Search results

  1. medieval7

    Been gone far too long...

    Thanks for the excellent suggestions. I'm rarin' to go now! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. medieval7

    Been gone far too long...

    Can anyone suggest Cathe workouts for starting over? For a long time, I was dedicated to working out regularly with Cathe DVDs, and then faltered for a period of about 4 years. It's time to get back, but I don't want to either get hurt or so overwhelmed I give it up again. I have tons of her...
  3. medieval7

    Need help sorting DVDs

    Grateful Appreciate your help! I'll check it out. You'd think Cathe's site would offer that sort function (hint, hint)!!!!
  4. medieval7

    Need help sorting DVDs

    Hi everyone, and happy post Thanksgiving. How do I get a listing of, say, all workouts that use firewalkers/bands? I know there used to be a way to do it, but I don't remember. Thanks for any input. Susanne
  5. medieval7

    Sort by equipment used

    Hi everyone, and happy post Thanksgiving. How do I get a listing of, say, all workouts that use firewalkers/bands? I know there used to be a way to do it, but I don't remember. Thanks for any input. Susanne
  6. medieval7

    Just entering the world of STS and I'm scared!

    The sale price was the clincher, and now it's arrived I'm wondering, what do you do if you're not able to do all the reps? I am in the process now of calculating all the 1 rep max. Is that the number you divide to come up with 60-70% in the first meso round? Sorry for my ignorance. If I'm going...
  7. medieval7

    Can no longer find a breakdown

    Hi, now that the website has grown so much, I don't know where to search to see which DVDs use specific equipment; for instance, ankle weights. Where can I find this kind of information now? I'd appreciate any help! Susanne
  8. medieval7

    Kettlebells - where to start?

    Kathryn, Many thanks for your helpful and informative response! Now I don't feel like such a loser not being able to do TGUs! I'm checking out Anthony's site now. Have a healthy, fit new year and a most Merry Christmas! Susanne
  9. medieval7

    Kettlebells - where to start?

    Hi, Kathryn. I'm fairly new to KBs, and I only have the Sarah Lurie DVDs at present, but I wanted to ask you, can YOU do TGUs? I just do the workout section on the Sarah Lurie DVD, and in that workout, they don't do the TGUs. Then I bought (don't laugh) the Firm 5 lb. KB workout; for that, I use...
  10. medieval7

    I canceled my STS order

    Well, Mindy, your sad post has encouraged me, and I think I'm going to cancel my order, too, both to lighten my credit card debt and because I have a feeling this series would be too much for me to handle. I have a hard enough time doing pushups, let alone try pullups. And no matter how much I...
  11. medieval7

    Crackly knee and weighted squats

    Hi, everyone! Does anyone (else) continue to do weighted squats in spite of a crackly (but so far painless) knee? My x-ray showed moderate arthritis and my family doctor advised me to stop the squats, but they're so effective I don't want to discontinue them. I'm gearing up for an active week...
  12. medieval7

    Kettlebell workouts

    Jane, Thank you for your informative response! These look intense. Susanne
  13. medieval7

    Kettlebell workouts

    Hi, kettlebell fans. I have only 2 Iron Core kettlebell workouts, and both have this annoying 30-second "rest" between segments. Can anyone tell me if ALL KB workouts do this? I FF through these to keep the action going, but meanwhile I wanted to see if anyone knew of a workout that keeps...
  14. medieval7

    I want STS, but have reservations because...

    Amy (and SNM!) Thank you very much for responding. I feel a lot better about things now. Because you took the time to help me see the concept behind the new series, I now plan to preorder. I will simply work to the best of my ability and strive for more strength along the way. With these...
  15. medieval7

    Slanted risers

    Yes, Jo. They came with one DVD. They had free shipping at Amazon! Susanne
  16. medieval7

    Slanted risers

    Hi, Kathryn! I don't know if we're "allowed" to do this in the forum, but I got mine for $49.99 with free shipping. That made it a bit easier to swallow! Susanne
  17. medieval7

    I want STS, but have reservations because...

    I'm RARELY able to complete all the reps in most of Cathe's workouts as it is. I can hoist a decent amount of weight, but I'm just not made to lift as "professionally" as many of Cathe's fans. Does anyone else feel this way about STS? Would it be "wasted" on someone like me, do you think...
  18. medieval7

    Anyone else a huge fan of Lonesome Dove?

    I'm not sure of the reaction (if any!) from this question, but I'm curious to see if I'm alone in this. What's strange about my interest is, I'm not a Westerns fan at all. It's just that the stories and characters (and the actors who BECAME those characters) were all so engaging. I re-read the...
  19. medieval7

    Anyone else have/use the old Firm barbell?

    I was just curious, since I have one and use it. I like that it's padded for good grip and neck comfort. Susanne
  20. medieval7

    question about live classes

    Jerry, Hi, you brave soul! I live only about 20 minutes away from Cathe's club, and I, too, am nervous about taking a class with her. Yet I'd be honored to meet her. BTW, what do you mean by PM? Because you were so brave, I'll just have to give it a go now. Thanks for the...