40's OMG Its November

Good Evening,

I did Xtrain Bis&Tris and 30 minutes on the TM.

Jody-those are all good workouts, I have NYC but everytime I want to do that one of my dizzy spells hit and I can't lay down. It would be nice if a job opportunity hit.
Hi everyone, didn't mean to go MIA. Been a busy, but crappy week. Yesterday I did walk the dogs 2.75 miles and then had to go with my sister to the NS, they've determined she needs a hip replacement. That dr appt interfered with my entire day and I feel I've been running behind (I must just move slow).

Then this morning we have snow, so no walk (have to be careful to have no falls that would jar my neck). Was planning B&G, then got the news that I've just been laid off, last day was today, I was able to work a full 8 hrs and I did need some of those just to fend off questions from the people I told and to claim my time and put in my timesheet, had to await calls from IBM mgr, and then CDI (my contr company) mgr. But I did get B&G done on company time :) skipped the second 1 leg squats and the low pulse lunges, and did as best I could on abs, hard for me to even do a bicycle, so I just do the legs.

Even though I woke up this morning and realize I'm very bored in my job (just redoing stuff that people can't get right the first time), it still hurts to be let go for just a "huge cost reduction" when I don't see HOW I've cost that much money and how much savings they are getting when I did the latest in software vs the other contr doing old stuff (and not much of it either). Because I heard the decision of who was let go was made 6 levels up based on $. So the best I can come up with is I'm white.

Jody, I thougth that the lower your RHR the more fit you are?

Ronne, If I were in Europe I'd go to Switzerland to ski? So you do downhill skiing? dr told me I better not, one fall and it could be bad. Wasn't planning to anyway.

Mary, what do you do in Vegas, so much, I know you aren't a gambler, shows are expensive, just wondering.

Roxie, We got 2 inches of snow, and now it's 15F. I bet you and Jody find a job now that I'm outta the market. I hold the unemployed place in our group :)

DH gets home tonight, yippee! I missed him this week a lot!

Lisa - sorry to hear about your job. Looking on the positive side, it could be the catalyst you need to find something you like more. I hope that's the case :)!

Roxie - how close are you to finishing the XTrain rotation?

Jody - good selection! I also thought a lower heart rate was a good thing? Doesn't that show that you're really fit?

Mary - well done on CF - that's a toughie!

Good guesses, everyone! So, we're going to (drum roll) Poland! DH and I have never been skiing before and the area we're going to is good for beginners. It's also a lot cheaper than the main ski areas. We're splitting the week, 3 days skiing and 3 days in Krakow. Then, if we don't like the skiing we're not spending the whole week doing it. DD will have her birthday while we're there.
Going in to town with DD tonight. It's the winter festival, lantern parade, stalls, music, Christmas lights on, etc.
Then the rest of the weekend is work!
Oh, I did Patrick Goudeau today. Just 30 mins.
Good Morning,

I went to apply for that job this morning along with at least 40 other people it was a stampede to the applications I don't know how many positions are available but they are taking apps until noon so I am sure the number will grow, I am not feeling very confident.

Ronne-next week is the last week of the Xtrain rotation and now then I am doing Xtrain, LIS 90 day rotation.
BAck to my 'non' working schedule so I should be able to post earlier. Did LICh, thought I was done and then there was still the blast, gah!

Ronne, it's all good, thankfully we don't need my income. There was a lot of people affected and I've been waiting for it for quite a while now. I figure I can enjoy my puppy and w/o without rushing to get it all in. Wow! You've never done downhill skiing? I hope you are taking a lesson. I'll never forget my first times, DH taught me, he was really good skiier and could out ski me but stayed with me at all times to make sure I was ok. Then I would find the little bumps to catch some air, but never did moguls nor did I like to go fast. Even when I was younger, I could only ski 2 days in a row, would always have to take about a 2 day break before hitting slope again (and still would be tired). Lift tickets are so expensive so you want to get as many runs in as possible! When are you going again?

