50 and over January check in

Thanks -- I love to garden!!

I did Cathe's barre premix #2 -- omgosh! I don't think I have done that one before. I didn't make it through all the reps. My support leg was killing me.

Robin -- I hope that cold dose not stick! Eat onions, really, I believe in them.

I have a heavy bag. I enjoy punching it around. ;) I just read where gals are using 1 pound small hand weights with hard strikes and they seem to give it that little extra punch - :rolleyes:
Robin-Hope you feel better soon. Colds are a bear. I use my warm-air humidifier plus vicks at night when I have a cold. Don't rush into working out too quick. My Mom says that when a person gets sick, she says either you lack activity, sleep or eating right. She's not the Doc in the family either, my Dad is.
Sheila-Cardio Blast Rocks!! Preview the workouts in the Users Guide. The fast foot shuffle is unique on how she does it in this workout.
Cathy-I understand DOMs all too well. Experiencing those big right now.
Jann-Not a gardener. I can grow weeds too. Cats/dogs are more my thing.

Today, I got my pink boxing gloves from Sears. The last pair in the store. Oil change for my car, lunch at Panera and purchased a book. In Michigan, I will be transitioning from Grand Rapids but I grew up downriver Detroit and have lived in northern MI along Lake MI. The decision on two jobs here will determine my move. Despite some setbacks in DFW, they're still posting 3 times as many positions as Detroit. Although, I have found many companies are not using Indeed or SimplyHired like Mary Kay or FedEx.
Plan to ride with Ride tonight and double up tomorrow for Hard Strikes and Low Impact HiIT.
Hi ladies!!

Jann - workout went surprisingly well yesterday. Even though I have been off for 12 days I still have been getting up pretty early in the morning. Usually by 6 am I am up. When I am off from work I usually start working out around 8am so it was nice to relax a bit in the morning. Now that I am back my day now starts a lot earlier. I too will be starting the 90 undulating rotation on sunday and will need to modify a workout here and there depending on my schedule.

Robin - Loved hard strikes. Thought it was fun and it flew by. I have 1lb weighted gloves that I used in place of the boxing gloves. Toying with the idea of getting a punching bag. My son wants one so perhaps I'll pick one up and we both can share it. I should get him pink gloves for laughs!! How did you managed to not eat mac n cheese???

Cathy - good for you with the cardio leg blast. I hear this work out is tough. I will not be doing it until I start the rotation. I am going to try out the low impact hiit tonight (because it was just way to warm in my bed to get up this morning) then do a couple other cathe workouts tomorrow and saturday then start xtrain. Figured if I am going to be doing xtrain for 90 days might as well do a couple other of my favorite cathe workouts beforehand!

Hi JT welcome!
Jann, your islands are beautiful. do you have drippers or sprayers for water? The grassy-like stuff with the purple flowers Lariope maybe? anyway, I tried growing that and I still have one patch of it but the bugs (grasshoppers?) or something finds it very tasty. It looks like you have a lot of property and it is absolutely beautiful. I have several flower beds but nothing like yours. Thank you for sharing the pictures.
Cathy - what is DOMS? My shoulders are sore from yesterday.
Well I did cathe legs cardio legs blast, I made it through but was not able to follow on the step part. My step is a 16 in. square. so I got on the internet and bought me a new, long one from "The Step". then I had to rearrange my workout room to make room for the next time I do it. I have a huge elliptical in there that I wish I had never bought. I don't like to use it. Boring. I would rather go hit a bag. :D
Sheila -- I let mother nature water mostly. The problem is last summer we didn't get the rain we normally do. So I was out there 3 times a week watering. One of the reasons I took the summer off -- the garden took up a lot of my time. I have a sprinkler I carry from place to place with a timer in my pocket. :p While I wait to move the hose, I weed. It worked out well. I did purchase some soaker hoses for next year when they went on sale. That should help, I will still have to move the hose. :rolleyes:
Congrats on your step! I think you will notice a lot of freedom!

Lori -- ahhh I remember those days of getting up early to workout. I do
like being retired when thinking about that. ;)

JT - how many dogs/cats do you have? I have a mini schnauzer -- love him to bits!

My abs feel like I worked out for hours. I have idea what workout did this, I wish I knew. :) It's working!

DOMS = Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. It's what my abs are right now!!
Just popping in to say OMG!! my legs are hurting so much. :eek: Just rechecked my rotation and I'd mixed things up in my head and tomorrow is Burn sets Bi's and Tri's and legs are Saturday. Just as well, cause I probably would've flipped them anyway. Thinking I have a date with a hot bath tonight!
Cathe - I watered somewhat like that for YEARS. Then I went on a trip with my daughter and my husband had to water. Well, when I got home I had a new watering system. He went to dripworks and purchased dripper systems for all my beds. guess he realized how much time it took to water all that.

Yea for all our sore muscles.
Sheila :D -- Maybe that's what I need to do, leave home??? I am looking at rain barrels. Normally though, it rains enough.

{{Cathy}} - I hope the bath helped. yay!

I have to do cardio today, no putting it off. :rolleyes: I will pick a step workout. OH --- I know I created a Hiit workout combining the exercises from 30/30 AND 40/20 that were low impact with the workout blender. I keep forgetting about that one. I'll let you know how it goes!
Hi ladies. I am feeling better today but that cold med really put me to sleep. This mornignI went to walmart for bagels for my son. I went in and brought some stuff and forgot the bagels!:rolleyes: I had to make a utrun.

