40's OMG Its November

Hi all

No workouts for me this weekend or today. I've got a stinking cold and am feeling pretty sorry for myself!
So, I got my shirt sorted out, they're sending me a new one, and it was on 20% discount so I got some money back! Worked out quite well in the end.
The loft project is almost done, there's so much space up there now, a family of four could live up there! :p
Going to lunch with other homeworkers today, always good to get out of the house!

Roxie - yes, it sounds like you're on the cusp!

Lisa - well done on the cleaning out! I always feel so accomplished after doing something like that. I love getting rid of stuff!

Jody - congrats on almost finishing the paper. KCM favourites for me are: LIFT (esp Powersculpting as Roxie says), Circuit Burn, Plateau Buster, Weights.

Hi Mary, if you're lurking, have you recovered from your weekend?!
Good morning! I survived! Lol! Today did MM, no very well, my body is tired, feel a little beat up! Once I get through this week, it's all good tho, then I'm done for the semester. How is everyone? Ronne, I'm sorry your sick. Have fun at lunch tho, maybe a little wine will kill the virus? Lisa, your wind arrived here! So loud last night, I couldn't sleep, DH was at the station and all the noises make me nervous! So, you are going to have the whole family in the house for a bit? Jody, how much more school do you have? Is this your last big project for the semester? Roxie, hope you feel better. The change of seasons could contribute also, being dark so early, the days getting shorter? How is GS feeling? Hi Murphy! Not too much today, picking up house and some errands, hope everyone has a good day, Mary
Good Morning,

I did Xtrain CB&S, Stability Ball Abs and Run/Walk Intervals on the TM for 30 minutes. Cold here again today after a beautiful weekend.

Mary-GS is doing good. I think once I find a job everything will be ok.

Ronne-its amazing how much space you can find.

Roxie - well done on the workout. Sounds tough! The temperature's dropping here this week. At least it's bright outside.

Mary - it wasn't a wine drinking lunch but it was still good! You weren't affected by the tornadoes were you?

Still feeling pretty rough. Did some really gentle yoga as I really want to do something but I know I'm not up to a proper workout. I'm being sensible!
Got work under control so am not panicking about getting it all done now!
Good Morning,

Another night of little sleep its getting old. There is a place in town taking applications Friday and if I don't get a job there then I am going to go back to the place I worked before we moved I will just have to spend 2 hours on the road a day 1 there 1 home. I walked on the TM for 30 minutes wasn't up to Tabata today but I might do some kickboxing later. I cleaned part of the house today still have 2 rooms left.

Ronne-another windy day here suppose to be in the 60's again.
Thanks for the KCM info, I'm going to get a few I think.
Roxie, I think it is too bad you haven't found anything close by yet, I know you would do a good job at whatever you did. Good luck. and I'd be interested to know if you decide to try meds or have any good results. I feel tired and unenthusiastic a lot of the time.

Ronne, I hope your cold goes away, glad the new shirt worked out and woo hoo to lunch with fellow home wreckers, er workers. : )

Lisa, how far did you get w/ sewing room?

Mary, done for the semester sounds good to me. That paper was the last big thing, I have a case study, final exam and a presentation left plus two more clinical days next week, we are taking ACLS now. I'm going to request advance notice of projects for next sememster so maybe I can get them done early over christmas in case I am working by Jan.
Mary, you have 10 min sol bootcamp w/ Jessica Smith?
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Jody-I take Ambien for sleep but its not helping, but my shoulders are going numb no matter which one I sleep on.
Didn't get here yesterday, I had my dr appt with neurosurgeon, went well. then walked the dogs only 2 miles, then off for my massage. I guess since dr gave such a good report (my bone in 3 vertebra are almost all fused) she really got in on the left where it's been hurting, and, oooooh while she's doing it it feels so good, and I wished she had done more, that night I was glad she hadn't done more, was very sore in that area (hoping this is the last area!).

Today I walked the dogs 3 miles and did AOLI, haven't done that since pre-surgery (that was the worked I tested pain with :) ) I skipped the mtn climbers but I did everything else normally except no riser on step and got to littler arm by the time the step rolled around, oh and modified disc jacks and scissors to momentum lunges.

Jody, that's the other thing I did yesterday finished up as much as I cad do to get teh sewing room ready for my DS21 and puppy to be in. I bet you are so glad to be almost done, I know I decided this is the last week I'm working for the year, yipppee!! My puppy keeps bugging me enough during work time, I can't imagine it with 2 puppies in the house so I'm taking off (good enough reason for me! lol )

Roxie, My gyn did not want to rx sleeping pills (plus they never worked), she did a workup on my hormone levels and that is when we found I had no estrogen (though fsh didn't indicate meno, my ovaries just quit making the estrogen----no wonder I felt so bad), once she got me on HRT (basically a low dose BC that doesn't have a placebo week I felt better). But you are on BC, right? I hope you find a job, surely with the holidays there has to be something?

Mary, you are welcome to my wind! windy here again, but it's a warm wind out of the west coming down the mountains called a Chinook that warms us. glad you survived your weekend of work!

Ronne, hope you get to feeling better, I think as we get older it's wise to listen to our bodies.
Hi girls! Today did PRS2, I think I did a little better. Lisa, so glad you got good news! It has been a long road for you, I'm glad you are turning the corner! I'm with you on the no work for the rest of the year! 5 more days! We are going to Vegas again in a few weeks. I'm so looking forward to having DH all to myself! Roxie, I'm sorry about the job situation. What about the schools? Like classroom aid or lunch lady? Then you would get weekends and holidays off? I do hate when my hand falls asleep when I'm sleeping, always think I had a stroke! Jody, so glad the end is almost near! Wont be much of a break if you are doing homework the whole time. I do have 2 Jessica w/o's, one is Look better naked, (have a hard time with that title) and I think one is a promotional 10 min w/o, I'll have to look. Ronne, hope you are feeling better, be good to yourself! Have to get some cleaning in, I've been slacking! Mary
Lisa-I have been taking sleeping pills for a couple of years becaus of Dh's schedule and I haven't talk to my dr about the other stuff my yearly is in March and yes I am on bc pills for other female problems.

