I canceled my STS order


I canceled my order last week. We just cannot afford it, and I can I justify spending that much money on something when we need things like groceries and gas (dont even get me started on the gas prices).

I am beginning to wonder how middle class America is ever going to make it through these tough times. Just thought I would vent to people who understand how much it hurt to cancel that order!

Mindy, I hear you about going through rough times. I'm sorry that you had to cancel your STS pre-order.
Mindy I totally understand. I applaud you for knowing your financial limits. My sister pays credit cards with credit cards, to me thats when you know your in trouble. I only work part time from home because I've chosen to be home for my kids. My husbands pay check is what keeps a roof over our head and food on the table and we still can't afford a home in this area, the average 3 bedroom is $800,000.00. STS will always be there when your ready. I just bought gym style legs 3 months ago and even though this series is older it still is super effective.
Mindy, you are not alone!!! I put in a request to cancel mine on Friday for the exact same reasons. I thought there are plenty of Cathe DVD's I don't have, and I can just buy one here or there and that fits MUCH better in my budget.

So we should be proud of ourselves for making the responsible decision that's right for us.
I would probably not order STS today for financial reasons. Since I have already paid for it I can keep my order--so far. The cost of heating fuel costs this winter worries me all the time. For the first time we bought wood for our woodstove which we used to only use in emergencies but this year it will be our main source of heat. I just opened my electric bill and almost fainted as the rates increased so much. At least I don't have to drive to work and can walk almost anywhere I need to go in town. I have to say I look around and see where we can cut expenses. This is truly one of the hardest times we have ever been thru and I don't really see it improving any time soon. I wonder if Cathe is going to have problems with full price sales in this current economic downturn.
re: I cancelled my STS order

I understand your concerns. Its kind of frustrating trying to decide what you can give up or shift around to still have some type of quality of life. I commute to work about 40-45min each day and this week when I seen the gas prices on Tues $3.59, Wed morn $3.79, Fri on my wat to work $3.90 and last night before I went home $4.28 I was so upset but I know millions of people experience this same frustration.

This spring/summer I have been running outside in the evening for my cardio and also a stress release. The time is already starting to change because when I get home at about 8p its starting to get dark already. I take classes online so I workout when I get home and stay up late doing work so I don't workout in the a.m. I am trying to proactively plan to get a solid workout routine going since winter will be here soon.

I don't have a gym membership anymore so I am still adjusting to homeworkouts but if its not challenging and fun I get bored soooooooo fast. One thing I started to do was rent videos on netflix to give me some additional variety. Cathe's videos are not on there but there are some good choices.
I'm not ordering for a couple of reasons, one of which is financial. As Boilergal said, you aren't alone. :)

We're tightening the belt in a few places, including groceries. I used to have a good time cooking new and different things, but it's just getting too expensive to play. Now we have mandatory soup night, and mandatory sandwich night. It ain't Food Network, but we've trimmed $50 from our weekly bill.

Hang in there, everyone. Things will get better.
LOTS of us cancelled - when there are other great weight workouts out there like Jari for example (not Cathe, but a nice,warm lady) - its really hard to justify that expense. Its simply too much money in these times.
Well, Mindy, your sad post has encouraged me, and I think I'm going to cancel my order, too, both to lighten my credit card debt and because I have a feeling this series would be too much for me to handle. I have a hard enough time doing pushups, let alone try pullups. And no matter how much I work out, I still have unchiseled arms.

I'm trying a different approach now, focusing on kettlebells in between cardio and weight work. I'm almost embarrassed to say I got the new Firm 5 lb. kettlebell workout and found it surprisingly effective in terms of sweating and heart rate, though I used mainly a 10 lb. KB. Some of the moves shouldn't be done with the 10 lb. one. But for the creative uses of the KB and how the workout flows, I really feel as if I worked hard and enjoyed myself. I had an Amazon gift card, so the entire kit only cost me $9.97 and I had it in 2 days.
I applaud your actions. While I know you must be disappointed about STS, this is the most responsible thing to do. Times are tough out there. For a lot more people than you probably think. Getting into debt, or just stretching yourself too thin, takes all the enjoyment out of the workouts anyway.
Frankly, I haven't even done all of the Cathe workouts I do have, let alone any of the premixes! I certainly don't need any more right now. Maybe in the future I will get STS but I "need" other things first
Good for you for making such a choice. :D:D:D
I definitely admire anyone who recognizes their financial limits and lives within them!!! It certainly reflects integrity and appropriate priorities.

