About STS Shock Cardio

yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, what great monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What big surprise today when I opened my pc, a lot of question came on my mind: how many time this new project will keep? the crew? but anyway this afternoon I will charch my credit card and pre order it. I'm so haaaaaaaappppyyyyyy, you still not start and I can't wait for it!!!!!!! it's incredible.
STS Shock Cardio Pre-order


Looking forward to the new series Cathe! :D Thank you!!
Oh my!!! What a wonderful, wonderful surprise!! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!! I have been wanting new "Cathe" cardio!

Totally Surprised!

I was totally surprised and dare I say "shocked" to hear about the new series. Cathe sure doesn't disappoint does she?? I am now doing the STS strength series and really like it.
I am very glad for those who didn't order the STS now have something they want to look forward to.
Yes, I'll have to squeeze that credit card out of my hands again- not a good month to do it, but like one Catheite said, "cant resist those pre-orders".
They are such a great deal!!!
I'm just wondering does anyone know about where to get the "heavy bag" from?
I just had DH put up my iron gym so I could ATTEMPT to do lame pullups and chinups! Now I just told him I needed a new barbell set (or at least 25 lb. dumbbells).
I won't tell him about this series for a month or two. Ha ha. Thank goodness I pay the credit card!!
Travellin' Bands


Thanks so much for hearing our cry for the travellin' bands workout. This will be great for me this summer! Thanks so much!:cool:

See you in July at the RT!
Cathe you are amazing! I am beside myself with excitement!!! I am so stoked about the travel workout, too. I have been waiting for a resistance band workout for quite some time! I can't believe we're going to have 11 brand new cardio workouts! Pre-order, here I come!
Cardio - here I come!!!

Wow, we must just looooove Cathe - quite a few of us preordered even before we finish reading the message detailing the DVDs!!! I was halfway through and ordered it fast. Just shows how much we know that whatever Cathe puts together it's going to be GREAT!!!

Totally excited about the new DVDs!!!!

Cathe, thank you so much for not forgetting us cardio-philes! :) I'm so excited... I just preordered (couldn't get around to it yesterday!) and I can't believe that my invoice number was 996! You've had almost 1,000 people preorder your new series in 2 days! :)

Thank you so much again!!

Your dedicated fan,

I am so happy about this cardio series! FINALLY, cardio workouts from Cathe that have minimal complex choreography! I believe there is only one complex step workout in this series. :) I never thought Cathe would come up with a mostly athletic cardio series! I am very happy. :D
Woo Hoo!

I pre-ordered just now. I can't wait. It will be like an early Fall x-mas for me.

Cathe this is great. Thanks for keeping us challenged while we seek to achieve our fitness goals.

Great price versus what I pay for clothes to wear with my fit body (LOL)!!!

Let the countdown begin!!!!!
shock cardio

I am also SOOOO glad about this shock cardio series!!!! I don't like complex choreography either! You can't work really hard (or as hard as you Like) 'cause you're trying to figure out the moves!!! Looking forward to getting these....they sound great! Thanks Cathe for listening! :D

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