50 and over January check in

Today was the Low Impact All Out Hiit (think I got it right) and I opted to do the Timesaver mix that had all the floor hiit plus Core 1. I managed the 11 hiit sections fine, but wasn't heartbroken that I got to stop there. ;) This core I actually managed most of and just switched out a couple exercises for ones my back liked better. Only thing I wish on this one was that it had the countdown on the screen, as apparently I've come to rely on it with hiit.

Last day before the boys go back to school and we're just staying home and hanging out today. Yesterday we were all set to play Bugopoly (we own 6 opoly games and none of them are the original) and I got a text that a friend of Derek's wanted to play, so off he went and we played in the evening and I trounced everyone. I ended up with more money than all of them combined. :p

Jann you could do what my parents do and still go to sports events. My sister graduated in '85 and they never stopped. They live in K'zoo and go to college hockey, and volleyball games and some high school basketball games and drive up sometimes to watch my boys play. I've still got 7 years yet with Derek.:)

Sheila would your sister be suspicious if you just had friends on FB who talk about workouts and you never said you did them? I can understand why you'd want to surprise her and I've discovered on FB that while I post my workouts, when it comes to general life stuff, I'm pretty bland because I have such a diverse group of people my friends list that anything even the tiniest bit controversial is bound to push someones button.

I too wish it was easier to tell which workouts were on the calendar, as too many of them look alike and any writing on them is pretty much too tiny to be helpful.
Good Morning.

Cathy. Do you live in MI? Where? I visit KZ many times because I worked there for one whole summer, bought my last car there, and shop SteinMart.

Sheila. Your DS would know something's up. You should let her know that you are into fitness. And, if you're friends with Cathe, she may post to one of your threads too.

Jann. Did you enjoy your shopping day?

Yesterday was my rest did since Friday I did Low Impact HiIT and Hard Strikes. Today will be Chest, Shoulders and Back. My cats kept me up most of the night so trying to get things done. Shoveled heavy slush from my driveway which is steep and narrow already.
Hi all -- popping in quickly to say I just finished Chest,Back and Shoulders. I ♥ this workout. It is my kind of workout!!

fyi - If anyone wants the cards that are in the book, let me know. I have them broken down by disc in pdf files. I figured out my 70% and wrote them on my sheets. Made my own cards! :) I hate not knowing what weight I should be using.

Spending the day looking at houses.... long story, well it's not. A natural gas compressor station has decided to build a site la little over a 1 mile from my house. I just can't live here if that happens. So we are looking at moving. :confused:
I would like the file Jann. I will try to look at the positive and think of all the new gardens (and exercise) you will get with a new house. I'm sure your yard will be a great selling feature. Make sure your new house has as good (or better) workout area. I love pictures of yours.

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Jann I'd move too! Hope you find something you like soon and can make a smooth transition. I'd love to move in town as I seem to be running there a great deal with the boys, but haven't yet convinced DH. It's only 5 miles, but after awhile even that seems like a lot.

JT, yes I'm in Michigan. Olivet, and if you've never heard of it (and you wouldn't be alone in that) it's about halfway between Lansing and Battle Creek. It's a small college town and a lovely quiet town.

I'm opting to not worry about the workout cards for a couple weeks at least. Based on the 1 RM's I already have in there it's going to print out things heavier than I'm ready for, so I'll just build back up a bit first.
Sheila now that is a true motivation to get in better shape, to surpise you sister.

Jann I also did chest shouders and back and I loved it but I wish I had my chart. It was hard picking a challenging weight. I think this first workout was a cross between gym style and sts meso1. Cathe used crazy heavy weight like 30#.:eek:

I am so motivated to eat clean. I usually start my day out clean but by the end of the day:rolleyes: especially if I have to work.

Thanks Jann can you send me this list and how did you figure your 70% 1repmax?
What a day! :confused:

Cathy -- I actually have went to some nephews sporting events just because I miss it so much. My granddaughter is on 15.5 months so it will be a while before I can follow her around. She is already kicking a soccer ball!:) Enjoy this time, it seems hectic, you will miss it when it all stops. :)
Thanks, we just started to look around at different areas around here. Both my boys live close and I don't want to move too far away.

Joan - oh my gardens. :( This has been a big decision. It has taken years and years to get my gardens in the shape they are in. I just don't want to be close to this plant. Especially what just happened in WV. 5 homes blew up over night. Scary!