I have work this afternoon so I will rest a little before I go in. I work at JCPenny (JCP). With our new ceo changes , it's a very stressful job.

I'm finished with 1repmax and I'm waiting for cathe crew to download the 90 undulation rotation so I can update my number. I counted 29 new exercises that are not in sts.

Jann that is a GREAT idea. Now I want to start downloading workouts. Onions are good for a cold? Raw or cooked.

Cathy YAY for the doms. I love it and can't wait for next week.
Robin-Wow, stressful with JCP with the new CEO. That big of change for that big of company. JCP redecorated their store at a mall in my city.

Cathy-Hope your DOMS recover soon. My legs are hurting too.

Jann-Never use the workout blender. Premixes and regular workouts.

Sheila-Congrats on your new Step from The Step company. My original one was from CherFitness that was turqoise, pink and purple. I updated with Cathe's two years ago. You will love it.

Last night, I did Ride. I rode and kept up with Brenda except I stopped pedaling 3xs and I didn't do the jumps or rises. My spin bike barely fits since I'm 5'2.5". Biking shoes and gloves do help. Tonight is Hard Strikes Premix and Low Impact HiIT. Hope to have week 1 done of 30 day Undulating + Ride done by tonight.
No word yet on jobs. But, it seems many are still not at work.
Appetite surging. Had Vertigo about one year ago so I'm eating but watching calories on my phone app.

Have a Great Friday!!
Robin - Our JCP is completely different too. You can check out anywhere? Glad you are feeling better. I eat them cooked and raw. I read an article someplace about onions and colds. I'll see if I can find it and post the link.

JT - What phone app do you use? Do you like it? I have been looking for one. I just got a smartphone a couple of weeks ago. Cherfitness, are you a Cher fan?

I did my blender hiit workout plus core#1. It seemed hard, I knew I was in trouble when I was out of breath during the warm up - :eek:
Cher had Keli Roberts back in the day. Step workouts were new and Keli delivered from basic to advanced in one routine.
I still have my Cher workouts!! I am big fan of hers. I went to see her in concert and still smile when I think about it. :D
I didn't know about the step... sounds groovy! :p
I use LoseIt! App cause its free but many use Fitness pals.
Thanks, I'll check them out. I have always used Diet&Exercise program for my computer, I like the idea of an app. I wish I could transfer all my meals into a new data base. I understand most of these devices use the cloud. Oh how far we have come. :)
Jt - No Ride for me. I used to ride a regular bicycle and got bursitis in my right buttock but kept riding anyway for about 7 years. I finally stopped riding a bike because I realized 2 things - my upper body was going to flab and at my age I needed weight bearing exercise (plus my bursitis hurt). I haven't ridden a bike in 5 years but I still struggle with bursitis in that hip in spite of doing lots of stretches to try to get rid of it. If anyone wants my Ride DVD they are welcome to it.
I did Hard Strikes today. Half way through I thought I did the wrong one because I looked at the book and thought I would be doing the exercises on page 68 - hammer curls ect. I finally figured out I was doing the right one But when I finished, I did the conditioning drills anyway. then I decided to try the heavy bag bonus workout. Then I decided to do the 100 rep bicep curl challenge. So I am DONE DONE!!. Muscles are shaking but it was fun. :eek:
I track my food on My Fitness Pal. It is super easy to use, It has TONS of foods in its library and it is free. I track my food to make sure I eat the right amount of calories as well as enough protein and calcium. It also has a phone app.
Sheila -
Way to go!
Thanks for fitness pal review.
So, I had loaded the rotation into my workout manager calendar when they were saying don't do it yet, and apparently there are a few little glitches they needed to fix that I'll have to do myself. I had looked at it yesterday and it said Burn Set Bi's and Tri's, but when I went to get everything set up before I went to bed, I realized the book said Disk 2 Bi's and Tri's, so that's what I did. Made sense since I did Disk 1 earlier in the week. Looks like Burn Sets are next week. So, I'm planning to stick with what the book says and not what my calendar says.

I liked this workout, but she added Core 2 for today and my lower back wasn't liking it. I'd had it put back in place a few weeks ago and it's bothering me again. I so do not want to have to go get it worked on now because it'll mean taking a few days off from working out again, so I'm going to keep doing the exercises he gave me and hope that works. I'll just back off any exercises that bother it much. This core work is very different than her other stuff. Starts out with 60 crunches followed by 60 reverse curls, at that point is where I bowed out. Legs are still sore, but hoping I can manage one of the leg premixes tomorrow. Then I think it's Low Impact Hiit on Sunday.

Sheila great job adding in all the extra stuff!

Jann was the info about onions you read on FB? I saw one the other day that mentioned you could place a slice in everyone room when someone was sick and it would collect all the nasty stuff and turn black. I would really like to find it again and reread it as it had some rather scary sounding info on using leftover onions. If you find it definitely post a link here.

I was gone shopping all morning, so now I have to finish putting away a few things and clean house. Going to attempt to visit my Grandmother tonight. She's 92 and still lives alone. Shouldn't, but that's another story. She tends to have her days and nights mixed up, so I'm hoping she's awake. Otherwise I have to go bang on her bedroom window to wake her up. That's what she tells people to do if she's not up.
Sheila. I never had an issue with bursitis nor upper body flab on a bike. Bummer though.

My Fitness Pal. That's the name. Lots of Catheletes in the forums. They have a paid app too or used to.

Just did Hard Strikes premix 16 then All Out Low Impact HiIT premix 1 but not core. Feeling burned out now.

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