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  1. P

    The Announcement - FINALLY!

    Is Clear Channel Entertainment a distributor (like, say, Goodtimes)?
  2. P

    Can we get a hint to the announcement(s)?

    Maybe her announcement is that she's been cloned! The original Cathe will be releasing a new advanced series, and the cloned Cathe will be doing an infomercial for her new beg/int series.
  3. P

    Can we get a hint to the announcement(s)?

    RE: My guess Yes! She's doing an infomercial to promote her new "Total Body/Cardio" series (like it says on the new DVDs).
  4. P


    Will we get the announcement today before the big weekend?
  5. P

    Music on the new series??

    And will we be able to hear it?
  6. P

    CTX 2!!!!

    Another vote for CTX 2!
  7. P

    Intensity Series Premix question

    If there's a link, could someone please tell me where I can find the LENGTH of each IS premix? Thanks.
  8. P

    Cathe - could you please...

    Tell us what premixes are on each new DVD? Pretty please with sugar (or Splenda) on top.
  9. P

    Cathe, what kind of band do I need?

    Here is a link to Cathe's response.
  10. P

    What's Next

    I hope there's nothing for a while! My credit card needs a break!
  11. P

    Cathe or SNM calendar ?????

    A Cathe mousepad, keychain, and license plate frame would also be great.
  12. P

    Cathe - High Step Challenge Question

    About how much of the workout uses the bands? Could someone easily substitute dumbbells? Also, I think the wrong pictures are posted. If you click on "High Step Challenge" and then click on any of the pictures, the description at the top, in the address bar (or whatever it's called)...
  13. P

    Cathe or SNM calendar ?????

    I'd buy it too. It's hard to find a good calendar for my workout room (puppies and rainbows aren't that motivating). The rotation idea is awesome too!
  14. P

    Hardcore Premix Update 9/20/04

    That's great news! I would like to suggest that you include some shorter premixes (30-45 min). I also like the premix times shown. Thanks!
  15. P

    the premixes

    Hi Cathe! I'm really hoping these DVDs wil have premixes (maybe even the blender since there will only be one workout on each DVD). If you do decide on premixes, I'd like to suggest doing a couple short premixes (30-45 minutes), if possible. Just a suggestion. I'm keeping my fingers...
  16. P

    Can we get ANY sort of update? Why's it so quiet?

    It's been a while since we heard anything. Can we please get SOMETHING? Has there been any decision on the premixes? When will filming be started? Anything??
  17. P

    DVD Decision....Did I miss it?

    Did anyone hear anything about the premixes yet? (I'll be so disappointed if there are none. Karen Voight does a good job on simple premixes--that's all we need!)
  18. P

    SNM - Have you made a decision yet?

    Just wondering if we're gonna get a response before July 31.
  19. P

    SNM - Have you made a decision yet?

    RE: Thanks BLinda! So what's the word? Have you made any decisions yet? (sorry for being impatient - I'm just so excited about the new workouts and we haven't heard any updates yet)
  20. P

    SNM - Have you made a decision yet?

    Regarding what Fannie just said, what if you put the 3 gym style workouts on one DVD with no premixes (but have it chaptered so people can mix & match). Then there wouldn't be a freeze problem, right? But still put premixes on the other DVDs. Wouldn't that make everyone happy?