JT - I did have a good day shopping. I bought a new pillow - :p

Robin and Joan PM me your emails I will send you copies of Disc(s) 1,2,3,4,and 5. They are the only ones you have to calculate weights.
To get 70% of your 1RM -- figure out what you 1rm is; say your bi-ceps curl is 25, you will multiply 25 x .70 = 17.5 is your 70%. All the xtrain exercise numbers are in the booklet. Using that you can match them to the sheets. Then figure out your 70% and I think 75% is used also and write them on the sheets. The sheets tell you what percent you will need.
Today was Bi's and Tri's and core. Loved it as much as Chest, shoulders and back. The core workout was TOUGH. Finished up with the Laying tricep extension 100 rep challenge.
I also wish that the workout calendar was more readable. It was not a problem on STS.
Jann - How long have you been in that house? It would be awful to have to move. I have been in my house for 25 years. It is my paradise and I would be devastated if I had to move.
I would love to have a copy of the cards. That would be very helpful.
Robin - I eat pretty clean when I am at home and work out. When I have to work in the ER, I stress eat and grab junk.
I previewed CS&B last night. It's the kind of lifting I like also. I will probably start out light. When Josh has me lifting to failure, I do just that. I couldn't finish the lift if my life depended on it. I would be afraid to do that on some exercises without a spotter. Plus I only have 25lb dumbbells and I know there are some exercises Cathe uses 30-35lb dumbbells.

I have to get groceries. No fresh fruit or veg. in the house. I always get wo in late. I had planned to do it last night for today but ended up just watching it the first time through.

Joan and Sheila, I sent you the cards. Let me know if they work for you.

Sheila, I built this house 16 years ago. It's a great little community. My boys basically grew up here. It's a big decision. The way I am looking at it, the next house will be my last, I want the master bedroom on the first floor and I get a new kitchen!! yay! :)
I printed cards and finished chest back & shoulders. I wouldn't want to do it without them. I feel like I picked pretty good weights and am not likely to increase them too soon. I didn't use any dumbbells higher than 20lb.

There seems to be a lot of jumping in the cardio legs or whatever it is we have for tomorrow. I previewed it tonight.
Oh very good!
Joan, I am one that needs to know what weights to use. If I pick a wrong weight, it throws me off. :p I like not to be off - :rolleyes:

I have not looked at cardio leg blast yet. I have read the reviews. :)
Off to do it now.
:D:D:rolleyes::rolleyes: I did Cardio Leg Blast last Wednesday, well premix 1-6 :p:p
Today I did the complete workout! Doing the warm up I was thinking, I've done this warm up before. Certainly if Cathe used the same warm up for two workouts someone would have posted it. :p:p
I had to modify a lot of the jumping, still got a good workout! :)
I just finished the leg workout - the one that includes chair, barre, floor work, and rear delts - my legs were shaking. so many reps, so little time. there is no rest time in these workouts. Even on the bi's and tri's workout, it moves from one to the other without rest. Great workouts. My triceps are sore from yesterday. I'm hoping my legs will be sore tomorrow. :eek::eek:
Rest day here and for the moment I seem to be DOMS free. That will probably only last until after my workout tomorrow! :p

Been recovering the house after Christmas break where everyone was home most of the time. Fortunately, it hadn't gotten to far out of control. Have to take Derek to the orthodontist this afternoon so we can see how he's doing. He had braces a couple years back to help his bite and we're hoping it stays where it's supposed to! Plus he's got some upper teeth coming in the wrong spot. Hoping those move and drop properly. Thankfully, Nick has all his teeth and no problems.

I have a hard time keep certain foods around anymore. I bought 5 lbs of clementines on Friday and Nick almost single handedly had them gone yesterday! I rarely shop mid-week because I have to go out of my way to go to a store, but we're reaching the point with his eating that I'm going to have to start a mid-week pick up.

Jann huge high five on CLB!!! Gives me hope for when I do it this week.

Sheila I have serious want to move lust at the moment. My Dad used to design and build new houses every few years when I was a kid. He really should have gone out on his own, but just kept working for other people. Anyway, we've been here since '97 and I've never lived anywhere this long or even close to it in my life! DH doesn't get it because his family never moved and while he moved around as an adult with college and jobs, it isn't the same.
Cathy-Yes, I've heard of Olivet. It's been a long time since I've visited that particular area. Clementines are dangerous to have around.
Jann-Cardio Leg Blast is great. The warmups are similiar but not the same.
Joan-Are the cards printed the exercised per each workout?
Sheila-Hope you sell your home quick.

Today is Ride. Feeling tired today but when I eat ALOT, I feel better. No word yet from my pending apps. Have to take 3 assessment tests right now for a new pending app. Then, phone interview then possibly another couple of tests with face to face. But, if I don't get the jobs I've been waiting on, my plan is to move to Ft. Worth.
The cards we used I got from Jann. If you have the booklet and a copier you can just copy those pages. I guess you got the same booklet online with the downloads. I have to have a piece of paper in front of me and write weights down as I go along.

I did all of leg blast but it wasn't pretty. Strength portion is fine but cardio only slightly resembles what Cathe is doing. Lots of modification but from the amount of sweat I would say it was a good workout.
JT - Its Jann than wants to move. Not me. lol. My first husband and I built our home with our own 2 hands about 5 years before he died of a heart attack at the age of 36. So the house has sentimental value. I have just finished remodeling it to get it ready for my retirement years. Metal roof, new windows and doors, tile flooring, remodeled kitchen and bath. Nope, I'm not moving. Been in this house 28 years now. I am on 6 acres which is a lot of work but keeps the neighbors at a distance.
Triceps are sore. I cant remember what my next workout is but I am looking forward to doing it. KPP

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