Been gone far too long...


Can anyone suggest Cathe workouts for starting over? For a long time, I was dedicated to working out regularly with Cathe DVDs, and then faltered for a period of about 4 years. It's time to get back, but I don't want to either get hurt or so overwhelmed I give it up again.

I have tons of her DVDs, so what's a good place to start again? I'd really appreciate some input, as I feel bewildered and a little scared!
Yes, ICE is great, and the new Strong and Sweaty series has some modified movements and short premixes.

Also, I would look at your collection and see which DVDs you really enjoyed in the past. Go to what is FUN and do the shorter premixes with your favourites. I would modify the moves as needed. You can lighten up the weight loads, do fewer reps, complete fewer sets, increase the rest times, etc. You may like to write down what you accomplish (time spent in your target heart rate range, weight loads selected, etc.) and then gradually increase the challenge. It can be motivating to see that your weight loads increase over time. I would also suggest using a heart rate monitor. If you are working in a safe range for you (perhaps starting at 65 - 70% of your maximum heart rate with short intervals at 75% of your max. heart rate), then you will know you are not over-doing it. Gradually over time you can increase the intensity of your workouts.

Good for you for getting back into the groove!! :) I wish you all the best. I'm sure you will find it very rewarding.

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