40's OMG Its November

Good morning! Today did GS legs. I am hitting the grocery store today, I know tomorrow will be a nightmare! I got my eye exam yesterday, I passed! I'm getting 2 new pairs, to change with my mood! I'm so excited! Hard to wait 2 weeks! Jody, I'm so sorry! You are going to do amazing! I think the environment here is difficult (in Cleveland) we have 2 huge hospital systems, they kind of make these difficult rules. I have heard that if people are more than 10 lbs over they have to pay extra for their insurance. I heard one employee say that their doctor emails them daily and asks for their daily food intake. Sometimes seems a bit extreme to me, then they report back to the hospital I understand wanting to encourage a healthy lifestyle, seems more like they are analyzing their life. I'm really sorry tho! Roxie, I hope you hear soon! Lisa, so they are going to hire you back in the new year? You would still be a contract employee? Ronne, are you on vacation again? Murphy, what have you tried? I hope everyone has a good day! Mary
Did XT Bi/Tri, this is my first real UB w/o since surgery. I used 8/10 lbs to be careful. I wanted to wait until I got a good 6 mth checkup before I attempted UB. Will walk dogs about 2.5 miles later. House will start to fill up tonight!

Waves to all !!!
Hi Mary, we was posting at same time! I already did the grocery shopping, put the turkey in the brining solution last night. Instead of pumpkin pie, I'm taking bluebell pumpkin spice ice cream and putting in individual graham pie shells. If they find me a position I'll have to evaluate it, but if I turn it down that will be the end of unemployment ins. So glad no one is monitoring my weight, I'm huge now, I'm cutting back for the holidays and then I'm going to get more serious because I hate the way I feel!
Good Morning,

I did Xtrain AOLIH, Shape Abs Basic, and 30 minutes on the TM. I thought I had all my groceries yesterday but now both DD's, GS, SIL, BF and step grandson are all coming down Sunday so I get to go shopping again. I need to get this house clean too. We are running out of money quickly so I really need one of the jobs to come through.

Mary-sounds like way to much personal interference or a violation of privacy but I think that is what it is coming to.

Lisa-you were so unhappy at that job so maybe you can find something else. I know how you feel about the way you look I wish I would have started a long time ago working out then maybe it wouldn't be such a battle. Enjoy your family.
Hi No worries, so far so good. Just had to lift a bin w/ some wt in it and carry it around a few times and stuff. No run. She tested grip strength on a meter and commented wow youre strong so that was fun. headed back for paperwork part. Assuming drug screening and cxr will be all clear, worried about a glass of wine after clinical last night but that is different. Interesting about your system up there but will likely comment later just wanted to say no worries and I'm all clear!
ps that would suck to spend 2 years in school for a job I couldn't be allowed to perform!!

Mary, 2 weeks for new glasses? Bummer! That is a trip about keeping track of workers like that. Funny -health care employees have to have accountability but health care recipient can abuse self with food and what not yet demand full care and the way reimbursement is going, no pay for re admissions etc. Its wasn't a good system before but I don't think it is getting better yet. Oh and Obama care impacts how many hours I'll be able to work- they are cutting off per diems to 30 hours since they end up with issues if the part time employee is working more hours and not getting benefits.
And yes a therapist job. : D

Ronne, eat some stuffing and green bean casserole on Thurs.

I hit my word limit, tty all tomorrow

ps, I walked fast for 45 minutes.
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Good morning! Today did PUB, I've been neglecting it! Jody, so glad you passed! The environment in health care is changing so much. Most of it is based on customer perception, which is important, but it's about how fast you bring their ginger ale and if their is cable tv! It will be interesting to see how it all evolves. Lisa, 3 dogs in the house! You should charge for your dog walking services! How much fun are they going to have together!? Roxie, sounds like a fun family day in store! Ronne, where are you? Hi Murphy! I'm just doing the appetizers for tomorrow, we are going to MIL's for brunch, dinner at my parents. Have a good day! Mary
Good Morning,

I did Xtrain BS CB&S, and then Run/Walk intervals on the TM for 30 minutes. I have to get some stuff for a salad to take tomarrow for Thanksgiving I am not happy that I have to go to DHs DSs house I would rather spend the day with GS.