This is a little off topic, but have y'all noticed a response to the economy in your grocery store's stocking patterns -- I'm just seeing a lot of empty shelves, and the store is not stocking a lot of the things I typically buy, such as the bread my DDs like, etc. Of course, the prices have gone way up on most things, but I think they are stocking less, too, because they are selling less. Just wondering if others have noticed this.
A reply to Kristi's OT

I overheard a converstation between two grocery shelf stockers a few months back. One was telling the other that shipments of goods to the store would be spread out over time. In my own mind I just figured it was part of a strategy to keep prices from skyrocketing rather than just creeping up bit by bit.
Hmmm -- that's interesting. It's still frustrating to have to find substitutes for what I want b/c what I want is not there. The last time I shopped, I had to get on my hands and knees and practically crawl into the bottom shelf to reach the kind of chicken broth I wanted. Oh, well, this too shall pass . . . I hope! Thanks for the info.
Hi all,

This is a World Wide problem. I'm from Australia. My husband and I both work and to keep our heads above water on a weekly basis we need a grand total of AUST $2000. That covers phone, fuel (our mortgage costs are LESS than the Fuel cost) , childcare, electricity, etc.. I recently tried Jari for the first time and I am sorry to say (Cathe I love you) But theres cheaper workouts out there. And for me thats where I am heading.

No STS for me either.
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Hi Mindy!
I had to do the same thing last month. It was STS or groceries...kind of a no brainer, but I was still disappointed.

Sorry to hear you also had to cancel.

I am so glad that I am not alone. We all just have to keep encouraging one another and remind each other what is truely important!!

The truth is I am a PT and group instructor, so I can do my own version of STS at the gym if I really wanted to. But it wont be the same as Cathe. It will however be cheaper.

We will all make it through these tough times!!! The econmoy goes through cycles and boy am I ready for it to come back..

Hey, guys, I am completely there with you! I didn't order STS because of the high cost and the additional costs of equipment needed to do the program. I just couldn't justify the expense. I'd love to get it, but I just can't come to terms with that much money, especially not now when my grocery bill for just the two of us (DH and I) is regularly $150-200 per week and electricity is skyrocketing ($300+ for a 3-bedroom duplex-- I live in Maryland and BGE is killing us with increases).

I sincerely applaud you all for figuring out priorities and "wants" vs. "needs"... there are a lot of people who can't clearly differentiate the two and end up in a lot of financial trouble.

I love you, Cathe, but I hope STS-style programs aren't your future path! If so, I can't afford to keep up with you!!
I may have to cancel my order as well. I just can't believe how much things r costing. It's just me and my husband with 1 dog (6pds) and 1 cat (9pds). I can't image how it would be if we had kid... I applaud those who do have kids ;0)
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Jen at advancedworkouts.com has Amy Bento's workouts on sale for $9.95 with free shipping to anywhere in the U.S. for orders of $20.00 or more. I'm finding that deals like this and the awesome preorder prices from other advanced instructors are more the way to go for me as well and I decided this a long time ago. I love my Cathe workouts but I've enjoyed my workouts even more now that I have a variety of workouts/instructors to choose from. I actually enjoy my Cathe's MORE when I take a break and come back to them. I really wanted STS when she first announced it but I'm totally at peace with my decision not to preorder. Too much money for too many workouts for a total system that I would probably end up using in parts rather than as a whole as they are designed. There are so many worse situations we could be in. At least the things some of us are having to cut out of our life are not necessities (Cathe feels like a necessity but she isn't reallly(; and we all have plenty of workouts to keep us active and fit. Also, don't forget to check out the exchange forum at VF when you get a hankering for new workouts.

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