Mary-the schools are not hiring home health isn't even hiring and this area is full of old people.
Hello all

Roxie - hope you get some good news with job applications

Mary - Ooh, Vegas again! Lucky you. And only 5 more work days, that's pretty good. I couldn't bring myself to buy a DVD with a title like that!

Lisa - great news on your recovery. You must be feeling so much happier now, you know that you really are getting better, though it's been a long, hard road. So, you're going to have your boys back under one roof again?! How funny. Just as you'd got used to just you and DH.

Jody - I'm sure you won't regret any KCM purchases. Make sure you allow yourself a break over Christmas, you don't want to burn out.

Well, I'm feeling much better today. I didn't have to take any drugs this morning and had a pretty good night's sleep. Did PP and felt fine. I still didn't want to do anything too demanding. Might try some lighter cardio tomorrow.
A bright, crisp late autumn day today. Might be time to break out the fingerless gloves soon!
Good Morning,

I did KCM's TLC Boxing. DHs company says they all must wear steel toe shoes and they are paying the first 100.00 so we are headed to get him shoes today, I am surprised it took them this long.

Lisa-glad to hear you are on the way to recovery.

Ronne-glad to hear you are feeling better.
Ronne-I don't really mind having to drive I will be available to my girls they live in that town and I am kind of excited which is weird because I hated going to work there everyday but I miss it.
Hi girls! Today did LBB, harder than I remembered! Roxie, funny how we miss what drove us crazy when it's gone! I will keep good thoughts for you! Ronne, glad you are feeling better. Pretty here too, I hear snow is on it's way this weekend, not excited about that! Lisa, when is DS moving back in? You are going to have a houseful! Jody, are you branching out from Cathe? I watch clips over at Collage, I always waffle about buying. I have been looking at Toby Massenburg's new ones. Hi Murphy! 4 more days, I feel like a kid waiting for summer to start! Have a good day, Mary
ACLS done, but one the instructors was truly a douche, imo. Yesterday I did Intensity. I hope I like KCM, I actually got 5 of them (had buyers remorse, too). None of them kb oriented though so none of those Roxie's recommended.

Roxie, can you go back to work there 4 days instead of 5? And/Or would it be practical to work longer days?

Mary LBB is on my list for soon. I'm still working on that Cathe metabolic rotation I posted about a month ago- almost done. Mary will the kids stay w/ grands?

Lisa, that is cool that you can take off for 6 weeks or so. Super cool, actually. Enjoy the kids and keep working on your recovery.

Ronne, sounds like a nice day, I hope you have enjoyed it!
Hi everyone

Jody - ooh, what have you ordered? Did you do Intensity all the way through? That's one I've said I'm never doing all the way through again!

Mary - no, absolutely do not want snow! I was looking at those DVD clips the other day. I decided they looked too similar to stuff I already have.

Roxie - how funny if you end up back at your old job!

Lisa - MIA? Hope you're feeling blissful from a massage or something!

Did MMA Boxing. Wore my 1lb gloves so it was just the right amount of challenge.
All the work I've been expecting has arrived so I'm back to being busy for the next week or so. May have to work this weekend to get stuff done.
BTW, I forgot to mention that we've already booked our first holiday for next year. You'll never be able to guess where (honestly), we are going to be doing some skiing though ... A little teaser for you all :)
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Hi girls! CF today, fun! Roxie, are you for sure going back to your old job? When will you decide? Ronne, yay for more work! I'm guessing the Swiss Alps? Tell me if I'm hot or old! Jody, I love getting new DVDs! I'm always browsing them, don't pull the trigger too often, unless it's Cathe, then it's automatic. Lisa, how are you? Feeling better? Murphy, hope all is going ok. Have some running around to do and 3 more days! Mary
Good Afternoon,

Its a cold miserable day here we are expecting freezing rain and snow its already doing something out. I went today to talk to my old bosses and I think I shocked them they are going to talk about it and get back to me after Thanksgiving they are thinking maybe parttime and I said I wouldn't work on Wednesdays. There is a place here in town hiring tomarrow morning so I am still planning on going and doing that. I haven't worked out yet I wanted to get up there and back before the weather gets really bad.

Mary-if I can't get the job here in town then if they will allow it I will go back.

Ronne-not funny but necessary.
KCM on the way are:
30 Minutes to Fitness- Body Shop, Plateau Buster, Circuit Burn, Lift, and Weights.
Also Nyc which has the same music as the no name series and low max from what I can tell so I couldn't resist.

We did EKG's today. I wonder if my lower (relative to my previous normal which was around 80) resting heart rate is why I'm having harder time w/ working out lately/this past year. It was 66 today in school! A maternal aunt had a pacer in her 50s for 3rd degree block as well as maternal Grand. Hopefully I didn't get the wonky heart that poops out gene.

I guess... the least obvious place for a European to ski- New Mexico? Not really to all of Intensity, I skipped some of the Hi Hiit and didn't do the bonus boot camp (which I usually skip the very end where she uses the band while on the floor)

I'm going biking this weekend w/ friends, yeah!

Roxie, sometimes not needing or wanting a job helps to make a job opportunity occur. I may have something myself.

Lisa, what's up? oic on FB now. : O : (

Mary, you'll be off before TGive! and go thru Jan? Voot!

Edited to add Supercuts done except a couple of sections on the floor plus my sit up push up combo is a little slow.
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