the premixes


Cathe I have seen that there are good news about the hardcore. Have you decideed something about the premixes yet? Thank you.
Hi Stayfit! I am just about to have a conference call but I will answer this question for you just as soon as I am finished. Thanks for waiting :)
Thank you cathe.I want you to know I have preordered the 11 dvd of hardcore because I know the dvd will be awesome with the premixes or without the premixes. I am spanish and I have used exercise videos during a long time, in May I have discovered you and Cathe you are the best. In the country of Spain you have a true fan.With all my admiration.

Excuse my English. It is not as good as I would like.

Mariangeles~PRETTY name! Your English is excellent. Just don't talk in German to me! Ha! REALLY, just kidding!!! Glad to have you here!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Debbie, I can talk in my own language with you if you want Ha Ha Ha. i have a dictionary that helps me when I have problems with my English. Talk with awesome persons like you deserve a little effort.
Stayfit, your English is better than half the people I deal with on a daily basis. Plus, the vast majority of Americans don't speak a second language. We're too arrogant--we don't think we have to.;-)
Hi Stayfit! Thanks for waiting. Regarding premixes...I know this is a popular question but we have so much to focus on before filming that we honestly have not even visited this decision yet. Premixes and all that is involved in creating them always occur after filming and during the edit. So once we have filmed and get into the editing process we will strongly look into the premix possibilities. We just don't want to make any decisions before we are sure we have spent the proper time reviewing everything.

Thank you for your patience. I know you all enjoy premixes, I do too, so I am bringing this all to the table when the time comes to review the options and make decisions :)
This sounds great . Keeping my fingers crossed that premixes are included in each DVD for the Hardcore series. I hope it can happen .
Cathe, I know I'm one of the few, but I don't care whether there are premixes or not, I usually do you workouts as is. Just keep making advanced videos. I love what you do!!!
Hi Cathe! I'm really hoping these DVDs wil have premixes (maybe even the blender since there will only be one workout on each DVD).

If you do decide on premixes, I'd like to suggest doing a couple short premixes (30-45 minutes), if possible.

Just a suggestion. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for ANY premixes at all!

Thank you cathe. We are gonna enjoy your workouts what or without the premixes but they are very useful and we can have more variation with them. Anyway all we know you are going to do an awesome series of dvd.All we want to cry and be fried with you. Ha, Ha, Ha.
Hi Cathe,
Thanks for updating us, especially when you're so busy. I like the pre-mixes too, but to me they are completely secondary.

As long as I can get new Cathe workouts, I'm in heaven!;-)
Take care,
Cathe thank you for keeping us current on the premix topic. The fact that you also enjoy them is interesting! I can imagine you popping in one of yur own premixes to do a workout. Do you sometimes wonder 'what was I thinking?' when you get to a particularly hard sequence???

PS I enjoy all of Debbie H's replies and posts too! Debbie you are a gem and your replies make me smile often
:D :D

AKA "Likes2bfit"

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