, I guess.
Complic8ted -

Did you see Cathe's post about the Nourishing Gurus? They have a program that starts Thursday that is focused on increasing energy, but a major component of it is ferreting out food intolerances/allergies,,since they're such energy zappers. Just FYI in case you didn't see that post. I signed up and the best part is that all the work is done for me in that they've created recipes so I don't have to ask myself if something has corn or eggs or dairy, etc. it's a 21 day commitment , $97. Oh,,and it's NOT a diet (no calorie counting, weighing foods, etc)... It's very nourishment focused. And there's a Facebook support group, which will be helpful.

Hope that's useful info.
Thanks, Trixoo. I listened in on the conference call the other day. Much of what they talked about, I already knew. I am VERY good about eating nutrient dense food. I am already off of the carbs and processed foods. Some of the Nourishing Gurus' recipes include (healthy) sweeteners, but I have to watch my sugar, so I avoid them completely. I will continue to work with my naturopath on some other strategies to re-boot my metabolism and attempt to re-balance my hormones. Thanks for the suggestion though!
Carol - have you tried ditching the protein powder? It doesn't suit everyone.
Best of luck.
Justine, I hear you. I don't count my macros, but I've been advised to have some protein at every meal. I've been using rice protein powder for the past few years. Perhaps it is the rice protein that's been the problem? I'm switching to pea protein by the end of the week. Without the powder, I'd be hard pressed to get enough protein in my day. I am unable to sit down to eat a meal of eggs/meats and veggies each morning and afternoon. When you eliminate grains and dairy, your food choices are rather limited. I may invest in a glucose meter, as recommended by Dr. William Davis, the author of Wheat Belly. That may be helpful in monitoring precisely what foods may be causing problems for me. Also, I need to further investigate how to re-balance my hormones. It may be that my thyroid is the culprit. At this point, that's what I am thinking. I meet with my naturopath again this Thursday, so we'll discuss next options then. Thank you so much for your reply!!
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Has anyone noticed a change in their response to carbs, even the good carbs as they age? I love baking bread (whole grain, organic sprouted of course), as I've posted elsewhere in the forums, but have to admit if I eat it, it shows around my middle, even if I only eat a small amount and my face looks older than when I stay paleo. I don't know if that is due to metabolic changes as one ages or because Paleo results in less water retention. Any ideas on this one?
I used to be able to eat pastas, breads, crackers, rice, but now it seems I blow up from them almost immediately.

I have definitely noticed a change when I eat grains. I look like I'm pregnant. I don't eat them anymore. I prefer being able to fit into my jeans.
I'm 57 and I've been working out since the 80's on and off. I've accumulated a lot of workouts. Love Cathe, CIA, the Firm, etc etc.
I put ice gel on my knees and it prevents pain so I can do squats and lunges I also put a knee strap on. I use a waist slimmer belt to hold my tummy in place and when I do extreme cardio I put another one over my bra so that I can jump.
I was doing the same poundage as Cathe until Aug. ..Now I've been taking it easy until I finish recovering. (I won't be needing my waist trimmer. ;)
Hi Lucia,
Can I ask what ice gel is? I have some knee issues when I try to do lunges and maybe this would help me? You're funny with how much you strap yourself in!
Hi Lucia,
Can I ask what ice gel is? I have some knee issues when I try to do lunges and maybe this would help me? You're funny with how much you strap yourself in!
Ha ha, yeah, two bra's are not enough! And I'm only a C cup.
The ice gel is excellent! It dries within a minute and takes away any pain on any area of the body. It prevents pain too. My mother had arthritis in the knee before she started walking every day and the gel took the pain away, now that she walks she doesn't need it.
Make sure to get the 2% menthol. It says analgesic. Any brand works... the one I use is $2 or $4.
What happened to the private message feature?


go to top of the page and find the little 'head and shoulders' of a person icon right next to you name on the right hand side. Click on that and it offers you a menu: select 'conversations'. This is your new PM tool. Enjoy!

Hi everyone - I'm 46 and as part of my exercise routine is swimming - which is the much easier on the joints compared to other exercises.
I do lap swimming at the gym where I put in several laps.
I also do yoga which helps with my mobility and it's a nice counterpart to the all of the high intensity training (which currently includes Cathe's Ripped with HIIT) that I do.
As I go through my forties and beyond, the plan is to continue to be functional as well as maintain my weight because carrying a lot of weight is no good for the joints, especially as you get older.

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