Mary-good job with your workout.
Chaos has erupted in our house. DS and GF and puppy arrived last night. They are super protective (er, note to self, this is how they will be with grandchild). Puppies getting along well, but this morning no time to w/o and since Suki will have plenty of puppy play, skipping walk as well. Now to get older Shiba Inu to integrate. gotta run another episode to deal with :) Happy t-giving all!

Oh, massage today, and vet visit for new puppy, I really need massage today, heck I'm going to need another after the holidays!
Good Afternoon,

I barely survived walmart but I think I have everything. I haven't heard about the job at Aldis so I am guessing I didn't get it.

Lisa-sounds like fun.
Roxie it's probably too early to say for sure.
Lisa, lots of dogs for your therapy walks. I saw a family dog at clinical site yesterday, I miss my dog cuddles.
Tis the season to make sure you own every Cathe. Of the new ones, which should I keep an eye out for in the daily deals, etc?
KCM NYC ready to go for today, I'm writing my case study this morning and heading to mom's later. Have a nice day all.
Did a lean legs & abs premix. It was good. I went light on the weights and could have gone a pound higher. Will make note for next time. I hear the kids and DH so I have to get going. Waves to all and enjoy the holiday.

Happy Turkey Day! No w/o for me per the massage therapist. I guess the big arms one day on cardio and then the bi/tri really got my muscles in a bad way. She explained too how I may not ever be able to lift as heavy as I did because the 3 vertabras that are fuse, have tendons that atrophy there, so the others have to take on the load...they connect to the collar bone/ribs, etc, everything connects at some point :) I knew I'd never lift as heavy, but I didn't think 10 lbs for bi's was heavy ( I usually did 15). Trial and error, I guess. Massage lady had sale on massages ($10 off each with package), I bought 20 (her eyes about exploded), total cost $900. She is having issues with her husband not being able to work and a staff infection they can't find, so I'm happy to spend a lot knowing I'll use them if it helps her at this time for her financial issues ( her husband doesn't get disability).

Jody, love FT

Murphy, good to see you get something in, but take it easy. Do they know yet what the next step is?

Mary, enjoy your day!

Ronne, busy working?
Good morning! Today did LLA. Roxie, maybe they got busy before the holiday? Are you able to call to see if they made a decision? Lisa, are you able to deduct the massages as a health care expense? For my glasses we were able to us out flexible health care account, only cost me $30 out of pocket. Jody, how was your mom's? Do you have 2 more weeks of school? When do you start your job? Murphy, how was your holiday? Ronne, where are you??? Brunch was nice, dinner was good. DH took the twins up to Walmart last night to get Big Bang Theory for $10. They said it was a nightmare, I'm glad I didn't go! We are going to do some shopping, hope everyone has a good day,Mary
Good Morning,

No workout yet trying to figure out how to baby proof my house. I am going to do Xtrain Bis &Tris plus the treadmill.

Mary-no on the being able to call they said they would do the calling and setup of interviews.
No w/o here. My neck muscles are still sore, and it's a bit still chaotic in the house. I think it was the incline on the ball bi's and the abs in LLA that made my neck muscles so sore. Amazing how badly injured muscles get DOMS. I guess I did go a bit full guns after my good 6 mth checkup. I just feel like a lazy bum :)

Mary, DH got me watching Big Bang too. I'm too lazy to do a flex spending acct, I would have to figure out how DH's company does it (can't count on him to do that), then submitting the receipts, then making sure to get it all used, etc. I just gave up the little tax savings for us, same on the massages, we wouldn't qualify to deduct.

Roxie, I've had to further puppy proof my house, this new little guy is younger than ours was when we got Suki and he just gets into different things that didn't interest her (like chewing the bricks on the fireplace).

I hope you all keep up the workouts for me, I have to remember to pace myself better still. Good luck with that :) You'd think I'd learn thru my misery :) Even lifting my head up off the bed is making the muscles hurt, that's how sore they are.
HOLIDAY TENSION, why did I think it'd be nice to have the family together? I think I'd rather face a firing squad right now.
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