Roxie, I hope things turn around for you soon.
Hi all! Today did AOLIH. Lisa, I'm sorry about the job. Will you look in the same field? Try something different? Or just take time off for a bit? Will you get unemployment? Gosh, I asked a lot of questions! Roxie, what kind of job did you apply for? When will your old bosses let you know? Jody, I think that means your healthy! If you were in heart block I would think you would have some nasty symptoms! Have fun with your friends! Ronne, Poland is supposed to be beautiful! Have you ever been to Croatia? I have seen pictures, looks so beautiful! What a great birthday trip! 2 more days! Of course they are 12 hour days, but only 2! I hope everyone has a good weekend, I will see you all on Monday! Mary
Good Evening,

I did Lean Legs no Abs I will do those tomarrow.

Mary-the job is at and Aldis grocery store as a cashier. I think some of the people were just there so they could say they applied to keep their unemployment there was some weird looking characters. Old bosses said after Thanksgiving they will give me their decision.

Lisa-enjoy your time off.
Mary, no blocks, just slower. I think if I was going to manifest the brady rhythm of a marathoner it would have been back when I was running up to 6 miles at a time and working out 5 days a week, not now while I'm tired all the time and barely working out but hey its still ticking so I got that going for me.

Speaking of no workouts, I didn't do one today. Got woke up during first naps, which I like to have right before elevensies, and second naps never came. I visited my mom and ate candy.

Ronne, trip sounds wonderful. I'd love to ski but I'm waiting to be able to go out west rather than the north east. I'd love to do some long beginner runs. The festival sounds fun, too.

Lisa, hugs, enjoy the puppy and keep taking care.

Roxie, that sounded like a horrible situation, a stampede for applications? Ick.

Hi Murph, hope you are doing ok.
Good Morning,

Today I will do AOLIH and then start my final week of Xtrain and then on to Xtrain, LIS.

Jody-it was the weirdest thing I have ever seen.
KCM Plateau Buster combo 1+2 done, I quite liked it. Because: cues-and she showed the move the first time round so I got a few extra breaths and was able to start correctly first time. Pace- manageable, I didn't have to slow down. Set up- basic workout was fine and all the premixes seemed to be viable options.

I'm going bike riding today w/ my book study girls who I never see anymore. Looking forward to that a lot!

I have a lot of paper work to complete this weekend too for "inbounding" at new job- pending hired for seasonal work where I just did clinical. Voot, yea, congrats to me. I'm going to be a nervous wreck for awhile but I'll try to stay in the Present and breathe. : )

lol, I have to take an agility test before hire, "screening out the overweight 50 year olds". Doh!
Hi all. I know I have not been around all month. I am feeling good so I thought I would try exercising again. I did some Wii stuff to ease back in (I have not done ANYTHING for over a month) and it felt good. I did some pedal power today. I did not do any standing work; I tried to keep the cadence and so forth. I did some abs afterwards and it felt good. I am not ready for any hi intensity Cathe, but I am trying to find some light-Cathe I can do. Does that even exist? ;-)

Anyway, do any of you have suggestions on some Cathe I can do to ease back into things? I cannot do any quick movements but I can do weights - light. I was thinking of doing some of her weight and band dvd's but I cannot think of aerobic ones to do. Suggestions?

Waves and hi-fives to all. I know I have missed A LOT. I hope everyone is well. If I forget later, have a great Thanksgiving.

Murphy-do you have her basic step or Low Impact Step these ate probably the easiest. KCM has one specifically for this purpose there is zero impact its called Start Here. I am happy to hear from you and that you are doing good.
Murphy, what about slide and glide? Or cardio from CTX or BB- those seem a little bit lighter than other Cathe stuff but feels "steady state" to me which is why I don't reach for them as often.
In another thread Cathe wrote....moderate intensity days....or even lower intensity if preferred....(ie: Athletic Training, Turbo Barre or Circuit Blast)
Glad to see you.

Today I did CCC w/ some mods to the core parts, and added some abs from another dvd.

Roxie's ideas seem good. Cathe is usually quick moves, hard to think of many where the pace isn't rapid.
Good Morning,

Walked on the TM for 40 minutes and then a stretch. After previewing Party Rocking Step 1&2 I believe they will remain on the shelf along with Step Moves, Athletic Step and Rythmic Step.
I didn't do anything Sat, body felt like it needed a day off, I did run errands and did nap-max. Today was LLA + bonus barre. It's been cold here, hopefully warms up tomorrow so I can walk the dogs.

