40's OMG Its November

Oh geez, what is going on? Are the boys fighting or something? Full house is crazy making.

LOL, I know I don't look forward to gtg w/ family on big holidays. Someone is always disappointed. My mom insisted on cooking dinner yesterday, she's very controlling about menu, wants everything she likes cooked they way she likes to cook it (and is probably terrified I will sneak in some healthy food). She's in her late 70s, bent over w/ back pain, miserable. And I can't do anything without her correcting input. I'm bagging up trash and she hobbles over and crams her hand in the bad to compact it while I am tying it up. I just try to roll with it. I love her and accept her spirit is loving, this is just how it goes.

I'm still in pjs. I finished my case study this aft and submitted it late so I'll take a hit on the grade. I guess I'm not gonna workout today. Yesterday i did KCM NYC. It was good. I'm in the mood for some fun step tomorrow. : )

Mary, did they get anything good? Roxie, how did your day turn out? I think new grandbaby trumps any other holiday plans for the next few years and you should get to always spend it with them. : ) Murph it was good to see you.
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Did a S&G premix. Felt good - until the burpees. I tried a few and then modified. Not too bad overall. My legs are still sore from LLA - but that is a good thing!

Mary - I love the Big Bang Theory too!
Lisa - I have about 8 more weeks of treatment before they test to see what type of surgery would be best for me - lumpectomy or mastectomy. I saw the doctor yesterday and she thinks things are progressing well. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
Roxie- I hope things work out with Aldis.
Jody - I hope things work out with the paper.
Ronne - how are things?

Good morning! Did FT, I really like that one. Murphy, 8 more weeks, then they do another mammogram? You are in my daily prayers. I hope it shrinks to nothing! Lisa, give us the scoop! Family is amazing and also knows exactly what buttons to push! Jody, love my mom to death, but she makes me crazy! Mine also offers me lots of "helpful" info! I'm getting better at letting it roll off, I know it's out of love. Speaking of love, today is my parent's 50th wedding anniversary, doing lunch. Ronne, come back!!!! Roxie, you are having dinner tomorrow? Love on that baby! Hope everyone has a good day! Mary
So I guess we are fixin' to say Buh bye to Nov? Ack.

I did a Christi/Kelly combo. I was going to do a Cathe download but it won't run on right computer. I guess I'm a dvd girl.

I need slacks and top for orientation on Mon. Correction, want. I can wear what I've got but I feel like a sausage. Maybe NY and Co this aft?

Waves, hugs, high fives on the workouts, and prayers for all.
PS also love Big Bang
Good Morning,

Guess I am the odd girl out Big Bang annoys me. I did Xtrain Bis & Tris then 30 minutes on the TM. I know I should be excited about the kids coming tomarrow but being financially strapped is stressing me out.

Mary-love the baby all I can. He is trying to run instead of walk and he can say please in sign language and the words plus banana.

Jody-I am sure you will look just fine I just can't picture you as a sausage.

Murph-glad to hear from you think about you everyday.

Lisa-I had a sheltie that like to eat the christmas decorations.
Hi ladies, no w/o again, I felt ok when I got up but by 10am my neck muscles were hurting again, went to grocery store and came home and was just overwhelmed with this muscle pain that keeps coming back. Finally realized, I stopped the Cymbalta that is supposed to help your brain interpret pain differently, so DH went to refill it. I've had chronic pain of one kind or another for 11 mths now and it just is overwhelming esp when you did nothing to cause it and you've had surgery to help the original problem. Hopefully I start feeling better after the Cymbalta gets in my system again (have to take at night, makes me sleepy and nauseous).

As far as the chaos goes, just a variety of things. Seems DS21 GF showing favortism to his new puppy, telling Suki she has to suffer and stay outside (all while I was getting t-giving dinner), so then DS24, let Suki in and threw their dog outside, then DS21 let his dog in and threw DS24 dog outside. Next day I do see the GF telling Suki to "get away" because she only wants to pet DS21 dog, no one else does that but her. Kind of irritates me and I'm sure the pain in my neck isn't helping. The other chaos was with me and DS24, the credit union has new website and now I can see his acct (he doesn't like that), he hasn't made any payments on the loan and I just worry he isn't "getting" how to handle finances. Well, I guess I didn't deal with asking him about it well (probably because my neck hurt and had a headache), we came out of it ok though, then we discussed why hadn't he paid for his wife's car battery DH helped out with when DS24 was out of town, he said DIL said "we wanted to buy it for her", uh, $155, no, we got it for her but expected to be payed back. Anytime I ask them to get something for me, I give them my credit card, they should be doing the same! Anyway, DS24 and I were ok, then I guess he confronted his wife when she got home, she was pisssed about something in their convo, came in and ran downstairs, obviously mad. DS24 said she was just upset at the "reality" he painted for her on their finances and how she needs to work more (she sleeps until 10-11 everyday). She was babied by her parents and I told my son I feel bad that so much load is falling on him and I only want to help him make the most of his finances especially since they haven't paid a dime back of what they owe us. Of course me not working now, I have more time to devote to our budget and we have obviously less money.

Roxie, no christmas decorations up here (one less thing for me to do plus don't need to tell puppies not to get in it).

Jody/Mary, so many times over this last year, what i would give if I had my Mom there to talk to and make me feel better (DH is doing a great job, but he is traveling starting tomorrow). Feeling a bit melancholy today if you hadn't noticed :)

Murphy, burpees jar my neck, and that down to the floor and back up is hard when you are restarting out. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

Not working out is bad for my mood too, I'm dedicated to at least eating good food and not junk this week, I hope :) This week coming up will be busy with "stuff" and since DH is gone it all falls on me. WIll see when I fit in a w/o or walk (though it's going to snow here starting Wed). I'm giving myself permission to not stress that I'm not working out.
Mary, how was lunch w/ the Golden Anniversary couple?
Rox, I hope you have an nice day w/ the kiddos.
Lisa, that is a lot of drama to cope with. I always think of a study where they put a lot of rats in one cage they started to fight and stress increased--> I often summarize a situation by speculating that there are just too many rats in the cage. Of course I just sound like a whack job, mumbling about rats. lol.
Murphy I tend to modify burpees, I think they hurt my knees, does that make sense?
Wonders if Ronne is OK, last I heard she was off to festival and holiday lights~
I did some Christi Step and some legs/abs from BG. And got pants and top yesterday eve, both for less than 40. Happy dd went with me to help, give opinion and keep me from trying on more than I needed.to.
I'm writing short presentation for Tues and finishing up a few other hours worth of work for school today.

oops, its Dec.
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