Murphy, When I started back, I did the new w/o's but modified the moves (for me I had to reduce impact and arms). I remember early on that I did 1 move for 2 of Cathe's (like hammer punches), it was ok, I was having fun. I've had to stay with light weights, I'm loving the new FT, I've done HR too. Suck up your pride lighten the weights more than you used to (I go at least 1/2 of what I used to, except for shoulders, have to still do 2 lbs). I think the most important think is to move and have fun. I started with KPC. I'll probably always modify, it just isn't worth the chance for me with my spine problems. I thought pedal power was tougher than ride, I did the standing portions seated (my bum was numb by the end).

Jody, yes, make sure to breathe! How was the bike ride?

Roxie, good job on keeping up with the workouts and checking in!
Good morning! I'm officially on vacation! I did TTM this morning. So much going on here! Murphy, so glad to see you! Did you get the new ones? What about LLA and GG, not too much jarring in those. I imagine the weight workouts with light weights. The yoga ones. I will have to put my thinking cap on! Roxie, when will you hear from Aldi's? I know they pay well here. You should give PRS2 a try. I actually enjoyed it. I have tried AS and SM and turned them off because I just couldn't get them, but PRS2 is easy to follow. Lisa, cold here too, 18 this morning. They say the storm is coming this way, scaring all of us and telling us to hit the grocery store, now you know it's going to be packed and we will probably just get a dusting! Jody, are you getting hired as a therapist? I know up here the hospitals make people run a mile in a certain time and they have to be able to lift their body weight. And there is some machine they have to use, I heard it is really hard, a lot can't pass it! Also a psychological exam. I don't know if I would pass that! lol. Ronne, how are you? What fun did you get into this weekend? Have to go get an eye exam, my glasses are so scratched up can barely see out of them! Have a good day, good to have all of us back! Mary
Good Morning,

I haven't worked out yet I had to go pay my tags and taxes on the vehicles and then I started to clean and do laundry. This is my last week of Xtrain and todays workout is Super Cuts.

Mary-if I hear anything it will be Wednesday if I don't hear anything by then then I didn't get the job. They are paying 10.40 and hour which I thought was pretty good, so I won't have any idea until the end of this week or next if I have a job.
I did pedal power today. This was only the 2nd time I've done it. 1st was 3mths post-op, now at 6 mths post-op. I did much better this time, even did the standing portions (but at a slower cadence), drenched in sweat. Then walked the dogs 2.5 miles. It was 37 out, but the sweathshirt I wore I got really hot in and came back another sweaty mess. But then I sweat just drinking coffee :)

My contr firm called me today. They see these mass layoffs regularly and don't know the rhyme or reason for it as there are other areas of the company hiring, they think it's an executive trying to make their numbers for a bonus (how rude!). So they are submitting me to 2 jobs (they would even be a pay increase), I don't think they will want me, because from the limited info it sounds like something I haven't really done. However this company (I_M --- hate to name it in case of a google search), likes to hire former employees as this company has it's own kind of culture that can be of benefit. They say normally can get people placed back in the I company withing 4-6 weeks. sigh. Not sure what I want so I'll just let it all go to chance :)

Ronne, meant to ask you about the fingerless gloves, is that so you can work in a cold house? My DH used to do that because I keep the house so cold, now he helps him self to changing the thermostat, it's constant up/down thing on the thermostat when he's here.

Mary, I was cruising along like I was on vacation until I got that phone call, bam, back to reality. So much to catch up on and so much more stuff that's been added to my 'homemaker' pile. My neck was doing good until the phone call ! Maybe it's all in my head? I obviously wouldn't pass that test now either!
Jody, are you getting hired as a therapist? I know up here the hospitals make people run a mile in a certain time and they have to be able to lift their body weight. And there is some machine they have to use, I heard it is really hard, a lot can't pass it! Also a psychological exam. I don't know if I would pass that! lol.

Oh shit now i'm scared!

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